Title: Strange Kinks

Author: Emono

Fandom: CSI Las Vegas

Pairing: Grissom/Greg

Rating: PG-16

Disclaimer: Poetic licence, CSI will never be mine

Summary: What's Grissom's kink?

Beta: gil_follower

Warning: A weird bug-kink, but nothing gross.

Word Count: 655

Tucked away in Gil's –their- townhouse, were the two lovers. It was their only shared day off for awhile, and they were bound and determined to enjoy it.

Greg was on his back in their bed, shirtless and in his most worn-out pair of jeans. Gil was on his side beside him in a deep green wife beater, dropping small kisses along the brunette's chest as they spoke of the strangest kinks their past lovers had. A weird topic, for sure, but they weren't exactly a conventional couple.

"One boyfriend I had had this clown kink, so he took me to the circus" Greg laced his hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling "I thought he was going to 'gasm right there and then. I got up and walked out right in the middle...turns out, he had planned an orgy with the clowns later."

Grissom made a face, "I recall once a woman I was with. She had this insatiable urge to rut in a barn, right in the hay. But what made it really strange was that she only liked to have sex in strangers barns...and they had to be racist."

Greg chuckled quietly, "I dated a guy who would only have sex with racists. He made it his mission in life to turn gay-bashers into gays...he only lasted three dates before he realized I wasn't painfully straight."

Grissom looked as if an idea had struck him, "Stay here for a moment, I'll be right back."

Greg cocked his head to the side, but didn't say a word as his lover moved from the bed and disappeared out the door. The brunette didn't have to wait long, soon the older man was peeking back around the door and grinning.

"Close your eyes" Gil instructed, the younger man only sighed and complied. He lay there, waiting patiently as he listened to his lover enter the room and felt him ease back onto the bed. There was a pause, a quiet giggle, then something light and fuzzy touched his belly button. Greg frowned, unfamiliar with the touch. It wasn't unpleasant, and the mystery of it all peaked his curiosity.

"I give up, what is it?" Greg inquired.

Grissom sounded a little anxious, "Open your eyes, sweetness."

Greg complied again, dark doe eyes fluttering open and peering down at his stomach. He didn't jump, he didn't squeal, he did nothing that Gil had expected him to do. He merely stared at the large tarantula that was crawling off Gil's hand and onto his tummy. It was a deep sable, it's eyes shining in the light of their bedroom.

"Gil, that's a tarantula" Greg stated slowly "I...didn't know you had one."

"Do you like her?" Grissom smiled fondly down at the spider, it was making it's way over the brunette's navel "Her name is Medea...tell me you like her?"

"She's gorgeous" Greg commented, smiling "She tickles."

Gil watched with rapt attention as the large spider made it's way across his younger lover's pale skin, and he wasn't ashamed to say it turned him on maybe a bit too much. He dipped his head, kissing the skin that Medea left behind, continuing up until Greg was gasping softly and turning his head. The spider made her way up his neck, resting on his cheek. Gil gently removed her, setting her back into her carrying container.

Greg almost regretted her leaving, but his mouth was captured by the other.

"How's that for strange?" Gil smiled when he pulled back.

"A bug-kink..." Greg mused, moaning softly as strong hands explored his over-sensitive skin "Interesting...but not the weirdest."

Grissom tisked, "Well, I'm just full of surprises sweetness."
