a/n - I haven't written anything in a while and this isn't the story i sat down to start. But here it is... i hope you enjoy.

'Push Michiru Push, you're nearly there.' Doctor Mizuno yelled situating herself between Michiru's legs as the aqua haired goddess, covered in sweat, pushed harder and harder. 'I can see the head.' the doctor smiled glancing up at Michiru. 'Alright one last good push.' Michiru nodded grabbing the side rails of the bed and baring down, pushing as hard as she could. This wasn't the plan of course, she was supposed to be at home settled in a pool sitting comfortably with Haruka. Instead, her baby was three weeks early and more then ready to be born. Her baby, or rather their baby. Haruka hadn't been a huge fan of the plan but her love of Michiru softened her to the idea of being a family. Our love will last a hundred lifetimes Haruka, let us share it with a child. Michiru recalled. Haruka had agreed, and from that moment became a doting father figure. Attending every appointment, buying out every baby store. Pouring over name books, and new parenting books. Michiru smiled as she breathed out hard the soft cries of a baby, her baby filled the air. And then, all went black.


'I need three units of type O stat. Call the OR and tell them we're on our way. She's haemorrhaging.' Doctor Mizuno instructed kicking the brakes off of Michiru's bed and pulling her into the hall. 'Nurse I want you pushing that blood through. Hang a bag of Ringers. And somebody find out where Haruka is.' A group of women gathered in the waiting room rushed to the door as Dr. Mizuno pushed through, Michiru's bed rolling beside her. 'Ami! Oh Michiru. Boy or Girl?' the group shouted climbing over each other to get a better view. Ami ignored them as she pulled Michiru faster down the hall to the operating room. 'What do you think that was about?' Makoto asked quietly. Ami pushed through the operating room doors letting go of Michiru's bed as she turned into the scrub room. 'Page anaesthesia, and neruo.' she demanded slipping into her operating gear.

'Dr, Mizuno?' a nurse interrupted. 'Tenoh-san is here.'

'Arigato.' Ami nodded. She dried her hands and made her way to the room they'd given to Haruka. She stood next to the bassinette cooing over her baby. 'Haruka-san.' Ami started.

'Where is Michiru?' Haruka interrupted. 'Arigato Ami-chan, she's beautiful.'

'Haruka.' Ami said sternly. 'Michiru started to haemorrhage as I was stitching her up, she's in the OR now, I'm just about to operate. Haruka, she's losing a lot of blood.' Ami explained softly. Haruka's face turned from joy to shock. 'Make her better.' she pleaded. 'Please Ami.'

'Hai Haruka, I will do my best. I'll speak to you when I'm done.' Ami disappeared back into the operating room, joined now by two other doctors they pulled Michiru onto the operating table, and began.


'Sheehan's syndrome.' Ami said gently holding Haruka's hand. 'We operated for three hours Haruka, she lost a lot of blood. But Michiru is strong, and she'd always been healthy. She should pull through.'

'What if she doesn't?' Haruka asked her voice barely a trace of it's usual self.

'She should.' Ami said unable to entertain the idea of her dear friend losing this new battle for her life.

'Is she awake?'

'Not yet, the Neurologist noted some swelling in her brain after the operation. She may be asleep for a while Haruka.' Ami explained. 'But sleep is good. It'll give her body a chance to heel itself.'

'Can I see her?' Haruka asked.

'Of course.' Ami said. Haruka followed Ami out of her office and into the brightly lit corridor of the hospital. 'I'll leave you alone.' Ami said as she opened the door to Michiru's room. Haruka wandered in, taking in the tubes and machines hooked up to her lover. Tears ran down Haruka's face as she made her way deeper into to room. Michiru was pale, paler then normal. Her lips were a soft grey, her eyes though closed, had dark pink circles. A nurse was by her bed, hanging a small bag of clear liquid and attaching it to one of the machines. 'Excuse me.' Haruka breathed barely audible.

'Hai.' the nurse replied.

'What are all these for?'

'This one if for her pain.' the nurse began, showing Haruka the tube attached to Michiru's arm. 'The one in her mouth helps her breath and the one in her nose is for her stomach.'

'Oh.' Haruka nodded.

'If you need anything Tenoh-san, just push this button.' the nurse said pointing to the call panel on Michiru's bed.

'Arigato.' Haruka said attempting a smile. She settled into the chair next to Michiru, taking her lovers cold hand into her own. 'You can't leave me.' Haruka said softly leaning over Michiru. 'You can't leave us.'


'Whose a cute baby? Who is it?' Usagi cooed over the newest addition to the group. 'Oh Haruka, she's so cute.'

'Hai.' Haruka sighed.

'She needs a change Ruka.' Makoto smiled lifting the infant into her arms. 'I got it.'

'Arigato Mako-chan.' Haruka said taking a long sip of tea.

'Any change in Michiru-san?' Minako asked refilling her cup.

'Nothing.' Ami frowned.

'Umiko, silly girl what are you doing.' Makoto cheered holding up the squirming baby. 'I think she wants you.' Makoto smiled handing Haruka the child. Haruka smiled lightly as she took the baby into her arms.

'How are you holding up?' Rei asked.

'Fine.' Haruka dismissed.

'Really?' Rei pushed. 'You're alright with just you and the baby?'

'It's not just me and the baby Rei. She'll be fine, she'll come home. She'll be fine.' Haruka shouted standing and carrying the baby out of the room and onto the patio. Everyone looked at each other uncomfortably.

'Gomen Haruka-san.' Rei said, slipping out the door and shutting it behind her. 'I was merely ensuring you didn't need my help. Or any of our help really.'

'We're ok Rei.' Haruka sighed. 'We're doing the best we can. It's been three months, she has to wake up soon right?' Haruka hugged her daughter close to her as tears escaped her teal eyes.

'I'm sure she'll wake up soon Haruka. I'm sure she will.' Rei smiled resting her hand gently against Haruka's back.