AN: I know it has been a long time since I uploaded, but school has been keeping me busy and I just can't find the time anymore to write. It's the holidays now and I still have a lot of work to do.
But I owe you guys to finish this story because you have been all so nice to me and I want to thank you for the beautiful reviews and for making my story a favorite.
I hope you'll like this chapter because I have really given it lots of thoughts. It's very difficult for me to find the perfect ending, but I feel that this is the way it should happen. I hope you understand and I hope you enjoy it.

And...don't forget to review! :)

Chapter 19

The last few days had been hell for Chase. He had begun to grasp what had happened to him and his own thoughts were out of his control. Memories just hit him every few minutes and even the smallest things like a smell could trigger a flashback. But he was determined to not give up and besides…things were getting better. His mind wasn't always in that terrible house or hospital room. He had the feeling he was doing better and he knew that his new shrink had something to do with it.

Psychology had always been a part of medicine, just a part that Chase had not much faith in. Trying to understand the human mind…trying to break into your thoughts…it freaked him out a little bit. But the sessions he had with Dr. Landry, a middle aged woman with short blonde hair and freckles on her nose, had been okay. All he needed to do was talk really. She listened, asked questions, made notes…but that wasn't the important thing, what was important was the feeling Chase had when he was with her. He felt free. He could say whatever he wanted or just be silent for a while. He could curse and use some awful words, but Landry never stopped him.

9 weeks had passed now since that horrible event and Chase was having a good week. He wasn't ignoring the event anymore, but he couldn't yet say 'the thing that happened' out loud. I was raped…I was raped…In his mind, it sounded terrible and he didn't want to say out loud just because that would make it so much realer. No, first, he had to find peace with it.

He was early for his session with Landry today, so he decided to pay House, Cameron and Foreman a visit. He hadn't gone to work since he had talked to Wilson on the roof, he had wanted time for himself and that had been a great idea. He had even found time to take a plane to Australia. Landry wasn't to keen about it, but Chase needed to feel his homeland around him. Sydney had felt like his true home and he had even felt regret when he had left.

He took the elevator up (it didn't bother him anymore to be in small rooms) and he walked to House's office. There was no one and Chase walked into the room where they always had their discussions. The board was filled with symptoms and a thought immediately rushed into Chase's head: Gaucher's disease. All the symptoms fit and the patient would need enzyme replacement therapy.

Having the feeling that he had helped a patient made Chase want to be at work again. He remembered why he became a doctor in the first place again; to help people. Knowing that there were men, women and children out there that lived because of him…it made him smile. Yes, he would work again soon, but there was something that didn't fit. This hospital…it wasn't his home-hospital anymore. He couldn't walk through the doors of the entrance without remembering. He couldn't just be here anymore without thinking about the event and Chase felt his heart shrink as he realised that he would have to make a very hard decision.

Cameron was walking next to Foreman without saying a word. It was his fault that their patient was getting sicker by the second. He had given that poor woman a medicine which had caused her to bleed out of her eyes. With some luck, she won't suffer permanent damage.

A smile filled her face as soon as she saw Chase standing at the window gazing outside. She walked towards him and threw her arms around his neck when he turned around to see who had entered.

'Good to see you.' Cameron said as she let Chase go.

Chase laughed and then shook Foreman's hand.

'You look good.' Foreman said.

'Did you write this down?' Cameron asked as she saw a disease written on the board. Chase only nodded and gaze appeared on Cameron's face as if she had a revelation.

'Foreman, why didn't we consider that? It fits perfectly!'

Foreman walked up to Cameron and started nodding as he went over each symptom himself.

'I'll start the enzyme replacement therapy.' Cameron nearly yelled with joy.

'We should ask House first.' Foreman said as he went standing at the door to stop Cameron from walking out.

'But we found the disease!'

'Actually, Chase did, but that still doesn't mean it's right.'

'You should ask House first.' Chase said, agreeing with Foreman.

Cameron sighed and then nodded her head.

'You're right. I'll be at the cafeteria if you need me, that's probably where House is at this moment. Chase?' Cameron then asked.


'Why don't you join me? I would like to talk to you; it feels like it has been ages since we just talked.'

Chase thought about that and he did want to go with Cameron and just talk to her about daily stuff, but he knew it would eventually be about the event. It would always eventually be about that. He wasn't just Chase anymore to them, he was Chase who…who was raped. Even the nurses and other doctors saw him that way and Chase now knew what he had to do.

'No.' Chase said as he gazed into the distance.

'Okay.' Cameron said confused.

'I'm leaving.' Chase then said, looking at Cameron now.

'Oh,' Cameron smiled now, relieved that it wasn't anything personal, 'right, Landry is waiting, no?'

'Probably,' Chase said with a sad but determined gaze, 'but that's not what I mean.'

Foreman and Cameron walked up to Chase and looked him in the eyes, nearly demanding the truth about what he was talking about.

'I can't stay here, not in this hospital and not in this town.' Chase explained, 'I have to leave if I ever want to get over this. I…' Chase took in a deep breath, 'I was raped and from now on, I'll be known as the man who was raped. I don't want that and I can't deal with that. The constant pity and the "oh, you poor thing", it's everywhere!'

Chase felt proud of himself for saying those words out loud.

'Chase…' Cameron sighed.

'You hugged me. You never hug me. Even the relationship between you and me has changed into a way that I don't like. I'm going back to Australia.'

Cameron and foreman just looked at Chase with their mouths a little popped open.

'That will all pass,' Cameron whispered, 'and I won't hug you again if that bothers you.'

Chase faintly laughed and then walked up to Cameron and hugged her as tight as he could.

'It doesn't bother me, Cameron,' Chase said, still holding her, 'not now, but in a few months it will because you won't ever see me in a way like you did before.'

'When are you leaving then?' Foreman asked after Chase had taken a few steps back from Cameron.

'I don't know, soon, I guess.'

'What's with the drama?' a voice asked.

The 3 of them turned around and saw House standing at the door of his office, leaning over his cane as always and a cynical expression on his face. He hadn't changed at least, Chase thought.

'He's leaving.' Cameron said.

For a moment, Chase could swear that he saw a speechless House and he was right. House didn't respond with a witty answer and he wasn't mean. He just stood there, his gaze upon Chase as if he was trying to figure out why. But he knew why and he didn't want to say anything mean about that. That would just be cruel.

'What are you going to do then?' House simply asked.

'There are enough hospitals in Sydney.'

'Good luck then, I guess.' House said as he didn't know what else to say.

'Thanks.' Chase smiled. 'I think this is the last time I'll see you guys together, I'll say goodbye to Wilson and Cuddy later, but I have an appointment with Landry.'

'You shouldn't miss that.' Cameron said with a firm voice.

Before Chase realised what was happening, Cameron hugged him again and whispered into his ear: 'I'll miss you.'

'I'll miss you too.' Chase whispered back.

They let go and Foreman shook his hand. He was glad that this was the way they said goodbye. He wasn't for the sentimental parties where everybody cries and gives presents. No, this was a good way: short and nearly painless.

House have him a friendly nod and Chase responded with a smile.

'I'll come and visit.' Chase said. He looked at everybody for a few seconds, making sure he wouldn't forget their faces and he knew that he would miss them, that he would miss this place. But this was the best and smartest thing to do. He needed to be at his homeland and Landry wouldn't oppose as long as he went to see a psychiatrist there.

And then Chase walked out of the room, leaving everything behind and preparing himself for a brand new start. He took in a deep breath, smiled and thought to himself: This is the best way to go! Sydney, here I come!

The end