Tim walked into the Alamo Freeze, putting his keys in his jeans pocket as he sauntered over to the counter.

"Hi Williams", he said to Smash who was on duty.

"Riggs", he replied. "The usual?"

"Yeah, that and a strawberry milkshake."

Smash looked at him with disbelief.

"Milkshake, huh? You turn into a girl, 33?"

Tim didn't seem bothered by this insult.

"It's not for me, it's for someone else."

"Who?" Smash asked, cracking up in a wide grin.

"No one."

"You just said it was for someone", Smash said back. When Tim didn't reply he came to his own conclusions. "So I take it you and Lyla finally hooked up?"

Tim shrugged his shoulders but couldn't hide the smile that spread across his face.

"Nice one, Riggs." Smash started preparing Tim's order in the kitchen. "So how's married life treating you?" he shouted over to Tim.

"It's not like that", Tim answered and leaned on the counter.

"No? I can't see Lyla Garrity letting you drink your head off and get dirty with the rally girls", Smash teased.

"Can you be any louder?" Tim sighed. "We're not really… official or whatever."

Smash came back to Tim and placed the brown paper bag and two cups on the counter.

"Whatever", Smash said, sounding bored. "Here's your food. Enjoy that milkshake, man."

Tim picked up the bag and the tray with the cups, a smirk on his face.

"Believe me, Williams, I will."

On the way out Tim ran into Landry.

"Hi Riggins", Landry said as he held the door open for Tim.

"Thanks. How's Tyra?" he asked.

"Good. She's waiting outside."

"Of course." Tim smiled. "See you around."

He walked out to the parking lot and spotted Tyra leaning against the hood of Landry's car. He went over to her.

"Hi Tyra", he drawled and placed his food on the hood.

"Tim." Her arms were crossed over her chest.

"How are you doing?" he asked, sitting on the hood beside her sipping his soda. "I thought you and Landry broke up?"

"We did", she answered curtly.

"But he's still picking up your takeaways? Nice one." Tim elbowed her lightly in the side, smirking. "I'd say you should hold on to a guy like that."

"He's just too good for me", Tyra said, staring straight ahead.

"Just because he doesn't get drunk and pick fights and sleep with rally girls doesn't mean he's too good for you, Tyra", Tim said sincerely.

She finally looked at him, eyebrows raised.

"Oh really? How insightful." She reached out for the cup in his hand and sipped it before handing it back. "I hear that you don't get drunk and pick fights and sleep with rally girls very often nowadays anyway? You must have a lot of time on your hands suddenly."

"Ha ha, very funny", he replied, not laughing.

"Speaking of walking the narrow path – how's Lyla?" Tyra went on.

Tim shot her a glance.

"Why's everyone asking me about Lyla all of a sudden?"

Tyra looked back at him.

"What do you think, dumbass? Maybe because you're going out with her?"

"We're not going out", Tim denied.

"I'm not talking about outside locations, Riggins. No, from what I hear you two spend most of the day in your bedroom." Tyra smirked at him.

"How would you know all this?" Tim asked with a frown.

"Because Tim – I live in the world, that's how."

Tyra reached for his drink and had another sip. Tim looked down on his feet, thinking, before he looked up at her again.

"So you're saying everyone knows about me and Lyla?"

"Why? I didn't know it was a secret?"

"It's not a secret. I just don't think she sees us as a couple."

"Oh, poor Tim Riggins, she's breaking your heart, is she?" Tyra teased.

"Never mind", he said and got up, taking the bag and the drinks with him.

"Tim, don't worry, everyone doesn't know", Tyra said, crossing her arms as he turned around and looked at her. "You seem to forget that my sister is going out with your brother."

Tim shook his head slightly.

"I'm not worried, Tyra."


The phone rang on Tim's bedside table, but he just turned over on his stomach and ignored the sound. It stopped and then started again. Lyla shook him carefully.

"Tim", she whispered with urgency. "Tim! You're phone's ringing."

"Mm-hm", he mumbled in his sleep.

The phone went silent for the second time, only to start ringing again a few seconds later.

"Tim! Wake up, pick up the phone."

Tim turned over and rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. He squinted and looked up at Lyla who was sitting up beside him.

"Why are you waking me?" he mumbled, still not fully awake.

"Because your phone's ringing for the third time", she said with a smile.

He finally reached out for the phone and flipped it open.

"Hello", he grunted, laying back down on his pillow and closing his eyes. "What?" He struggled to stay awake. "Jay, is that you? Why are you calling in the middle of the night?"

Tim suddenly seemed to wake up. He hoisted himself up on his elbows and sat up with his back against the wall.

"Wait, wait. You mean the baby's here already?"

Lyla's eyes widened in surprise and she let out an excited squeak. She clapped her hands without making any sound while mouthing something to Tim.

"Yeah, congratulations Street. Does he look like you?"

Tim chuckled a little at Jason's reply, and looked at Lyla's eager face with a smile.

"No, I was asleep but that's okay."

"Tim", Lyla whispered. "Tell him congratulations from me too!"

Tim paused and listened to Jason on the other end, looking a little awkward.

"Uh, yeah, Lyla's here. You want to talk to her?"

He handed the phone over.

"Jason, congratulations!" Lyla burst out. "So you were right, it's boy?" She smiled widely, listening to Jason. "I bet he's beautiful." A short pause. "I can't wait to see him. Take care now, and send my love to Erin too." Another pause. "Okay, bye."

She shut the phone and handed it back to Tim, who put it away on the table. He immediately slid down between the sheets again.

"Wow, can you believe that?" Lyla said, the smile still on her face. "It must be at least two weeks before the due date. It's lucky that Jason got back from Austin in time."

"Yeah. He sounded pretty chocked", Tim said. He reached for Lyla and took her hand, tugging at it. "Come here, let's go back to sleep."

"I'm too excited , I don't think I can sleep now", she answered but still she laid down beside him, her head on his arm and her body alongside his.

"No? What time is it?" Tim asked.

"It's not the middle of the night anyway. About 8.30, I think." She snuggled up close and stretched her arm across Tim's bare chest.

He responded by kissing the top of her head.

"I'm glad you stayed over", he mumbled into her hair and turned over on his side towards Lyla. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah", she said and moved herself up so that she was face to face with Tim.

She stroked a strand of his hair away from his eyes.

"Good morning", she said, her voice low and her lips smiling.


He stroked her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. He started slowly but soon he pulled himself up on his elbows, gently rolling Lyla over on her back.

"You and I, we're not having any babies in the near future, but what do you say we have a practise run at making them?" he smirked with his lips barely leaving hers.

Lyla chuckled a little.

"I thought you were really tired?"

"Ah well, since we're up anyway…"

He didn't bother to finish the sentence before he covered her mouth with another kiss, groaning quietly as Lyla ran her hands along his back, pulling him down on her.

Lyla was on the couch reading a book and Buddy sat in the armchair watching the news. There was a knock on the door. Buddy looked over at Lyla.

"Will you get that, sweetheart?" He turned his eyes back to the TV. "You expecting anyone?"

Lyla shook her head and stood up. She opened the door and found Tim on the doorstep.

"Hi Garrity", he said, smiling at her.

"Tim? What are you doing here this late?" she whispered so her dad wouldn't hear.

"You left this in my car, I just wanted to return it." He held out a sweater to her.

"Lyla, who's that? Everything okay?" Buddy shouted across the room.

"It's alright, dad", she called back, before turning to Tim again. "You could have given it back tomorrow."

"Yeah, but I needed to talk to you anyway. Can I come in?" He looked at her with a serious expression on his face.

Lyla hesitated and seemed uncomfortable.

"Uh, I suppose." She held the door open for him.

Buddy looked up and saw Tim entering the room.

"Hello Tim", Buddy said, motioning to stand up.

"Hi, Mr. Garrity. Sorry to disturb so late ", Tim apologised.

"Do you need anything?" Buddy asked.

"Dad, it's fine", Lyla interrupted. She steered Tim away from the living room. "We'll talk in my room."

Tim closed the door to Lyla's room behind them, and without noticing the concerned look on her face he pulled her in for a kiss. She soon broke away, pushing him off.

"What did you want to talk about?" she asked him.

"What?" He saw the worried look in her eyes. "Oh no, it was nothing. I just said that so I could see you for a bit."

Lyla frowned.

"Tim…" she said, letting out a sigh.

"What?" He was amused.

"Never mind. But you can't be here, Tim."

She tried to keep a straight face as he reached out and tugged at her hand to bring her closer, but couldn't keep the smile off her lips entirely.

"Okay. So let's go somewhere", Tim suggested. He put his arm around her waist. "We should sneak down to the pool for a late-night swim", he continued.

"Tim, we're going back to school tomorrow, so technically it's a school night", Lyla protested.

"So if I'd asked you last night you would have come?" he teased her, his eyes glittering.

"No, because it'd be breaking and entering."

"Ah, come on! Hardly breaking and entering", he replied.

"Shut up, I'm not going either way", Lyla said before pulling Tim down for a kiss.

They quickly moved over to her bed, Tim lying half on top of her and kissing her deeply. A minute later they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Lyla?" Buddy said from the other side. "I'm off to bed now, just wanted to say good night."

Lyla tried to push Tim off, but he didn't move.

"Okay, dad. Tim was just leaving anyway, I'll come out and say good night", Lyla shouted back.

"I wasn't leaving", Tim said and kissed her below her ear.

"Well, you are now", Lyla said firmly and pushed at Tim's chest to get him off her.

He reluctantly got up from the bed, Lyla following him and smoothing her hair and clothes. She opened the door and quickly ushered Tim to the front door.

"Good night, Riggins", Buddy called from the kitchen.

"Good night, Mr. Garrity", he called back, his eyes intensely fixed on Lyla's. "And good night, Ms. Garrity", he added a bit more quietly.

"See you in school tomorrow", she replied breezily.

"Come out with me", he whispered.

She shook her head, closing the door in his face. She walked back into the kitchen and accepted a glass of water that her dad held out to her.

"Is Tim alright?" Buddy asked.

"Yeah, sure. He just needed a pep talk before going back to school", Lyla answered. "He's really trying to get himself together for senior year, you know."

"Great", Buddy agreed. "Well, as I said, I'll be off to bed."

"Me too", Lyla said. "I'll see you in the morning."

Lyla's room was dark save for her bedside lamp, and she was on her bed reading the last pages in her book. A light knock on the window startled her, but she smiled and put the book down. She walked over and opened the window wide.

"You're hopeless."

"I know", Tim replied with a confident smirk. "Let me in, Garrity."

Lyla didn't move to make room for him to climb in.

"No Tim, you can't be here. It's a school night, and my dad is-"

"I know your dad's in the next room", Tim cut her off, leaning forward and putting his hands on the window sill. "We'll be really quiet."

"Tim…" she drawled.

"Well, I know I can be very quiet. I'm not so sure about you though", he mocked and leaned in to kiss her.

She pulled out of the kiss and stepped aside to give him space to come through the open window.

"I was just reading a book, I can do that quietly enough", she teased back.

Tim put his feet down on the floor and closed the window behind him. When he turned back, Lyla had snuck up on him and enclosed him in a hug.

"Really quiet, promise? And you can't stay over", she mumbled into his chest.

"Too late, Garrity", he chuckled into her hair.

"Tim!" she sighed.

"Relax, Lyla. It's not like I'm gonna parade out in the kitchen and have breakfast with your dad." He kissed the top of her head. "I'll sneak out before he even wakes up, okay?"

Lyla leaned her head back and looked into Tim's smiling eyes. "Well, at least before he notices I'm here."

"Okay." She smiled back.

Tim kissed her and steered her backwards over to the bed.

"Now, where were we?" he mumbled with his lips on hers.

"Lyla, rise and shine, baby!" Buddy called out from the kitchen, walking over to her bedroom door and giving it a short knock. "I'm making your favourite – pancakes and eggs. And chocolate chip pancakes." No reply. He knocked again. "Lyla?" he tried again.

Lyla opened the door, sticking her head out.

"Dad, I'm not seven anymore", she sneered.

(And this would bring us right up to the first Tim/Lyla scene in season 3... So off you go and watch it! Well, if you'd care to review first, I'd be very happy :-)