Naruto doesn't belong to me...wish it did. This is based somewhat off a doujinshi I read, if they find this and are all liek "They stole our idea!" I did not. But, I disclaim everything anyways. So...enjoy!


The little male fox ran faster and faster through the forest, a hunter hot on his trail. He fell once or twice, both times barely managing to get back up before a gun shot hit the spot where he once was. The gun shots then started to become closer and closer. He cried out in his fox language for help, none would come though, they were all too afraid of the hunter.

The hunter was notorious for his accurate shots and his aim. Every creature in the forest was afraid of him, and it had been the fox's misfortune to be his next target.

He kept on with his shouts, maybe another fox was braver than the rest...nothing. He buried into the first fox hole he saw, not bothering to see who resided there. He panted, hard and heard the hunter's footsteps approach.

"Come out, come out." he said. Ha, yeah right. Suddenly the fox felt eyes watching him, he whipped around to be face to face with a snake. He screamed and dove out of the hole, the snake right behind him. He covered his head, crouched in a ball, and readied himself for the deathly strike, but, instead he heard a gun shot. He crouched low and prayed for salvation, hoping his death would be short and painless. He then felt more eyes on him. Only then did he peeked through his arms and see the hunter staring at him. He was very tall and had raven dark hair and matching dark eyes. The total opposite of the foxes. His tail swung back and forth, slowly, ready for the final shot, but his gun wasn't pointed at the fox, but facing downward. The hunter just stared at him.

Hunter POV

The little fox stared at him with scared eyes. He wasn't what he had expected at all. He had a human body, but abnormally smaller, about the size of a fox, a blonde tail and ears. His hair was scraggly around his head, his hands and feet were that of a human. He wore nothing but a small shroud, probably from a discarded curtain. His little body quivered under his gaze. He saw the snake with its head blown off and began to shake even more. He set down his gun and got on both knees, the fox watched him carefully, so he noted.

"I won't hurt you." he said. He stared at him with unbelieving eyes, "Can you talk?" the little fox said nothing. "I am Sasuke, do you have a name?"


He wanted his name? He chased him through the forest shooting at him and he wanted his NAME!?!? What game was he playing at? Since he was going to die, he might as well tell him, it didn't matter anyway.

"Naruto..." he whispered.

"So you do speak." said the hunter.

Hunter POV

His voice was quiet and that of an angel's when he spoke. His body had stopped trembling and now he was sitting, legs crossed, hands in his lap. He had an idea, he didn't want hurt him, but he did want him, in more ways than one. He was tiny, innocent, and just plain out adorable, just his type. (wink wink) So...

"Little one, Naruto, I wanted to inquire...instead of my killing you and eating you..." at this he cringed, "How about you come live with me and be my house keeper." Naruto looked at him with serious doubt. Sasuke was very messy and didn't want to fool with cleaning, just hunting, that's what he did.

"Why would you not just kill me now and get a human woman to do you're cleaning?" he asked in that delicate voice that mad Sasuke shake.

"Because, I like you, your cute," he just looked at him.


"Yes, I would rather look at you everyday than remember you are in my stomach, or my refrigerator," he looked at him with doubt, "Ok, how about this. You come with me and after a week if you don't like it you can leave." He nodded after some time. He stood up and walked over to the little fox's drawn up form. He cringed again by reflex alone. He picked Naruto up and held him in one arm, then walked over and picked up his gun in his other hand and began the trek home.


The little fox looked at the room of the hunter. It was disgusting. That's all there was to it. Gross, yes, nasty, yes, but they only word to describe it was disgusting. Clothes scattered everywhere, dishes pilled high up to the ceiling with flies, roaches, and beetles crawling over them. It made Naruto want to puke.

"Welcome home," said the hunter cheerily.

"It's disgusting!" said Naruto, his true self coming out, "How could you let it get this way?!?! I mean, a few dishes here and there, a few clothes, but, but THIS! I've watched humans and this is...unthinkable!" Naruto got louder as he continued to talk.

"Well, it's you job to clean it up. That's the only reason you're alive." Lied Sasuke.

"Excuse me!?" asked Naruto as Sasuke walked over to the refrigerator and took out a wrapped sandwich.

"I told you earlier. That's the deal for you to live, now get to it." He said as sat down in a chair and unwrapped the sandwich.

"Bastard..." muttered Naruto.

"What was that?" asked Sasuke standing up.

"Nothing." said Naruto afraid.

"That's what I thought." Naruto began to look around for something to clean with. He had watched human women clean their homes before and he remembered a long stick with fur or something at the end, it was stringy, as well as a yellow block that turned into different shapes.

" you have anything to clean with?" Naruto asked giving up his search.

"Broom's in the closet along with a pail, mop, and everything else you will need." Naruto looked around and saw a door, the only one in the room besides the one they had come through. Naruto walked over and opened it. Out tumbled and assortment of things. Naruto gasped as it all tumbled on top of him. He groaned as he sat up, pushing the stick with the stingy stuff off of him. He heard Sasuke laughing and turned to glare at him.

"Ha, sorry, forgot to tell you it was kinda full."

"Kinda my ass." Naruto muttered. At this Sasuke stopped laughing.

"Stop muttering to yourself. Everything you say, I want to hear it." Naruto stood up holding the stick in one hand.

"Yes, master hunter. Is there anything else I can do for you that will make you more comfortable? Maybe pulling that stick out of your ass, sir!" Ever word dripping with sarcasm. Sasuke stood up and walked over to Naruto who backed up into the closet, now afraid. He forgot the hunter was twice his size and could seriously hurt him. The hunter grabbed him roughly and pulled him out of the closet. He dragged him over to a disassembled bed and tossed him down, then got on himself and towered over the small fox.

Hunter POV

He was sick of the fox's little come backs and it was pissing him off! Not to mention it was kind of turning him on. Nobody had ever talked back to him.

All the girls in the village 5 miles from his home swooned over him and all the men respected him because of how excellent a hunter he was. Sure he was a tight ass but no one ever said anything about it. He towered over the small fox that was now quivering under him.

He bent down and pressed his lips to the fox's neck, feeling his pulse quicken. He moved his lips from the fox's neck to his collar bone and felt Naruto gasp under him. Sasuke smiled to himself. He then moved to the lower part of Naruto's chin, putting little kisses here and there until he reached the corner of Naruto's mouth. After a butterfly kiss there he moved up to see Naruto's face. It was in pure shock and his lips were parted slightly because he was breathing rapidly. Sasuke smiled to himself.

He lowered his lips to Naruto's and kissed lightly. Soon, Naruto responded and kissed him back. He pressed harder and Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck. Sasuke's tongue traced Naruto's bottom lip telling him he wanted in and Naruto happily obliged. Sasuke's tongue shot forward like a snake (ha ha). His tongue intertwined with Naruto's. Then he explored all of Naruto's mouth. His breath tasted sweet, like sugar maple leaves. Finally, both boys needed air and they broke apart. Naruto was breathing abnormally heavy.

Sasuke regulated his breathing and kissed Naruto's jaw line moving down to his collar bone again. He pushed away the shroud to reveal Naruto's upper torso. It was barely tanned and had a moonlight glow to it. Sasuke kissed the area between Naruto's nipples. Naruto's hands were entwined in Sasuke's hair and he tried to pull him over to one of his nipples. Sasuke kissed all the area except want Naruto seemed to want. He whimpered as Sasuke began to move away. Finally Sasuke thought it best to comply and kissed one nipple.

Sasuke heard Naruto let out a thankful sigh as he began to suck on the nipple. It became pert and he sucked harder causing Naruto to gasp in pleasure. He bit down hard on the little nipple and Naruto cried out. Sasuke looked up to see Naruto heavily breathing. He laughed to himself and set to work on the other nipple. Teasing it as he had the other and biting hard on it, causing this one to throb.

Sasuke kissed down Naruto's chest down to his stomach and continued to move the shroud covering Naruto. He pushed it down to Naruto's pelvic bone and "accidentally" rubbed over Naruto's crotch causing him to gasp. He was already hard. Sasuke was too, but he suppressed the moan he wanted to let out because of Naruto's quivering body. It was an intoxicating sight! His whole body racked with pleasure.

Sasuke kissed Naruto's stomach once more, letting his tongue swirl around his naval before plunging in causing Naruto to let out a small howl. Sasuke finished up and tossed the shroud aside, showing Naruto's upright erection. Sasuke stripped off his jacket, shirt, and pants quick as a flash and was only wearing his boxers.


Sasuke. That was all that ran through his head as he tortured him with sweet kisses and touches. Naruto saw Sasuke strip off his clothes all except his boxers then touch the tip of his erection. Naruto's whimpered for Sasuke to do more.

"Sasuke..." he whispered.

"Yes?" he asked.



"DO MORE!!!" screamed Naruto. Sasuke laughed and took Naruto's length in his hand. Naruto let out a grateful sigh. He began to move his hand slowly up and down Naruto. Naruto whimpered and bucked his hips. "Faster..." he begged.

"Now, now..." said Sasuke using his other hand to hold Naruto down. He moved only a little faster.

"You're a bastard!" said Naruto.

"Oh, I am, am I?" asked Sasuke stopping and taking his hand away.

"What are you doing?!" screamed Naruto.

"I don't like being called a bastard." Sasuke said crossing his hands over his chest. Naruto began to whimper and speak incoherently, letting out small words that made no sense.

" sorry!" he squeaked.

"You'll have to do more than that to apologize." Sasuke said simply. Naruto was ready to cry.

"What can I do?"

"I don't know, but it better be good and now if you want me to continue." Sasuke shrugged. Naruto put on a pouty face and tried to think. Finally he came up with an idea and crawled over to Sasuke. He tugged at Sasuke's boxer lining, telling him to lose it. Sasuke took them off and Naruto rubbed his hand over Sasuke's length. He leaned his head down and kissed the top, licking up the little bit of pre cum that had come out. His ears twitched as he felt Sasuke shiver. Naruto smiled and took a little of Sasuke in his mouth at a time. Sasuke breathed out a sigh of pleasure as Naruto took him as far as he could, his mouth was small. He licked and sucked and used his tongue like he was a pro. Several times Sasuke let out moaned that could not be suppressed. Just as Naruto had Sasuke at his climax, Sasuke pushed him away and got on top of him.

"Naruto..." he breathed. Naruto looked at him innocently.


"I'm worried about you. I'm ready to take you here and now, but I'm afraid for your small body. Do you want to be prepped, or do you just want me to go ahead?" Naruto thought.

"I can't wait any longer." he said.

"Ok." Sasuke positioned himself at Naruto's entrance, "Ready?" he asked. Naruto nodded. Sasuke shoved in hard and Naruto screamed as if he were dying. "Naruto!"

"FINE!" he said his breathing heavy and coming out in gasps. Sasuke didn't move until Naruto gave him a signal he was ready. Naruto didn't say anything put his tail was moving back and forth in a rapid motion. Sasuke took it as a sign to move. He began slowly at first because Naruto whined and whimpered. Finally Naruto stopped whining and whimpering and Sasuke moved faster.

"Faster." Naruto said, so Sasuke did, "Faster!" Naruto cried.

"This is as fast as I can go!' Sasuke said frustrated. He grabbed Naruto's length while trying to move faster and began to pump in tune with the quick thrusts. Naruto moaned and gasped and screamed.

"THERE! AGAIN!!!" he said. Sasuke had hit his prostate. Sasuke hit it again and again. Finally..."SASUKE!!!" Naruto screamed as he came all over Sasuke's hand and his chest. Seeing Naruto's face, hearing his name, and feeling Naruto's walls squeeze him sent Sasuke over the edge, he too came.

"Naruto..." he said as he released inside the fox. They didn't move for a few moments. Finally...

"Sasuke..." Naruto said quietly.
"Yes...?" asked Sasuke exhausted. Naruto didn't say anything else. So, Sasuke slowly pulled out of him. Naruto whimpered when he did. He put his hands on either side of Naruto's head as his breathing tried to catch up with him. Sasuke looked at Naruto's tail, it swayed slowly back and forth, his ears drooped because he was so tired. "Naruto..." Sasuke whispered.

"Yes Sasuke?" he asked his voice almost gone from the loud screams.

"Let's go clean up."

"Kay." Sasuke got off of him and Naruto didn't move so he picked him up and carried him to the river a few feet behind his home. Naruto wouldn't be leaving in a week as planned, Sasuke was certain of it.

I know right? ... Applesauce is cool...