A/N-It's me again, this is my first Naruto fanfiction, so don't be hesitant about your reviews. I take criticism very well, as it makes me even better as a writer. Flamers don't get to me and will be ignored. Suggestions to where my story should go or which girl he ends up will be respectfully ignored. It's not that I don't listen to my reviewers, it's just that I've seen what happens to writers who try to morph the story into something the readers want, making it a different story.

Most stories end up confusing or have some sort of plot hole. Some just end completely, unable to finish the story as they get lost. I appreciate your help but I can do it myself.

The story takes place after The Battle Of End and no, I won't turn it into a Bleach/Naruto crossover, this is my own take after he dies.

Disclaimer-I Don't Own Naruto


The forest was deathly quiet, it was nothing like two hours ago. There was no birds chirping, no animals out, nothing, just the wind blowing it's ominous tune. Then a sound started to come the forest, not of animals, but a sound of heavy footsteps.

There he was, Uzumaki Naruto, looking like he was sent through a barrage of Kunai and hole in his chest and with his goal on his back, Uchiha Sasuke. Against all odds, Uzumaki Naruto is returning with Sasuke in tow and now on his way to Kohana.

Just then Naruto fell to his knees with a grimace, desperately struggling to get up and to Kohana as blood flowed down his chest, the blood trail now apparent.

But for this victory, Naruto has paid the ultimate price, the battle has forced him to use Kyuubi's chakra to combat the cursed seal. Though he may have not felt it at the time but the chakra was slowly eating away at his chakra coils and his muscles. Pulling that much of Kyuubi's chakra at a young age, before his body was used to it, is slowly destroying his body.

Naruto now pulling himself to his feet, a grimace plastered to his face, ignoring the pain in his body or the extra weight on his back. His only goal was getting to Kohana and fulfilling his promise

'What going on?' Naruto thought gritting his teeth as he kept walking 'The pain should have been gone now thanks to the fox, but instead in got worse, alot worse'.

But unknown to Naruto, even after Kyuubi's chakra has receded, it still is all over in his body. Kyuubi's chakra is like oil, getting into everything and extremely hard to get out. The malicious chakra is in his chakra pathways and coils, slowly destroying it. It is also in his muscles, giving him enough strength to walk but the chakra will slowly degrade the muscle until it is no more.

To Naruto, every step is agony, screaming at him to stop, but Naruto knew if he stopped he might not get going again.

'Almost there, got to keep going, almost there' Naruto repeated in his head, still walking through the pain.

He just couldn't let his teammate fall into the darkness of Orochimaru, he knew somewhere in there was the old Sasuke. Sakura's tear stained face also kept him moving. He didn't even know why that made his resolve harder to break. She loved Sasuke, not him. Maybe it because she was his teammate, a girl, or even someone he cared about the most.

Before long, the massive gates of Kohaha came into view and Naruto's hopes lifted. Naruto's steps quickened, his desperation finally setting in. Now Naruto could feel the massive pain in his whole body that wasn't there sheer pain nearly made him buckle and fall.

'I'm so close, I can't give up here! I just can't!' Naruto shouted in his mind, his quick steps turning into a full blown run. He ignored the scorching pain in his whole body, the feeling like his legs wasn't even there no more, everything. It was just a mad dash to the gates, fueled by desperation.


Meanwhile At The Gates...

Those who didn't go with the retrieval group were at the gates with their sensei's and the Sand Trio, even Tsunade, Jiraya, a medical team and half the population of Kohana were at the gates, waiting eagerly for the Uchiha while others were waiting for Naruto.

Sakura was at the front of the group, waiting for Naruto to bring back her precious Sasuke. It was just a wait to see if Naruto have succeeded or failed. There was no talking, no banners, no nothing.

"Over there! I think it's them!" A random person pointed out, and sure enough it was Naruto sprinting toward the gates, looking worse for wear, carrying Sasuke on his back"

"It's Them!"

"The last Uchiha is back!"

"He actually did it"


"The gaki did it!" Those were the random exclamations of excitement.

As Naruto got to the gate, the pain was too much and he fell at Sakuras feet. Sakura gasped as she took Sasuke off his back. She didn't even look back at Naruto as she handed him over to the medical team. As they rushed off, Sakura and the population followed medical team. Naruto didn't even notice as he was face first on the ground, all he knew was he made it and can relax

"Naruto!" Tsunade shouted as she picked him up and turned him over.

"I-I made it baa-chan" Naruto grinned, as he sweat dripped down his face. Tsunade grinned

"Yes you did" Tsunade said as everyone crowded around him. Naruto smiled as he looked around, Ero-sennin, Kakashi-sensei, Asuma-sensei, Hinata-chan, Tenten, Shino, Garra, Temari, and Kanuko. Everyone was here, he didn't care about anything else, people actually cared. As he was about to get up to thank everyone, agonizing pain shot up his whole body, but this time he could not hold in the scream.

"Naruto!, Whats wrong!?" Jiraiya asked frantically, concerned about his student. Tsunade was already working, laying him down and preforming a diagnostic jutsu. Moments of agonizing screams that made everyone concerned.

"Tsunade! What the hell is taking so long!?" Jiraiya yelled, no longer wanting to stand by.

"Just wait! I'm trying!" Tsunade yelling back.

"Well try harder!" Jiraiya replied, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Jiraya-sama, please be patient, Hokage-sama is the best doctor out there, if anyone can fix it, she can" Kakashi said resolute, Jiraiya stared at him before clenching his hand and nodding.

The screaming was horrible that some turned away. Garra clenched his hand at inability to nothing as he stared as Naruto's form. A gasp from Tsunade confirmed she had her answer and it wasn't a good one.

"It's chakra" Tsunade said, referring to Kyuubi "It's everywhere, it's eating away at his body" Tsunade explained, as all the older generation froze.

"Is there anything we can do?" Asuma asked, concern in his eyes.

"Not here" Tsunade picking him up "We gotta get to the hospital" Once that was said everyone moved to hospital including Hinata, Tenten, and Shino, but they were stopped.

"I'm sorry, but you can't go" Kurenai blocking their path.

"B-but why? Why Kurenai-sensei" Hinata pleading with Kurenai.

"Yeah, We are his friends" Tenten agreeing with Hinata.

"I agree with them Kurenai-sensei" Shino wanting to know why as well.

'What should I do? Should I tell them? If I tell them, will they think of them of a monster?' Kurenai deep in thought.

"Kurenai-sensei we can handle anything, just please tell us why?" Hinata wanting to see Naruto

Kurenai sighed "Fine, but you must promise not to tell anyone" Kurenai told, watching them nod their heads.

"Naruto is the savior of Kohana since birth, do you what happened to the Kyuubi" Kurenai asked.

"Yes, it was destroyed by Yondame through a jutsu that cost his life" Shino answered.

"What does that have to do with Naruto!" Tenten getting aggravated.

"You see, Kyuubi wasn't destroyed" Kurenai explained

"What!" The three shouted, surprised.

"Instead he was sealed, he couldn't be sealed in an adult because Kyuubi's chakra would just destroy him or her. Instead they needed a baby, the baby's chakra pathways were not developed, they could merge and Kyuubi would be sealed" Kurenai said, watching their expressions.

"You mean the baby that he sealed into was..." Hinata starting to put it together.

"Yes, the baby was Naruto" Kurenai said.

"W-why was this kept a secret" Tenten asked, the information still sinking in

"The older generation still thinks that Naruto is Kyuubi, Sandime passed a law that talking about it is punishable by death, to prevent their ways of thinking to the new generation" Kurenai said, waiting for their answer.

"They are idiots" Shino finally spoke.

"Huh?" Kurenai said confused

"Naruto is the same as always, it is like saying I'm a Kikai just because I have Kikai in me" Shino said stoically.

"Y-yeah, Naruto is Naruto" Hinata exclaimed

"He's no demon cause of Kyuubi" Tenten agreeing. Kurenai was surprised from their quick answer but then smiled.

"Then lets go" Kurenai said leaping toward the hospital



Tsunade was leaping as fast as she could with Naruto whimpering in pain in her arms, going so fast that she was outrunning everbody.

'Please don't die Naruto, just hang on Naruto, once we get to the hospital everything is going to be fine, everything is going to be alright' Tsunade desperately pleading to Naruto in her mind, tears coming to her eyes.

"Right there, Come on Naruto, hang in there!" Tsunade shouted jumping to the entrance of the hospital with the rest a few seconds behind.

"I need a room stat!" Tsunade screamed in the lobby of the hospital, on that, nurses and doctors scrambled around her with a gurney. Once they saw Naruto the was hesitant for a little but then placed him on the gurney and rushed him to the ICU with Tsunade and Jiraiya in tow.

"Jiraiya?!, Go wait with the others" Tsunade yelled, keeping up with the medical team.

"No!, If there is something wrong with the seal, I can fix it" Jiraiya said sternly

Tsunade was surprised for a second, before replying "Fine, Hurry"

For the group that followed, all they could do was wait and hope that they could help him


"What his condition?" One of the doctor asked on their way to the ICU.

"His chakra pathways and coils are deteriorating, his muscles are degrading, there is a large puncture wound right near his heart, his body temperature is rising, and he's heartbeat is slowing" One of the other doctors listed

"The puncture wound is the least of our worries, we got to find out what's the other cause of the other symptoms" Tsunade ordered.

"Chakra Poisoning?" One of the doctors suggested as the arrived to the ICU

"No, Chakra Poisoning wouldn't be effecting his muscles" The other doctors replied, hooking him up.

Chakra Poisoning, a simple effect when foreign chakra enters the body. Everybody got their own specific chakra, like blood type, but when foreign chakra enters the body, it attacks the hosts chakra, pathways, and coils. Trying to a do healing jutsu without properly converting it to neutral chakra can kill the recipient.

"It is Chakra Poisoning, but it's Kyuubi's Chakra, it must have gotten it in his muscles while he was fighting Sasuke while he was using the cursed seal" Tsunade confirmed

"So he released Kyuubi's chakra to fight?" One of the doctor's asked.

"Yes" Tsunade answered.

"Well, how do we got it out?" The doctor asked trying to bring him back to stable condition.

"Let's try to destroy Kyuubi's chakra from the coils and pathways first, then lets go for the chakra in the muscles.

"Right!" All the doctors went to work trying to destroy the Kyuubi's chakra

They tried their hardest to get rid of the chakra but as time went by, sweat dripping down their faces, and chakra becoming low, they had to give up.

"Hokage-sama" The doctor called, fatigue apparent "It's working but Kyuubi's chakra is just eating up too much chakra and taking to long"

"Well, take some soldier pills and try harder" Tsunade called back, still trying to save her little brother.

"Hokage-sama, even if we have the chakra, we don't have the time" The doctor explained.

'He's right, even if we have all the whole medical staff working on him, his condition is getting progressively worse' Tsunade her thinking getting frantic

"Hokage-sama, what do we do?" The doctor asked, still trying to get rid of the chakra. Tsunade on the other hand is trying to think of other solutions.

'I can't lose him, I just can't, what do I do? What we do?' Tsunade thinking, tears coming to her eyes.

"Hokage-sama?" The doctor asked, unsure

"I don't Know!" Tsunade yelled frustrated at not knowing what to do "Jiraiya, you know what to do" Tsunade turning to Jiraiya with tears her eyes.

"Save him. Please, save him" Tsunade pleading to Jiraiya, turning to him, her voice cracking "Please, Help him" Jiraiya came over to her and hugged her tightly as she just fell into the hug.

"I'll save him" Jiraiya whispered as he let go and moved to Naruto. The doctors making a path for him as he stood in front of unconscious Naruto.

"Okay, let's see what you got!" Jiraiya shouted when he drew seals around his body, and slammed his palm on Naruto's stomach.

'I'm sorry Naruto' Jiraiya thought as the seals started to glow


Meanwhile In The Seal...

Drip. Drip. Drip

"Where..Where am I?" Naruto groggily asked

"Gaki, where else do you think you are?" Kyuubi answered, his eyes looking unusually tired.

"What's happening?" trying to get up but unsuccessfully.

"Gaki, we are dying" Kyuubi simply said, his voice getting more tired by the minute.

"Dying? What do you mean?" Naruto asked, his eyes very heavy.

"When I gave you my chakra, I didn't predict what would the side effects be" Kyuubi answered, his eyes also heavy.

"You call dying a side effect" Naruto weakly yelled

Then the prison shook causing some of the tiles from the roof to fall.

"Whats going on?" Naruto asked, falling to the floor as well.

"The one you know as 'Ero-sennin' is trying seal away your chakra" Kyuubi said.

"Why?" Naruto asked quizzically

"Because he thinks by sealing your chakra away it will seal away my leftover chakra as well" Kyuubi laughed.

"Why are you laughing" Naruto glared at the fox.

"I'm laughing because he knows that once he seals it, all my and your chakra in your pathways will be sent to your coils. Once there it will save your pathways but my chakra will irreparably damage your coils and stop your ninja carrer, permanently. It will prevent my chakra from breaking out from your pathways and bleeding into your organs and killing you. That is if, they can get rid of my chakra before it destroys your coils completely and destroys the rest of your chakra therefore killing you anyways" Kyuubi explained

"What!" Naruto trying to his loudest.

"Yes, to choose between life without being a ninja or death" Kyuubi grinned

"But, I have no choice in the matter" Naruto said

"No, no we don't" Kyuubi replied, his eyes closing


Meanwhile, Outside The Seal.

The seals still glowing, Jiraiya spoke.

"I sealed away his chakra, this should provide us a easier time to destroy Kyuubi's chakra" Jiraiya spoke

"I thought you were going to get rid of the chakra, Jiraiya-sama" One of the doctors spoke

"I'm working on it just worry about the chakra" Jiraiya said as he was drawing more seals

Minutes has passed, doctors working frantically, taking soldier pills and switching out. Even with more time that the seal provided, the chakra is eating away at the coils away at a alarming rate.

"Jiraiya-sama" A doctor called out

"What!" Jiraiya yelled out, drawing more seals.

"Due to our focus on coils and pathways, we forgot all about chakra in the muscles"

"So? It should be still there" Jiraiya replied finishing up some seals

"That's the problem, some of it got into the bloodstream" The doctors explained

"What!?" His full attention on the doctor.

"It's now attacking his organs and his blood" The doctor answered

"D-damn it" He thought it would all stay in the muscle but now, everything is going out of control

"This can't be happening" Tsunade pleaded.

"Focus on the chakra in the organs" Jiraiya yelled, determined not to lose him

"But Jiraiya-sama, if we do that the chakra will destroy his coils" The doctor told

"Just do it!" Jiraiya roared, sending the medical team in a rush

'This is not working, there has to be something!' Jiraiya unable to accept defeat.

"S-Sensei" groaned a voice.

"Naruto!" Tsunade and Jiraiya exclaimed.

"What's going on" Naruto grinning through the pain.

'He's something, to grin through the pain that must be unimaginable' Jiraiya thought.

"Naruto" Tsunade cradling his head "Shh, don't worry, we are getting the chakra out right now, right Jiraiya?" Tsunade looking toward him.

"Yeah Naruto, don't give up, I got something planned out" Jiraiya said, his voice betraying his confidence.

"Heh, I knew the fox was wrong, I won't die yet" Naruto smiling his eyes closing.

"Naruto, keep your eyes open, Naruto! Stay up, Naruto!" Tsunade shaking him, tears running down her face.

"He's flat lining!" One of the doctors shouted. Tsunade getting up, her hands glowing.

"Clear" One of the doctors using a electricity jutsu to try restart his heart.

"Come on Naruto, please don't leave me" Tears dripping down her face, Her hands trying to start his heart.

"Nothing!" Green glows were every where trying to repair damage, destroy the chakra, and to try restart the heart.

But after 20 minutes of trying there no response, the doctors slowly stopped as they started to see there was no hope, but one person didn't stop.

"Naruto come back, come back to us like you did before" Tsunade kept trying.

"Tsunade" Jiraiya's voice cracking "He's gone"

"He can't be gone, he's unbeatable, I can bring him back, just a little more time" Tsunade unable to believe Naruto is dead

The medical team starting cleaning up and leaving the room, unable to look at the somber scene.

"He's not dead he's just sleeping, a few more minutes and he will be awake" Tsunade said, still pouring the medical chakra into his lifeless body.

"Tsunade!" Jiraiya said harshly, grabbing her arm "He's gone! If you keep trying to bring him back you'll be gone too!" Jiraiya yelled, unable to hide the tears in his eyes.

"Leave me alone!" Tsunade snarled, pulling back her arm "You said, you said you was going to save him!" Tsunade yelled, heartbroken

"You promised that you would save him!" Tsunade knocking over the medical equipment "You lied to me! You lied!" Tsunade falling to her knees, weeping like a mother who has lost her child. Jiraiya stared at her, his heart aching. Kneeling down to hug her as she beat his chest weakly as she cried.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Jiraiya whispered as tears flowed down his face, Tsunade stopped beating his chest and cried hard into his chest.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I failed you" Jiraiya said somberly









A/N- How is it? Good, bad? Too short. What?. All reviews are welcome. Don't be shy as I can take it. Please review and let me know so I can make it better.
