A/N: grrrr...this is the second time I had to type this....anyways, I just remembered I have a beta reader and have to send it to her...but after she returns it to me you all will be reading this saying 'Get on with it!' So here...This IS a sequel to Cuts and Scars. You don't have to read it, but it's recommended so the stuff that happens later will make more sense...
Here is some simple info that might come in handy...

Serena is 40, married to Darien.
Darien is 42, married to Serena (duh). 

Darien Jr. is typically called Junior by family...Darien by friends.
Darien Jr. and Rini are 17 and seniors in high school. 

Selena is 6, in 1st grade and Serena and Darien's third child.
I think that's all so on with the story...as soon as I send it to my beta reader!
A/N: It's back and I'm ready to post!!!!

School Assignments

The front door closed with a slam as the two teens walked into the house. A strawberry blonde girl sighed as she walked into the family room. The jet-black haired boy followed close behind.

"Hey, what's all the ruckus for?" A female voice asked from the kitchen.

"Our stupid teacher gave us homework already! On the first day of school!" The teen girl complained.

"Geez Rini. Calm down some. It's more mom and dad's homework anyways." The boy defended as he handed a paper to the woman. "You and dad need to read over this and sign it. It's for an assignment we'll have for the year in our Community Service class."

The blonde woman took the paper and glanced at it. "I'll look over it with your father after dinner. Don't forget, we have company tonight. Go get yourselves cleaned up and ready. Rini sighed. "And cheer up dear. It's not that big of a deal. Think about it, it's your last year!" The woman said merrily.

"Yeah, it's their last year living with us too, Sere." A male said as he appeared behind his wife.

"I'm trying not to think about that, Dare." She said solemnly. "Now if you need to shower, go do so. Selena will need to get ready fast when she's done at school."

"Okay mom." Both teens muttered as they headed up the stairs.

"Oh, and DJ, don't forget. You know I will."

"Sure, mom. You're just getting old."

"I resent that!" She muttered after she heard his door shut.

Darien pecked her lips. "You're forty. You're getting old dear."

"Oh, so I'm old? Maybe I should stop doing any vigorous activities." She smirked.

"NO!" He regained his composure. "It's unhealthy to stop."

"Uh-huh. I'm going to finish cooking. Andrew, Lita, Mina, and Yaten will be here soon."

"Okay." He kissed her again before heading up the stairs.


"Dare, is Selena home yet? I haven't heard the door." Serena asked.

"You know, I'm not sure. I'll go check her room." Darien headed up the stairs and knocked on Selena's door.

No answer.

"Sele, Are you in there?"

"She hasn't come home yet. I don't think, dad." Rini said coming out of her room.

Darien looked to his watch and paled.

"Dad? Is something wrong? Daddy? You're scaring me. Where's Sele?"

Darien didn't respond he just rushed down the stairs. "Sere, she's not home yet. She's an hour late."

"Oh my gosh." Serena paled and started shaking her head. "What can we do? Where is she?"


Serena rushed to the phone. "Hello?"

"Good afternoon. Is Mr. or Mrs. Chiba there?"

"This is Mrs. Chiba."

"Hi. This is Christina Sparling, Selena's teacher."

"Can I call you back later? Selena's-"

"Right here next to me. She missed her bus and just came back to my room."

Serena visibly relaxed and sighed in relief. "Thank you so much. I'll come by and pick her up now."

"Of course, Mrs. Chiba."


"Good bye."

Serena hung up the phone and let out another sigh in relief.

"What's going on?" Rini asked as her and DJ walked into the room.

"Where's Sele?"

"She missed her bus. I'm going to pick her up now." Serena said taking off the apron. "Be ready. They might be here before I get back." She said grabbing her keys and purse. She gave Darien a quick kiss before heading out the door.

"Mommy!" A little raven haired girl cried running to Serena's open arms.

"You had your dad and me so worried." She hugged the girl close. She let her go and stood back up. "Thank you so much for calling me."

"It's no problem. I can't imagine how frightened you were."

"I feel like a bad parent now. I didn't notice until maybe 20 minutes ago. My brother, sister and their spouses are coming over tonight for dinner. I was making it and I asked if she had come home yet."

"You're not a bad parent." She turned towards Selena. "You be a good girl, alright?"

She nodded shyly.

"Tomorrow Rini will come and pick you up, okay?"

"Okay, mommy."

"Now what do you say, Sele?"

"Thank you Mrs. Sparling."

She nodded.




Serena burst through the door with Selena in her arms. "Sele, go upstairs and put on the clothes that are on your bed."

"Okay, mommy." Selena ran up the stairs.

"Everything okay, Rena?" Andrew asked as Serena walked into the living room.

"Yeah. Sele missed her bus, so I had to go pick her up from school." She walked over and hugged her brother and sister-in-law. "How are you guys?"

"Good." Lita replied sitting down.

"And how is my lil' sis?"


"And how are you two?" She asked looking towards Mina and Yaten.

"Being married to a celebrity is hard work." Mina sighed.

"I told you what would happen when you revealed yourself."

"I was kidding." She pecked him. "But we're good."

"That's great because dinner is served." Darien said entering the room.


"So how is school?" Andrew asked as he took a bite of his mashed potatoes.

"We already got homework." Rini grumbled.

"Dear, calm down."

"I don't understand why we have to do this stupid assignment anyways!"

"Rini." Darien said in a warning tone. Rini calmed.

"What exactly is this assignment?"

"I don't get why she is freaking out so much." DJ butted in. "Mom and dad have to sign a paper tonight. But next week we'll get a name of someone who is in prison. We have to write to them throughout the school year."

Serena stopped eating. "What is this for?"

"Community Service. It's supposed to be good for them. There are rules, obviously. Most are in there for life or a really long time. Little of them have chance of parole. If they are paroled, we can't meet them, just continue to write." Rini explained.

"That doesn't sound that bad." Mina supported.

"I think 'senioritis' is kicking in." Lita laughed.

"Here, mom." DJ said handing his mother the paper.

Serena and Darien were sitting on the couch cuddling after the guests left.

"We'll look over them. You and Rini head to bed. We'll leave it on the counter for you guys in the morning."

"Thanks mom." Rini said yawning. She hugged her parents. "Night mom. Night daddy."

DJ did the same. "Night." He said to both.

They both then walked up the stairs and into their bedrooms.

Serena looked at the paper as Darien read the other one.

"What do you think?" Darien asked.

"Well it is a school assignment. It couldn't be too dangerous." Serena said as she continued looking over the paper.

"If you're fine with it, it's fine with me."

"You just don't want to read the paper."

He took the paper from his wife's hand and placed the two on the coffee table. He then wrapped his arms tightly around the petite blonde. "Is it such a crime that I want to just lay here with my beautiful wife?" He muttered into her hair.

"If it is, we're both guilty." She grinned as she found his lips and they met in a passionate kiss.

"M-mommy, daddy."

They broke apart and the little girl walked over and hopped between the two.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" Darien asked as he propped the girl on his lap.

"I had a bad dream."

Serena smiled a genuine smile as the three got up. "I'll get you a warm glass of milk and you can go up to bed with daddy. I'll be up in a minute."

"Okay." She said quietly as she took Darien's hand.

Serena watched the two walk up the stairs before she walked into the living room. She quickly signed the two papers and walked into the kitchen. After putting the papers on the table, she grabbed a glass of milk and warmed it up. She then walked upstairs and into Selena's room and quietly opened the door to see Darien standing up from the bed. She placed the cup on the nightstand and left with Darien behind her.

Once the door was closed, they headed for their room. "Never fails." Darien chuckled.

"All she needs is to have you go in the room with her." She giggled. "But it's my turn now darling. I get you all to myself." She said grasping his hand.

"Perfectly fine with me." He grinned as they walked into their room.

A/N: So? As good as you expected? It'll get better...I promise/hope, lol. Thanks for reading!

I'd love to know how you think it's progressing! And if you have any thoughts/opinions about the story or want to see something in the story, PLEASE let me know! I LOVE to hear your opinions!!!
