Disclaimer: I don't and never will own KKM.

A/N This is a 3 chapter story, the other chapters are mostly written but I am looking for a beta reader so if you are interested please let me know.


It hurt.

It shouldn't, not anymore, but it did.

It hurt.

Every time.

Wolfram walked into the Maou's room, his room, and started getting ready for bed. The nights where getting colder now, the icy chill of winter replacing the relative warmth of fall. He violently shoved aside his pink nightly and chose instead a pair of royal blue flannels.

Yuuri had done it again, the Wimp.

Walking over to the bed wolfram heard the door open and close softly behind him. It was Yuuri he knew, the wimp wouldn't even know he was hurting, he had made it painfully clear he didn't care.

"Hay wolfram" started Yuuri cheerfully "why did you leave so soon, they didn't even bring out desert yet. They had this cream stuff on some type of wafer like thing, I know you'd like it so I grabbed some to bring back and they had.." He was interrupted with a "hummp" from Wolfram.

"flammin" Wolfram said coarsely

"What?" Yurri stuttered.

"It's what it's called.

"O," smiled Yuuri "well I brought some for you if you want"

"No" he said curtly, "I'm tiered and going to bed" with that announcement wolfram turned sharply, crossed the room to his side of the bed and quickly laid down for the night, effectively hiding the sudden sting that arose to his blue eyes.

Damn that wimp couldn't he just let him be mad at him for a while. Why did he have to come here and present him with a gift? It was just a small thing, Wolfram told himself, something Yuuri would have done for anyone. So why did his heart jump at such things, shouldn't he expect his fiancé to pay more attention to him, not just accept what he gave everyone else. Of course this relationship was all a sham to Yuuri anyway, he never missed an opportunity to tell everyone it was just a mistake. That it meant nothing to him. That He meant nothing to him. That all he would ever get were these small gestures of friendship nothing more, no matter how he felt. Hadn't he made it clear to Yuuri he meant more to him then a friend, that he was serous about this relationship?

"O ahh OK" Yurri stammered back "I guess I'll just get changed and hit the hay as well"

"hit the hay?" echoed Wolfram crossly, rolling over to face Yuuri "Since when where you a farmer"

"No it's just a saying meaning I'll go to bed too"

Yuuri clumsily changed in his night outfit, fighting with the sleeves of the shirt. Balancing and hopping on one leg to slip into the pants, almost falling down several times in the process. His cheeks where red and he was breathing hard, more as if he had fought a battle then changed into his nighties. climbing onto his side of the of the king size bed it swayed and shock under the added weight and settled even as Yurri did.

Wolfram, watching the whole thing, couldn't help but smile at the Wimps antics. He breathed hard out his nose; this was the Maou, the leader of the whole demon nation, almost losing in a fight with slacks. smiling he sighed, relieving some of his earlier tension, as he felt Yuuri settling into the bed and his body heat washing over him. This, this was something Yurri did not give everyone he thought, these small infrequent moments. It was not enough but right now it was all he had.

"Night Wolfram"

"Good night wimp"

My Wimp

It was not enough but he would gladly take it

"I'm not a wimp"