Hunting Season


I know I promised not to post a new story until i finished some others but... seems like no ones reading them anymore. So without farther rambling my newest story!

Ryan let out a heavy sigh. This was his third crime scene in two days. No one had been able to get more than a few hours of sleep befoer the next crime. It seemed the moment he closed his eyes, the call came in.

"I'll be right there, H." he sighed again before hanging up.

He quickly changed into a set of clean clothes and headed to the Hummer. The sun had just started to set. The engine roared to life. The crime scene was a good fourty five minutes away. It was already going to be a long day.

He set out to the scene.

A large black hummer raced around the turns of Hayne's Road. The driver tapped the steering wheel. Next to him the young man fidgeted.

"This is bad Marc." the young man's voice cracked. "They're going to catch us!"

"Shut it Trav!" Marc snarled.

"That's the third person though. The third in two days!"

"She saw too much. We had to do it."

Marc jerked the hummer around a sharp turn.

"I can't go to jail!"

Marc backhanded him. "Get it together!"

Trav flinched at the tone in his voice.

"If you decide to talk," Marc said in a low threatening voice. "I will kill you next."

Trav slowly nodded. He felt sick to his stomach. So much blood...

The road finally straightened out. Coming in the opposite direction was another hummer. A CSI hummer.

Marc smirked. "I've got an idea."

He pushed the gas down as far as it could go, heading straight for Ryan.

Short I know. I had an idea. Well technically not all my idea. But I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in a CSI type of RPG. If so let me know. No point in setting it up if no one's gonna do it. Damn my friend for getting me back into them. Again let me know if you are!