Separate ways

Naruto is forced to break up with his boyfriend Suzaku when his adoptive mother Rin moves to Indiana on a job offer, along with Sakura, his sister. But, what happens when he gets roomed up with Sasuke, the nephew of the friend whose house they are staying at? What's worse, he just so happens to be gay . . .

Naruto Uzumaki had just turned fifteen. In fact, his birthday was just over a day ago. He would've loved to say it was a good day, but it was far from that. After all, he'd had to say goodbye to his boyfriend and the love of his life, Suzaku. The reason: His adoptive mother rin had gotten a job offer in indiana, and so, they had to move.

Truth be told, Rin wasn't half bad. It was Sakura that was the problem. She was always hitting Naruto and calling him names, and often would blame him for what she did wrong, which usually got him in a ton of trouble. Other than that, and having to move, his living situation would be perfect. Yet there he was, standing in an unfamiliar living room, holding all his remaining belongings other than clothes in a backpack over his shoulder.

The bag mainly contained a photo of Suzaku, his phone, an iPod, some CD's, and a silver chain necklace that Suzaku had gotten him for their one year anniversary, which had been over a year ago. They'd had a rocky start, but things got to where they worked pretty well.

Anyway, there he was in this unfamiliar house, still at the door, not wanting to accept his new home. That was until a dead sexy, dark haired god walked into the room.

Of course, being the way he was, Naruto froze on the spot, he eyes affixed on the other boys obsidian orbs. "What?" The boy snapped, narrowing his eyes, to which Naruto replied, "Uh . . . um, I, uh . . ." The blonde mentally slapped himself for stammering like he did.

"Well, what? Do you have something to say?" The boy added, that same angry look on his face.

Naruto averted his eyes, turning them down toward his shoes. "I'm, uh . . . I'm your new room mate."

"heh." He scoffed. "What the hell makes you think I want one?"

Naruto looked up, the boy's eyes seeming to bore holes in his skull. He gritted his teeth angrily, before replying, "What makes you think we have a choice, ya jerk!" He yelled.

That was the exact moment that the others walking back into the room. "Ah, Sasuke, I see you've met your new room mate?" A silver-haired man spoke. His name was kakashi, but that wasn't the name Naruto was interested in.

Sasuke. It reminded him of Suzaku, but then again, so did his looks. Especially the way his bangs lay on either side of his head, and the way his hair spiked up in the back. At any rate, Naruto gave him one last angry look before leaving the room. "I'm gonna go put my stuff down." He said quietly as he left.

Naruto headed down the hall, seeing a door with a wooden sign above it that read 'sasuke's room.' He dropped his bag on the floor next to the bed, where he took a seat. The room looked like your average straight guy's room, which somewhat pissed Naruto off - of course he wasn't about to admit that.

Anyway, he reached in his bag, pulling out the photo of suzaku and staring at it longingly. 'I miss you so much already.' He thought, his eyes threatening to tear up again. Suddenly hearing Sasuke at the door, he quickly thrust the picture frame back into the backpack, hiding it. "What do you have in there?" The dark haired boy asked teasingly.

"N-none of your business . . . Listen, I don't want to be here either, but we're just gonna have to settle on our differences and get used to sharing a room." The response Naruto got was a glare. "Lighten up, I was only kidding back there." Sasuke answered, obviously agitated.

"Whatever." With that, Naruto pulled his phone out of his pocket realising he still hadn't replied to a text Suzaku had sent earlier. He stayed like that - sitting on the bed and texting suzaku - for about another hour before Sasuke knocked on the door to let him know there was food.

"It's spaghetti, get it while you can." Sasuke spoke with indifference, as though he was being nothing more than civil. "thanks." Naruto answered, the same indifference in his tone. "But I'm not hungry." He turned away as he said it, and moments later felt a shift as Sasuke sat down beside him, laying back on the bed.

When Naruto turned toward him, Sasuke responded "I'm not hungry either . . ." With that said, the two remained quiet for awhile. The only sounds that could be hear were the ticking of the clock on the wall, and naruto pushing the buttons on his phone.

After about another hour, Sasuke spoke again. "Hey . . . are you gay?" The question definitely shocked Naruto, he wouldn't think the dark-haired boy would ask such a question. "Uh . . . yeah, how did you know?" He answered after a few moments of shock.

"Well, your jaw dropped as soon as you saw me."

Naruto turned away at the statement, his face turning bright red. "Are you?" He smirked, awaiting Sasuke's answer.

"Why should I tell you?"

In a quick movement, Naruto rolled over to where he was straddling the raven-haired boy. "Why are you such an asshole? You asked me if I was and I told you. Well, if you're gay, you won't mind if I do this . . ." He said, leaning in nearly closing the space between their lips, feeling Sasuke's breath on his face. He closed the gap, hoping to get something out of him, but Sasuke didn't fight back, nor did he embrace the kiss.

Naruto pulled away, narrowing his eyes at the boy. "Sorry . . . I don't do losers." Sasuke easily pushed Naruto back onto the floor, knocking the wind out of him before leaving the room. The blonde just stayed there, obviously pissed off at him, but too hurt to do anything about it.