Note: This fic will probably contain spoilers in the chapters to come. Though I will try to hold back on unnecessarily spoilerish details, I am setting this fic after the conclusion of the Blood+ manga, which is different in some important ways when compared to the anime. Anyways, hope you enjoy my first Blood+ work!

PS: I need beta readers--preferably ones who are GRAMMAR NAZIS. The more hardcore you are about your punctuation, verb tense, etc. the better!!

I'm glad that you're awake." Solomon said as he smiled down at Saya. He was squatting at the side of an oversized hotel bathtub that contained her and her deteriorating cocoon. He pulled wisps of the web like material away from her face while she blinked and squinted at him, trying to adjust her eyes. She had just spent three decades in the darkness of her cocoon and the room and he were so bright. Her recovering sight was overwhelmed with an assault of luminescence. The hanging light on the bathroom ceiling created a blinding halo behind Solomon's head and all she could see was a blurry group of golden hair, pale skin and white suit jacket.

"Is it too bright? I'll fix it."

The flash of movement that followed seemed impossibly fast, but the room was suddenly dimmed. She could see him more clearly now and made out a handsome, young face that had concerned, friendly eyes. She tried to speak, but no words sounded when she opened her mouth because she had momentarily forgotten words. She could have blamed her post-sleep stupor or his beauty.

"No need to speak. I understand." He rolled up his sleeve and extended his forearm till his wrist hovered, like an offering, above her lips. "Please take as much as you want."

She stared up at his face and then at his wrist, understanding with instinct rather than thought, and what was to come roused her from her stupor. Her eyes traced the narrow blue lines that ran beneath his skin and could somehow envision the sections that were hidden beneath the surface. She glanced at him again; he was giving himself to her, but she wanted to be assured again that she had his permission. Seeing his generous nod and smile, she pushed herself up, easily breaking out of the cocoon that had softened and thinned as her body woke in the past couple of days. She took his wrist in her hands and bit down hard, expertly popping the right veins so that blood flowed readily into her mouth without much need for sucking. She drank carefully, occasionally stymieing the flow with her tongue so that not a single drop could escape her lips.

A low humming sound filled the room as she fed on Solomon. She noticed it when she was almost sated and realized that it was not actually a hum, but her own unbroken moan. It was a throaty emission that belied the relief and pleasure of feeding after thirty years of hibernation. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, she let go of him and he gasped as she pulled her teeth, which have become embedded in his flesh, away. A hideous layer of bubbling, brown tissue immediately appeared over his wound as he healed.

"Ah." She closed her eyes and felt the blood travel through her and became a living part of her. Memories, scattered and confusing, began to resurface in her mind; they appeared as puzzling fragments of conversations and vague snapshots of people she had known. Every attempt to follow a snippet of memory through to find the larger truth failed. She could, however, make an educated guess about one thing.

"Are you…my chevalier?"

Solomon, pleased, nodded again. "Yes, I am Solomon, your chevalier."

Set this on your alert option if you want to read future chapters. Reviews are always welcomed. Thank you for reading!