Reid's been jealous of a lot of things in his life.

The high school kids that could so easily fit in amidst each other.

The college students who weren't as smart and thus weren't treated like lepers.

The kids who grew up with both parents who loved them.

The people who grew up without the anguish of having to put their parents away.

Intelligently he knows all those jealousies are appropriate for his life.

But this jealousy… is just about the most irrational thought Spencer thinks has ever crossed his mind.

Most of the time it isn't an issue. Most of the time when he isn't face to face with it he can ignore it. But the problem is isn't always there….just an inch below the surface staring back at him.

But after a long day and an even longer night Spencer finds himself face to face with it, no possible way to avoid it.

He lays on his side, legs and arms hanging over Derek's body as the other man rests flat on his back. Reid loves and hates this position. In the plus side it's wonderful because he gets to be curled into Morgan's body however he wants. But on the down side, it puts Reid literally face to face with his number one jealousy in life.

That damn tattoo.

See, as much as Spencer loves Derek, and his body, he hates that blasted tattoo.

He always tries to rest his head on Derek's broad shoulder so he doesn't have to look at it but as the night wears on Spencer always shrinks in on himself. And thus when he wakes, he's face to face with it.

Tonight's no different, he has one leg thrown around Derek's own, and his face is firmly planted in front of it.

It just wasn't fair, he thought as he studied the dark lines. It wasn't fair that it got to be on Morgan's body 110% percent of time but he only got after work and weekends.

Reid squinted and continued his death glare of the tattoo.

As irrational as Reid knew it to be…that stupid tattoo deserved it.

Way to friendly policewomen Spencer can handle. Annoying bartenders, Spencer doesn't mind. The random strangers who stop and stares at Derek, Spencer doesn't care about.

Because at the end of the day, Derek was coming home to him.

But that tattoo…that was the real problem, he had to share him with that stupid thing.

Spencer continued his glare, feeling ridiculously victorious when it did nothing, wondering to himself if he could talk Derek into tattoo removal.