Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon (though I wish I did), but any other character outside of the Sailor Moon manga and anime are my own creation! Enjoy^^

What Becomes Of Us

I never quite understood the saying "you don't know what you've got until you've lost it" until 8 years ago. But even then, I still didn't understand the mistake I made until the thing I lost came back. But even though I could see her, I couldn't touch her. Have I truly lost her, is there no hope of forgiveness. But then again I don't even have that right to ask for forgiveness. By the way, if you want to know what I'm talking about then I suggest you read the story!


Dark Ages

There is a certain time in our history long forgotten by many races. Those times that was full of dark magic and Gods. When your friend could be your enemy in the next breath, the fear that constantly plagued all beings and race into destruction. Yes those times were very dangerous times and thus it is referred to as the Dark Ages.

The Dark Ages was a time of struggle and uncertain futures. Of betrayal and disturbed sleeps. Chaos reined supreme and caused people's heart to be filled with doubt and fear. Races that flourished the earth and space like vampires, werewolves, fairies, elves, dwarfs...etc disappeared one by one as they were wiped out from the face of history. Others went in hiding.

The only way to survive in those days was to give yourself to the darkness. But Instead of banning together to fight the darkness, people gladly gave themselves to chaos until even the Gods alone couldn't fight chaos anymore. But there were a few that held in their hearts a hope of salvation and so those few organized themselves and fought back against the darkness even knowing that it was of no use. But their hoped did not go an answered. For when all seemed lost, a ray of hope in the form of a new born baby girl shined through the darkness breaking Chaos chains and setting free those imprisoned in the darkness. Finally there was a chance to fight for the freedom of all. at the end of the dark ages life blossom and peace reined for years until chaos once again came to attack. This time the battle was fought by the sailor soldiers and thus it was called the sailor wars.

The Sailor Wars

Years after the Dark Ages a holy war engulfed the entire galaxy known as the Sailor Wars. Sailor soldiers are born of Stars and planets. The Sailor Soldiers had always fought against evil after the time of the Dark Ages. Until the origin of evil throughout the galaxy, Chaos, was defeated and sealed by the legendary strongest sailor soldier, Sailor Galaxia! After Galaxia sealed Chaos away a time of peace and prosperity descended upon the universe and so that time period is referred to as the silver millennium. Over a millennium, Galaxia was able to keep Chaos sealed inside her until 10 years ago when Chaos toke control over Galaxia and attacked the universe once more. but he was defeated by Sailor moon and Galaxia was rescued from his influence.

The silver Millennium

The story began during a golden time of peace, love and prosperity called the Silver Millennium.
Ruled by Queen Serenity on the moon, the entire solar system was habitable and each planet had royal to whom the subjects of that planets followed and served. Queen Serenity had a daughter of the same name, Princess Serenity. The princess of the other planets of the silver alliance became protectors to princess serenity and swore an oath of loyalty to her for all times. And in harmony and understanding with the other planets they kept watch over the growing Golden Earth Kingdom, protecting it from harm and encouraging peace and love to flourish.

However the strife was to come from the inside. The people of Earth grew uneasy and jealous of the special powers and long life span of those on The Moon. The earthlings perceived the Lunarians as aliens trying to take control over them. Manifested as a part of this negative energy, a powerful dark entity called Metallia began to stir in the depths of the planet, and her will and influence corrupted the mind of a young servant woman called Beryl.

Beryl was in love with the ruler of Earth, Prince Endymion, but Endymion's heart, loyalty and life belonged solely to Princess Serenity. He often ventured to the moon to visiting her, to the displeasure of his subjects and hers too. Their relation was not received with good tidings but theirs would be a love that would span the ages and transcend time and dimensions, and its first test was right around the corner.

One day, the attack that would end all began. As Prince Endymion was visiting Serenity on The Moon Beryl, using Metallia's power and with the Shitennou (4 protectors of Prince Endymion and fiancées to the sailor scouts) by her side laid siege to The Moon. This resulted in the ultimate and total destruction of the Moon Kingdom as well as the silver alliance which consisted of the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and all the star kingdoms in between, and the death's of the Princess' of the each planet who in their soldier form had sworn to protect the Queen and Princess.

Beryl's plan backfired however, for when she made to strike down the Princess, Endymion threw himself in front of the blade to protect Serenity and perished right before Serenity's shocked and horror field eyes. In her grief, Princess Serenity committed suicide by piercing her heart with Endymion's magic sword.

Seeing that all was lost, Queen Serenity used the forbidden and absolute power of the Silver Crystal (the power of light) to seal away the evil that had caused so much destruction, ending the brief spell of power for Beryl and Metallia and killing herself in the process of using the crystal's full power. In a last act of sacrifice and selflessness, she ensured that Serenity and Endymion would get their chance for love by ensuring they, along with the rest of the solar system's royalty, would be reborn again in a new age and time.

The foolish people of Earth, now leaderless and shamed by their own treachery, jealousy and manipulation, became disorganized and fragmented causing the Earth Kingdom to become many countries as we see today just as the rest of the solar system became deserted and devoid of life.

The beautiful age of the Silver Millennium had finally reached its last chapter.

Manhattan, New York
Present = Serenity

"Hey Serenity...it's show time! You go on in 5 so get ready." Linda said brightly. Linda has been my helper since I join the entertainment world 8 years ago. She is very dear to me but I would rather die than let her know that.

"OK...I will get ready." I replied in a less enthusiastic voice than hers. Every time I go in front of the camera I fear that someone from my covered past will remember me though I know that's impossible because I look nothing like I did 8 years ago.
But what if something goes wrong today and someone recognize me. What will they do? Will I have to run and hide again?

"STOP IT Serenity." I chided myself harshly before my fear could take over again. "Nobody will recognize you and even if they did you have nothing to fear. You have accomplished what you set out to do. Be brave and strong." I repeated it over and over in my head like a mantra until the 5 minutes wait in the dressing room that looked more like a mall was over and I entered the bid rectangular filming room with a big smile and faced the camera.

Read and Review...Thank you!^^