
Standard legend and Disclaimer.

Well thanks to all the readers, I have past the century mark for hits, YAY. So here is chapter three, enjoy. I'm sorry to all of my readers, college has consumed my life, and I have had no time to write.

P.S. It's time to reveal Tahiri's true nature. So lets see how you like him.


Chapter 3

Two weeks after their confrontation, Moka and Kurumu had gotten over it, and had begun friends, But only as close as rivals can actually be. So needless to say, things were at times tense. In the time between, Kurumu had explained to Tsukune why she had become so infatuated by him. She said that the reason was that he was so different then all of the other boys she had ever come across, she couldn't help starting to like him. To her, Tsukune was a rebel in comparison to all of the other drool boys, so that made him a very interesting person to her.

Tsukune took it in stride, and just rolled with whatever life threw at him. He had matured at an incredible rate, and had also grown stronger. Tahiri had taken it upon himself to train Tsukune in a from of martial arts that was native to Tahiri's home. It was a mix of the hard hitting, full body attack style of Pankration and the free flowing body movement of Capoeira. Tahiri had told Tsukune what it was called, but he could not pronounce it. In the month or so that the trio had been at the school, they had all started to change, but all for the better. Moka was not as shy, and had begun to make advances on Tsukune, which usually led to problems, seeing as Kurumu was always there to break up anything that was going on between Tsukune and Moka. Tahiri would usually just sit back and watch the chaos from afar, and laugh. However, all was not fun and games for the islander. The other three in the group could see that he was not happy, and that something was eating at him, slowly destroying his good humor, and making him snappy, even with them. Tahiri would not tell them what was going on, despite their best efforts.

However, this day was different. Tahiri and Tsukune walked out of the dorm to meet Moka, and Kurumu, and began their daily walk to the school. Tahiri was excited and seemed to hum to himself as they walked. Moka was the first one to talk to him.

"So why are we happy today, Tahiri?" All four of them had stopped using the endings awhile ago, and just called each other by name.

"Today is the club activities fair at school, and I want to see if they have a martial arts club. I have been waiting for this, because I need another outlet for all of my energy."

"Isn't training me hard enough as it is?" Tsukune added his two cents into the conversation.

"Yeah it is, but I haven't sparred with you, and I need to let out my energy in a violent way." Tahiri's eyes seemed to spark as he said this, and the others felt a chill run down their spines. Moka and the others let the conversation end, and continued to walk to school in silence.

Tahiri had no been lying, because the first announcement that Nekonome-sensei was that today was the club activities fair, and that they should all stop by the newspaper club booth, seeing as she was the faculty advisor for the group. Tsukune kept looking over at Tahiri and he did not like what he was seeing. Tahiri looked like he was on something that was not good for him. He was jittery and his eyes and body could not stay in one place for very long. Everyone in the group knew that he was waiting to get to the karate club and let out most of his energy.

As soon as the bell rang, Tahiri was the first one out of the room. He knew what he had to do and was not going to let any one get in his way. He weaved his way through the crowd, until he was outside, and was in the center of the martial arts booths. He made his way to the karate club booth, and watched as freshman after freshman was humiliated by the unbreakable gravestones. Tahiri knew that he could do better than all of them, so when they called for a new volunteer he raised his hand.

"I see we have a brave new brave freshman that wants to try his hand. Come on up." The voice belonged to a guy that Tahiri knew was up to no good the second he saw him. However, Tahiri didn't care, he just wanted to break some stones. Tahiri made his way up to the stage, and stood before the gravestones, with his eyes closed. He opened them and the color had changed. They were a darker shade of gray and blue. He raised his hand, and brought it down, palm down. He struck the stones and they did not flinch. Tahiri smiled, despite being booed by the crowd. He walked off the stage and stood near the booth.

"I want my prize money, seeing as I broke more grave stones than the guy before me."

"I'm sorry, but you didn't break any stones, so you will have to pay 1000 yen." The odd looking guy had just finished this as a crack was heard from the stage. The stones had all been broken, as well as the stage, but the break was so clean that all of the objects were able to stay together for a while, as gravity began to work. So now, all of the broken stones and the stage crashed to the ground in an epic cloud of smoke and dust. Everyone in the crowd was awestruck, that this new freshman had not only broken all of the 14 grave stones, but had also broken the stage. The odd looking guy was so shocked that he did not put up a fight and gave Tahiri his prize money.

"Thanks for that, this was fun. I'll see you guys later." Tahiri had started to walk away when someone called out to him.

"Hey freshman, you want to spar?"

"Whose askin'?" The word spar made Tahiri's ears prick up, so he turned around to see a six foot blond dressed in a traditional karate gi with a black belt walking towards him.

" My name is Hatiji Miyamoto, and I am the captain of the karate club. I saw what you did, and I want to see if you have that same kind of skill when it comes to fighting a real opponent. So are you interested?"

"Yes, I am." Tahiri could not believe his luck. So he decided to play into his luck and decided to let his energy out on this guy, in the most violent way he could.

"Okay, where are we going to fight?"

"Here, now." With that Hatiji charged at Tahiri and landed a solid body shot. Expecting Tahiri to fall, Hatiji then did a low leg sweep. However, he found that Tahiri was not there in front of him, but standing about four feet away.

"That first strike was impressive, but you thought that it would knock me back, when any white belt could have recovered from something like that. Now its my turn."

Tahiri began to sway slowly, shifting his weight from his forward held left foot, to the balls of his right foot, which was held even with the rest of his body. His torso also began to sway, but in a more pronounced way. His arms were held loosely in front of him, but his fists were clenched.

Tahiri's eyes had been closed as he prepared himself. He opened them, and Hatiji knew that he was in trouble, because Tahiri's eyes had changed color. They were the same dark color as when he had confronted Moka.

"Well, are you going to attack, or just dance there?" Hatiji, tried to sound offensive, but it came across as scared. Tahiri smirked at the question and as an answer to it, he began moving toward Hatiji, still swaying. Hatiji took this as an invitation to attack, and accepted it. He moved forward and began to probe Tahiri's defenses, with a string of punches and low kicks. Tahiri blocked each one of the punches and moved his feet in rhythm with the kicks that were sent at him. Tahiri changed his sway pattern and began his offensive. He lead in with a couple sweeping punches, that made Hatiji wonder what the hell was going on in the mind of his opponent. What Hatiji didn't expect was that for Tahiri to actually hit him. The strike had been camouflaged by the overt punches, and it had been a well-placed knee strike to Hatiji's torso, that left the karate master winded. However this was only the beginning, as Tahiri did not stop his assault. His next combo of attacks contained four elbow strike, each one of them connecting with Hatiji's skull, with the appropriate punch between each elbow strike. Tahiri, then let off the pressure and let Hatiji try and counter him. Hatiji took this opening and feigned a kick, and went with a punch to Tahiri's head. However, Tahiri grabbed Hatiji's fist before it could make contact, and then put him into one of the more painful arm locks that he could muster. However, Hatiji did not want to stay there for long, so he twisted out of the hold and took Tahiri to the ground, expecting that the boy would not be able to fight on the ground. Hatiji was in for a surprise as he found himself pinned to the floor by Tahiri.

"Now, you are screwed," said Tahiri, as his eyes gleamed.

He began to wreck Hatiji's body with a combination of punches and elbow strikes. Each time he connected, Tahiri could feel bone breaking, and he liked that feeling. He ended the fight with a grab/shove move that usually left his enemies out for weeks. It consisted of Tahiri grabbing the front of Hatiji's gi and pulling him up about a foot off of the ground, and then slamming Hatiji's head into the ground as hard as he could. The impact crater that was left behind was four feet deep.

Tahiri stood up after finishing off Hatiji, and wiped off his shirt. He looked at his hand after he wiped and found that it was red. He then looked at himself, and saw that all of his cloths were soaked in Hatiji's blood.

"That's what you get for letting yourself go. Oh well, a quick dip in the pool will have me right as storm rain." With that, Tahiri made his way out of the crowd, and started on his way to the pool.


Meanwhile, in the life and times of Tsukune and Moka.

Things were going well for Tsukune and Moka. They had left together after the bell had rung, and had made no attempt to stop Tahiri from whatever he wanted. The two of them saw this opportunity as a way to just hang out together, before they would be inevitably torn apart by Kurumu, and her antics. Despite their cool exteriors, both Tsukune and Moka had begun to feel that familiar pull at their respective hearts. They could see when the blush after saying nothing, and could feel it when the brushed their hands together. Neither of them wanted to say anything about, so as not to ruin whatever it was, so they let it slide, each one enjoying the sensations as the came. They spent most of the day wandering from booth to booth, looking at everything that was being offered to them. Neither one of them liked anything that they saw, until they came upon a crowd of boys, standing around one very particular booth.

"Come join the swim club. Open swim today for everyone." The girls of the swim club were dressed to impress, each one sporting a different bikini. The crowd of boys was drooling as the watched the girls strut their stuff, and beckon to the boys to join them today. The sign up list for the club had filled up quickly and most of the names were male. Tsukune and Moka came to the booth, and Tsukune brightened up considerably.

"Want to go swimming, Moka?"

"Well, I don't know how to, but I'll go any way." Moka didn't want to ruin any of Tsukune's fun by telling him that vampires can't touch water. So Tsukune signed them up for the open swim and then walked to the pool with Moka in tow.


The pool was filled to capacity with both guys and girls. Everyone was enjoying the water, the sun, and most importantly, the girls. The boys that had come were in bikini heaven. Everywhere you looked, there was another great looking girl, showing off her body. The girls also made sure to take care of all of the boys that had come, each girl seemingly pairing up with one guy, or at times there would be more than two girls for each guy. When Tsukune and Moka got there, things were still going strong. Tsukune had brought his towel and trunks and went off to change. After Tsukune had left, Moka was left alone, when she felt a malicious presence near her. She turned around to find herself face to face with a tall bikini wearing black hair girl.

"Hello, my name is Moka Akashiya, and I wanted to join the swimming club."

"I'm the captain, Ichinose Tamao. Isn't that a a little weired for a vampire to want to swim? I though that your kind can not touch water, or you lose your strength. So what are you doing here? You can't swim, so why torture yourself. Leave and let Tsukune-kun have his fun here. I'll make sure to tell him that you left to find another club, one that fit your own personal interests." Ichinose gave Moka look of contempt and chuckled to herself as the pink haired vampire left, crying to herself.

"Now, Tsukune is mine." The captain of the swimming club smiled to herself and waited for Tsukune to come back from changing. When he did, Tsukune looked around for Moka, only to be met by Ichinose. She told him how Moka had left, seeing as she did not want to swim in the first place. Tsukune was sad that Moka had left, but had no time to run off and find her, seeing as Ichinose had dragged him into the pool. Ichinose began swimming next to Tsukune, making sure that her breasts would touch his chest every time she would pass by him. She could see that her actions were getting the desired results, as Tsukune's blush had spread to most of his face and was now a constant shade of red.

"Only a little while longer, and then you will be mine, Tsukune."

Ichinose kept this game up with Tsukune for another ten or so minutes, and then decided to change tactics. She began to stay uncomfortably close to Tsukune as they swam. She would swim sideways as Tsukune swam normally, and every once in a while Ichinose would "bump" into Tsukune and her breasts would rub seductively along Tsukune's arm. Ichinose took pleasure in watching the display of colors that Tsukune's face would go through before stopping at a very deep crimson.

Ichinose pulled on Tsukune's arm and stopped him from swimming as she pulled him close.

"Tsukune, I wanted to tell you something." Ichinose face started to go red as she pulled Tsukune's toned body close to hers.

"Don't think badly of me, because what is about to happen is only natural."

As she finished speaking, a scream was heard from the other side of the pool. One of the boys that had been swimming with the girls, was suddenly bitten by his female swimming companions. The life seemed to leave him as he matured and aged at an exponentially rate. The two girls only let go of him once the boy was a husk of an old man.

Tsukune looked around in horror as the same thing was happening to all of the boys in the pool. He then spun around to look at Ichinose, and was "blessed" with the sight of the horrible transfromation that was taking place. The swim club captain's face went from normal to one that resembled that of a fish, as her hair turned from its luster jet black to a sickly seaweed green. Her legs had fused and became a scale covered tail fin. She smiled at him, revealing sharp fangs that seemed to glisten in the light.

"Now you are mine, Tsukune, and no one can help you." Ichinose lunged to bite him, when a pair of shoes hit her in the face.

"Get your hands off of him, mermaid witch. He's mine." Moka stood at the edge of the of the pool in her socks, and she was livid.

"What are you going to do, vampire? You can't come into the water, so I have control here." Ichinose smiled in contempt of the struggle that the young vampire was going through. The smile faded from Ichinose's face as Moka raised her head and stared at the mermaid captain, determination painting her face. The vampire backed up and then started to run towards the pool, but before she could jump in, a hand grabbed her unifrom jacket.

Moka turned around angrily, wanting to yell at the person who stopped her from helping Tsukune. She was in for a surprise as she found that it was Tahiri that was holding her back.

"What are you doing, don't you see that she is going to hurt Tsukune? Why are you stopping me?"

"Because I don't want you to get hurt in the process. So why don't you let someone how is at home in the water deal with these over sized fish, okay." Moka nodded as Tahiri let go of her.

Tahiri took his shirt off, and reveled to every one there a very interesting sight. His entire upper body was chiseled, but that was not what made it interesting. It was the huge tribal tattoo that took up his entire upper body both front and back. The tattoo spilled out to his arms as well but only down to his elbows. Tahiri took his shoes off and then stepped toward Moka.

"Sorry for this, but I need the Inner Moka to see this."

As he finished saying this, Tahiri pulled the rosario off of Moka's neck. He waited until the light and demonic energy had faded, to begin walking towards the pool.

"How did you do that?" The inner Moka needed answers, and she needed them now. "There are only three kinds of people that can take off a holy seal like that."

Tahiri turned around and as he looked at her, he finished her thought process.

"The first is your one true love, and we all know who that is. The second is any exorcist, seeing as one gave you that thing in the first place. And the last.." Tahiri stopped there and let the energy that he was holding inside out in a violent explosion that made Moka's transformations look weak by comparison.

"The last kind of person that can take off you holy lock is a god, which I just happen to be." Tahiri spoke to Moka from within the light that was enveloping him. The light disappeared as fast as it had come about and in its wake it left a Tahiri that was completely different from any that anyone had seen.

His hair had gone from its obsidian black, to a lightening bolt white. The tattoos had gone from their monotone black to a stark white, one that contrasted with his dark tan skin. His eyes had turned to their dark murky color, and they gleamed with pent up energy and violence.

"I can't believe this, he is a god. Well, now things are coming into perspective." The Inner Moka was both impressed and frightened by the sheer amount of energy that Tahiri was showing.

Tahiri walked out onto the water, only to be assaulted by at least five of the mermaids. Tahiri mad no move to stop their forward progress until the last second. He opened his arms and unleashed an arc of lightening that jumped from one girl to the next, leaving them all in a smoking mass of flesh after it had finished. Tahiri shook off the discharge of energy as if it were nothing and kept walking towards the center of the pool. Once he reached it, he stood there staring at the woman in charge of the pool, Ichinose.

"I thought that you were gone, Tahiri Ma -Tae. I had heard that my ancestors had killed you one thousand years ago, so what are you doing here now?"

"Well you know the old saying, that you can't kill a god, and I am living proof of that. So how are we going to settle this without any more lose of life. I am hoping that you will just stop swimming and leave, but I am guessing that you will not going to do that. So what are going to do? I am up for suggestions at any time." Tahiri's face was painted with a look of contempt and disgust at these bastardizations of humans and fish.

Ichinose stared back at the god with a look that rivaled his.

"I have a suggestion. How about my girls and I correct the mistake my ancestors made, and kill you." At this, the rest of the mermaids that were swimming around Ichinose changed directions and started swimming towards Tahiri.

"Oh well, and here I wanted to spare you all." Tahiri closed his eyes, and as he waited for the mermaids to get closer to him, he fell into the swaying rhythm of his homelands martial arts. At the last moment before the mermaids could attack, Tahiri opened his eyes and began his own attack. He slid away from the front ranks of the mermaids, while swinging his arms in a sweeping motion towards them. As he did, the water under his feet moved and became a five foot wave that crashed into the first ten mermaids. The wave sent them into the air, and as the began their descent, Tahiri was waiting for them. He had jumped away from the rest of the attacking mermaids and was now at the same height as the first set of girls. On his way up, Tahiri had gathered up lightening into his hands, and as he came alongside the girls, he smirked as they tried, in vain, to get away from what was coming. Tahiri unleashed the power that he had kept at bay moments before. He channeled the lightening through his fist as he moved towards the nearest mermaids. He struck the first two girls with a fist to each one's mid-section, and the lightening cut through them as if they were nothing.

The other girls were to shocked to defend themselves, as Tahiri then proceeded to decimate the remaining mermaids, that were in the air. When he dropped back to the pool, he was accompanied by the pieces of the ten mermaids, raining down on Ichinose and the rest of the mermaids.

"I'll kill you for that, you bastard!!!" Ichinose lead the charge at Tahiri. But before they could reach him, he sunk under the water. One of the other mermaids had gone ahead and was in the process of dragging Tahiri down to the bottom of the pool, when she was rewarded with a jolt of electricity that stunned all of the mermaids in the water.

"Now thats cheating, and cheaters never prosper." Tahiri said this while underwater and made no move to leave the confines of the chlorinated water. The mermaids thought that he was being foolish, because everyone knew that a mermaid was strongest in the water. However, what they had forgotten to take into account was that they were fighting a god that was just at home in the water as they were. The mermaids, nonetheless began to claw at Tahiri under the water and were ecstatic when they saw blood begin to fill the water. Unfortunately, it was not the blood of the god they were fighting, but the blood of their compatriots. Tahiri had traded places with one of the corpses that he had created and was standing on the bottom of the pool in the deep end. After five minutes of clawing, the mermaids saw what they were doing and started to look around for their elusive pray. They found him just smiling and bidding them on. The mermaids were so focused on attacking, that they did not notice that all of the water had disappeared from where Tahiri was standing. So when they jumped from water into air, they were completely at a loss. Tahiri was ready for this, and as soon as the mermaids had breached the barrier he had made, he hit them with a gale force wind. This wind cut into the first three and left them without tops. However Tahiri was in no mood to ogle the very tantalizing breasts, seeing as he was busy with killing the owners of said features. The rest of mermaids, changed back to their human forms and stood ready to fight Tahiri. He motioned for them to bring it, and he was rewarded with a fist to the side of his head.

Ichinose had walked around the rest of the girls and had been the first to attack the unsuspecting god. Tahiri stumbled to the left, not because of how strong the girl was, but because he was not expecting someone to attack him from the side. He righted himself and smirked.

"Well, well, you decided to join in on the fun instead of letting your cronies do all of the dirty work. How about next time, you fight fair and attack from the front, it might get you farther." Tahiri began to sway again,and the mermaids took this to mean that he was ready to fight. However, before anyone could land a punch, Tahiri jumped out of the pool, and landed on the edge of the concrete, about 12 feet above them. The mermaids followed, except for Ichinose, who didn't like what Tahiri was doing. It was only after the girls had jumped up that it hit her.

"WAIT, DON'T FOLLOW HIM!" But her warning was to fall upon deaf ears. As the girls passed above the bottom ledge of the pool lip, the wind that had been swirling there at high speeds tore them apart. Blood and body parts feel on Ichinose as she stood in sheer horror at what had happened to her swim club. The horror underwent a change and turned into anger, an anger that gave her strength. Ichinose jumped up and gave Tahiri a flying side kick to the face that drove him back against the fence. Tahiri responded by spring boarding off of the fence and hitting Ichinose with a right elbow strike. His momentum carried over and he spun around, landing facing away from Ichinose. The swim club captain shook her head, but did not have all of the necessary time to recover, because Tahiri appeared in front of her. He placed a vicious right knee to her mid-section and Ichinose bent over double, clutching her stomach and now bruised ribs. She fell back and when she hit the ground, she twisted herself, so as to kick Tahiri's legs out from under him. Tahiri fell halfway but was able to stop himself by planting his right hand down on the ground and rebounding up.

The two fighters squared up against each other, both trying to see how to end the fight quickly. However, one was out for blood, while the other just wanted the fight to end with victory, no matter what the cost. Ichinose moved first, trying to make her way past Tahiri's defense, but was stopped by a very forceful right haymaker to her body. She crumpled under the blow, but kept her footing. Ichinose then tried to use her claws and score a hit on Tahiri. Her attack struck her target, but the effect was not on that she could have imagined. Her claws had actually sunk into Tahiri's flesh and had left very deep gashes across his right arm; some were so deep that she could see the faintest hint of white bone.

"Well it seems that you are not a god, so what are you? I know what you are. You are just a monster that though the could do more than he could, and now he is losing strength. Now is when the true monsters thrive and show what true strength is."

Ichinose could smell blood in the water, so to speak, and this made her itch for the kill. Unfortunately her words had made Tahiri angry, so she did not expect what followed her words. Tahiri stopped swaying and just stared at Ichinose, as if questioning her very existence. Ichinose did not like the sudden scrutiny, so she attack Tahiri, in an attempt to throw him off of his rhythm. She was two feet from him, when Tahiri just vanished from in front of her. She looked around for him in a state of panic. She found him the hard way, by getting a fist to the face. The force of the blow broke both her jaw and nose in a single shot. She also received a mild concussion from it as well, but that was the least of her problems at the moment. The still very angry Tahiri was on the hunt and his pray was Ichinose. She tried to defend herself, but it was to no avail. Ichinose then noticed that she felt different, like she was floating. She was, or more properly, she was being held up by Tahiri. His hand hold was her throat, and he made not sign that he was going to let go of her any time soon.

"You think that you know who or what I am? You are mistaken, so I will tell you who I am. I am Tahiri Ma-Tae, god of the Pacific Storms, and I will not allow a lowly mermaid to question my divinity or my existence." As he said this, Tahiri was summoning a mass of black clouds to cover the area that he and Ichinose were occupying. The clouds began to swirl around them violently, and lightening was seen flashing between the clouds.

"Now mermaid, join the rest of your unworthy kind in whatever hell it is that you are destined for."

With those words, Tahiri threw Ichinose in front of himself, as he gathered both wind and lightening into his right hand. As Ichinose began to fall, Tahiri dived to catch her. He stuck her, and discharged the energy that was in his fist into her. The winds tore her apart form her stomach out, and the lightening vaporized her remains before they could fall. Tahiri shook his head in disgust at the demise of the girl, and began his descent.

He landed on the pool, his feet barely sinking into the water. He walked over to the edge, where both Tsukune and Moka wore shocked expressions on their respective faces.

"I'll see you guys later, but I have to be by myself for a while." As he walked away, a thought occurred to him, so he turned to address the pair.

"Moka, I think this belongs to you. I needed you to see why I know my place, and why you need to learn yours." As he finished, he tossed the rosario to Moka, and turned around and left.



Finally, I can't believe it took this long to finish. I apologize to all of you readers out there, but I just was not motivated to finish this chapter. I hope you like Tahiri, because there is so much more in store. On a final note, I still need input whether or not to have Tahiri paired with anyone in this fic. The options are

Mizore x Tahiri

Kurumu x Tahiri

O.C x Tahiri

I am open to any and all critiques, but flames will just be put out and the readers will be hunted down.... J.K.

Later, man