Me: YEAH!!!! A story involving songs this time!

Dawn: CSgirl98 does not and will NEVER own pokemon.

Chapter 1: The new girl

Ridgeway Boarding School, 9:00 AM…

"Mother! What in the name of hell is this?" an Emerald haired girl asked herself. She was standing in front of Ridgeway Boarding School, at the gate.

"Damn, I wish I knew where I was going!" the girl groaned.

"Do you need help?" a red head girl asked.

"OHMIGOSH, THANK YOU!!!" the girl shouted.

"Er, your welcome!" the red head replied. Then, she smiled. "I'm Misty Lily Waterflower." She said.

"I'm Roselyn Tulip Hayden, nice to meet you!" Rose said.

"Great! What's your room?"

"Er, room…35." Rose said, looking at a crumpled piece of paper.

"Awesome! Were roomies then!" Misty said happily. "C'mon, Ro! May, Ari, and Dawn are waiting!" she said.

Then, they sped of to their room.


"DAWN!!! LESSEN THE DAMN VOLUME!!!" a brunette girl screamed.

"Ok, ok! Sheesh!" a girl with blue hair said. (Bluette? LOL)

"Girls! We have a new member here!" Misty proudly said.

"Hi! I'm Dawn Hikari Twinleaf!" Dawn said.

"Hello! I'm May Blossom Maple!" May said.

"I'm Roselyn Tulip Hayden! Nice to meet you!" Rose said.

"Wait…er guys, where's Ari?" Misty asked.

"Ari? Ari's telling the guys to shut up with their music. They've got it blasting of their bloody stereo since this morning!" May said with a pissed of face.

"And who the damn hell are you gonna tell?" a voice from another room said. The four winced at the loudness of the voice.


"Yep, that's definitely Ari." Misty said, laughing.

"Ari? Misty, who's that?" Rose asked.

"Ari…you're gonna find out soon Ro." Dawn said.

Then, the door slammed open. A girl with black hair walked onto the room looking very pissed.

"I can't believe that damn Gary Oak! Thinking he's so high and mighty with his damn stereo blasting into the bloody night…" she fumed.

"That's Ari." Misty whispered.

"Er Ari? Can you save the ranting until after the ceremony?" Dawn asked with a sweatdrop.

"Oh. Ok!" Ari turned to Rose. "Um, who're you?" she asked.

"That's the new girl." May whispered.

"Oh crap…sorry 'bout the ranting awhile ago." She apologized. She smiled. "I'm Arianne 'I can't wait to kick Gary Oak's fat ass'." She said with a grin. "Well, not really. It's Arianne Garnet Clearwater."

The whole room erupted in a laugh. "Ari, you said that last year and the year before that!" Misty said with tears running down her face.

She grinned again. "It's true! Gary always pisses me of." Then she wrinkled her nose. "Turns out Hayden's gonna be with Oak." She said scathingly.

The 3 girls, Misty, May, and Dawn gasped in horror.

"It's true with a capital 'T'."

"What? You mean Andrew?" Rose asked. The 4 girls looked at her in surprise.

"How'd you know D?" May asked.

Rose laughed. "He's my cousin."

Silence. There was silence in the room.

"No. Fucking. Way." Ari and May said together.

"It's true! D and I lived in LaRousse for a long time." Rose explained.

"Whoa, TMI alert!" Misty said. The 5 girls cracked up again.

"So Ari, who did you see there in the boy's dorm?" Dawn asked.

"Hmm…I saw Ash Ketchum, Paul Veilstone, Mack Matthews, Gary Oak, and Drew Hayden." Ari said with a smirk.

"What?! That bozo's gonna be with them?" Misty asked.

"Yep. They chose him for the drums." Ari said.

"Drums? Ari, what are you talking about?" Rose asked.

"Oh. Dawn can you explain?" Ari asked.

"Sure. Every year in Ridgeway, there's a battle of the bands contest. 2 bands are chosen for the contest. And this year, we need a new keyboards player, ASAP! Or we'll be kicked out of the contest." Dawn said sadly.

"Misty's the drums, Dawn's the guitar player, and Ari and I take turns with the vocals." May continued.

"And this year, they announced that we'll need 5 band members this time. Not 4." Misty said.

"And, since some of the songs need a keyboard, we bought one. Then, we need another member 'cause I'll be back vocals this time, and May will be lead vocals. Misty will be the drums, and Dawn will be guitar." Ari ended.

"What about the boys? Do they still need another member?" Rose asked.

Ari shook her head. "Not anymore." She said. "The boys are already complete. Drew's the lead singer, Ash's the drums, Paul's the guitar, Gary's gonna be back vocals, and Mack's gonna be the electric guitar."

"Ouch. That bites." Rose said. "Must be hard looking for a new member huh?"

The 4 girls nodded.

"Yup." Ari stopped and looked at Rose. 'Maybe…she's just right for the team. Vanessa's joined a new group and also abandoned us last year…maybe she's the one we need!' Ari thought.

"Hey Rose?" Ari asked.


Ari faced her with a grin. "Can you play the…keyboards?"


Me: Ooh, mystery!

Misty: Who's this Vanessa?

Me: You'll find out soon.

Drew: When am I coming in?

Me: You mean you and your band mates? Hmm, next chapter.

May: Who's Ari?

(Dead wind)

Me: Me, you idiot!

Drew: Ouch. Harsh much?

Me: (smirk) Who's caring now?

Drew: (blushes)

Misty: Ok…review!