Title: Heart Beat

Rating: G

Characters/Pairings: Jasper, Alice

Word Count: 100

Summary: Jasper and Alice listen to each other's hearts.

Author's Notes: Another drabble. Sorry. I'll post something longer tomorrow. Oh, wait, it already is tomorrow. Ugh. Okay, so I'll post something longer later today.

Author's Note, part 2: I own nothing.

Human anatomy and physiology. 11.20am. Every day.

There were few things Jasper dreaded more. He often excused himself from class, a worried Alice at his side. She'd explained once that blood made him squeamish. He had gritted his teeth together in frustration, but didn't bother contradicting her.

Today Alice greeted him with a stethoscope in hand. Donning the instrument, she pressed it against his chest. Seventy-two was written beneath 'beats per minute'.

Taking the stethoscope, he placed the head above her left breast. Golden eyes met. He smiled at the silence in his ears.

It sounded like nothing. And everything.

A/N3: Feedback is appreciated.