Sorry about the short chapter guys... It's just a filler kind of chapter to get to the good stuff!!!

Regaining Some Sense of Normalcy

After spending what seemed like an eternity in the hospital wing, Hermione was finally released.

Her time there had been hell. Everyday was the same. Take potion after endless potion to heal her broken bones and various bruises, eat, sleep, and be entertained by her friends. The friends part she didn't mind however, and the only thing her potions couldn't heal was her heart.

She was finally able to start fresh with her life. She was free to go back to being friends with Harry and Ginny, being able to hang out with them whenever she chose fit and not have to constantly worry about looking over her shoulder for a very livid Ron.

There was also her new and blooming friendship with Draco. He also came to visit her during her stay in the infamy. He even came a few times when Harry and Ginny had and stayed. They were both still weary of him but at the same time were learning to accept that maybe he wasn't as bad as they originally thought.

She still had to take a potion in the morning at breakfast but that was a small price to pay. She was just glad to be alright. Also, as part of her healing Professor Dumbledore thought that keeping a journal of her feelings about Ron whenever he popped into her head would help her better deal with her issues.

All in all though, she couldn't complain.

Life was slowly beginning to look up.

She had returned to class and resumed her position as the brightest witch of her age and continued to answer multiple questions, never once being wrong.

Yes, this is the Hermione Granger that everyone loved and missed.