Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and everything else belongs to Walt Disney and Square-Enix.

The OCs and their alter-ego that appear in this story belong to their respective authors. More information about them are found in the "Original Characters' Intro" chapter.



-Arendelle Kingdom-

A noise startled both Sierra and Axel. They shot out of the guest chamber bed together.

"What was that?" Axel asked.

"I think someone heard us." Sierra in a hushed tone. She turned to Axel and got lost to his deep sea-blue eyes. He gave her a cheerful smile. She melted at the very sight of it, then snapped back to reality.

"I…" she jumped off the bed, "…should head back to Pierre's side."

Axel's smile dropped. He jumped off the bed also. "This soon?"

Sierra was lost, staring at the smooth, detailed muscles of his chest and abs.

"You don't want to stay a little longer?" Axel pleaded.

"Axel, look at what we're doing!" She barked, "We're sleeping together!"

He shrugged, "So?"

"I'm with Pierre!"

"Yeah," Axel took a small step toward her, "and I'm with…" he ran his fingers along her jaw, the contact made her shiver, "…no one."

A little moan escaped her lips. She quickly pulled away. Axel blinked.

"How did this even happen?" she said.


The Pixar characters crowded the Disney Town Main Plaza, all roared in cheers and thundered with applause as the grand-prize winner stepped into the podium and turned her cheery-flushed face before them.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for your Pixar Racing Winner of the Year!" Mike announced over the cheerful applauding crowd, "SIERRA STELLASERAH!"

The crowd roared again. Sierra was literally in tears, flapping her hands over her face, trying not to be too dramatic.

"Congratulations, dear Winner!" Mike said, "Please receive this award as your delicious grand prize: Your Pixel Dreams Award!"

Sierra watched a woman in a bunny suit approaching her with the huge bowl of Ice Cream. A waterfall of saliva poured out of the Pixar characters and the Keybearers' mouths at the sight of the delicious treat.

"Oh… my… gosssh! I cannot believe I won something!" Sierra's eyes glimmered, "…this treat is delicious."

Axel tossed his arms frustratingly, "Unbelievable." He turned to Kami, pointing his hand at Sierra, "Didn't she win a Beauty Pageant before? Why can't she let me win something I truly care about? And YOU should've popped her balloon!"

Kami smirked, "Sorry Axie. Couldn't turn that joyful face into sadness." She patted his back, "Besides, there's always next year."


The crowd continued to cheer on for Sierra, who was once again having her moment in the spotlight much to Axel's dismay.

"Thank you! Thank you all! I love you! I love you so much! Muah! Muah! Mmm—"

"—AAACK!" Sierra screamed as she got shoved into a secluded room back in the Gummi Ship by Axel. Axel shut the door and locked himself and Sierra in.

"HEEEY!" Sierra hissed, "What's the big idea?! I was HAVING a MOMENT there!"

"Yeah? well moment's over, cheater."

"Hey, it's not MY fault that your balloon got popped by a splinter from Carl's house!" Sierra shouted back.

Axel closed in, "Then what did you do to Kami, hm? Did you charmed her or something?"

Sierra took a step back, giving Axel a dirty scowl, "What? Ew!" she stepped away from him, shaking her head.

"Admit it sister! You did something to Kami. What is it, hm? Blackmail? Threatened to steal her boyfriend?"

"She don't got a boyfriend."

"Did you seduce her?"

"Okay what part of 'EW!' don't you understand?"

Axel paused, "The 'ew' part?"

Sierra scoffed, pushed past Axel and went for the door, "You know what? This is ridiculous, I got more ice cream to finish."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen."

Sierra turned around and saw Axel waving to her face what remained of Sierra's Pixel Dreams Awards. The awards was nothing like any other awards. It was a combination of Double Crunch, Royalberry, and Rocking Crunch Ice Cream, all mixed in one. Half of the Royalberry and Double Crunch was gone. The Rockin Crunch, which was the best part, was almost finished… To Sierra's horror.

"HEY GIVE IT BACK!" she swooshed for the ice cream, but then Axel vanished.

"Ohhh-ho-hoooh! Come on try and catch me!" he sang, "Ohhh-ho-hoooh! Catch me if you can!"

Sierra ran around for the invisible boy. Her face was turning orange, then pink, then a furious red.

"NOT FUNNY!" she screamed, summoned her Keyblade and started swinging, shooting drops of water from the Keyblade. None of her tantrum-y attacks hit Axel.

But then she felt a foot under her, and next thing she knew the ground spun before her and she landed face-first on the ground, "OWW!" she squealed.

"Man that feels good." he said.

Sierra didn't hesitate. She swung her leg in a sweeping motion and hit something. Axel cried out and he hit the floor. Yes! Gotcha!

She lunged for the invisible boy and grabbed onto what appeared to be his wrist.

"AAHH, F***!" He let out a guttural sultry roar. He tried to pull away, but Sierra's grip tightened on him.

"You're not going anywhere, ice cream thief!" she shouted.

"Not there… not there! No, please! Agh!"

Axel reverted back to normal. And to Sierra's horror, she didn't grab Axel by the wrist. She had him below his waist.

Axel's face had gone pink and his eyes had rolled up to the back of his head.

"EEEEEEEK!" Sierra pulled away and crawled twelve steps away from him. Axel was frozen. She scrubbed her hand on the floor.

"I—I'm sorry!" she blabbered, "I thought that was your wrist!"

Axel was eerily silent.

Sierra slowly stepped forward, afraid of actually be near him, "Are…are you okay?"

Axel shivered, "I feel… so… vuh-vuh-v-violated."

Sierra slowly crawled to grab her Pixar Dreams Award from Axel and then get the hell out of here, when she stopped. Axel looked vulnerable. At her mercy. Just because she grabbed on the worst place she should grab a man by. Heck, she didn't even grabbed Pierre this way!

She sat up, took a good look at the shivering Axel, then she stared back at the ice cream. A crooked smirk formed over her lips.

"You're smiling…" Axel gulped, "Why are you smiling?"

Her smile widened, "Well…" she drawled, "…I was thinking. Maybe you, and I, should have an…" she paused to look at the door, expecting someone to enter any moment, then she turned back to Axel, "…ice cream moment together?"

Axel glared at her, puzzled and slightly disgusted. "Uhh… don't you have a boyfriend?"

Sierra summoned her Keyblade and cast Blizzard to both Axel's hands, freezing him in place. "Hey! Wh-what are you—" She then stood up, ripped Axel's shirt, "HEY, that was my favorite sh—" she grabbed the ice cream and dumped it on his chest. "Aaah, cold-cold-cold-cold…" he trembled.

She went to the door and peeked outside like a criminal on the prowl. No sign of anyone passing by on the ship.

"Hey look girl." Axel begged, "I'm already taken, you know? Kami? Remember?"

"Kami don't care about you." Sierra dropped to her knees and was so close to Axel, she could feel his ragged breath. She gave him a malicious smirk, "…but I do."

-Flashback Ends-

Silence fell on the cheating duo.

"That is SO not how it happened!" Sierra broke the silence.

"Really?" Axel said, with narrowed eyes, "Do I have to show you the scar where you squirted the butterscotch from the royaljelly?"

Sierra clam her mouth shut. "Okay, maybe I was a little wild…"

"A little? You devoured me like a bloodhound, in my weakest moment!"

Now it was Sierra's turn to narrow her eyes. "Weakest moment? You were an animal too y'know? You couldn't even let me breathe!"

"I was really horny!" Axel confessed.

"AUGH!" Sierra roared. "Axel. We were fighting. And regular people don't resolve fighting with… with that!"

Axel once again broke the fourth wall, "…again, wasn't my fault." he muttered.

Sierra closed in on him, "Promise me…PROMISE me that we're gonna keep this between us, okay? Just PROMISE ME!"

"You've said that already!" Axel reminded her, "Six times! And besides every time you say that, it's after we finish getting—"

"I'm leaving." Sierra pulled away from the addictive heat she felt and ran out of the room, "See ya."

As soon as she closed the door behind her, Pierre was right in front of her, clueless with a huge smile on his face. She jumped back, startled. "P-Pierre!" she shrieked.

"Hey Si—"

"We should do this again sometimes!" Axel carelessly shouted from inside the room.

BLEEP! Sierra cursed in her head. Pierre raised his eyebrows.

"Whoa. Was that Axel?" Pierre said, "What's he talking about?"

"Nothing!" Sierra squeaked.

Pierre cocked his head on one side. The smile on his face slowly dissolved and he crossed his bulky arms.

"…and by nothing I mean, we were watching a movie. My favorite!" she grinned, "Legally Blonde."

"Really? You hate that movie."

Sierra froze.

"You called Reese Whiterspoon's character a bad copycat version of yourself." Pierre cocked his head on one side, "And last time I checked, Axel isn't into chick flicks."

Sierra bit her lower lip, then brought out an innocent smile, "He had hot cocoa."

Pierre's face perked up, "Ooh, you do love hot cocoa. Goes with everything right?"

Sierra nodded furiously.

"Am I a great boyfriend or am I a great boyfriend?" Pierre proudly said.

"You sure are." Sierra replied.

"All right come on. Let's head back to bed. It's late." Pierre walked back to his room. Sierra stayed behind, a flood of guilt overwhelmed her head. She cheated on her boyfriend and lied to his face. How could she do this to him?


Pierre, Kami and Queen Elsa were walking down the large hallway of Arendelle Castle.

"Y'know, I'm kind of surprised that you guys still want to discuss the Ice Dragons. Are you sure you don't want to rest up a bit?" the Queen asked.

"Actually…" Pierre grinned, "It's not about the Ice Dragons."

Kami turned to Pierre with surprise, "It's not?"

Pierre grinned nervously, "Yeah, no. I just said that only so that you can grant me the chance to talk to Queen Elsa of Arendelle!" Pierre couldn't keep the excitement off his voice, he almost squealed.

Kami sighed and facepalmed. Elsa laughed, "I'm flattered," she said, "to see a fan of mine."

"So what's it like to have Ice powers?" Pierre asked, "I've tried asking Jean-Michel, but he keeps telling me that it's like me having Earth power. I only know how to make earthquakes when I walk, not turn people to ice sculptures, you know what I mean?"


Queen Elsa got interrupted when Denzel stormed into the corridor and froze at the sight of them. Eyes fixed on them, wide with horror. Pierre and Kami jumped back startled.

"Oh hello." Elsa greeted.

"Sheesh Denzel! You scared the beejeebees out of me!" screamed Kami.

Pierre blinked, "What's wrong Denzel?"

Denzel tried to speak, but his gasping found it difficult to enunciate. "It's…something…there's… something…" he took a deep breath, "…I just need to tell you something…"

"Ohh…" Pierre said with a weird gaze on his face. "I know what's going on here?" he narrowed his eyes.

Denzel gulped, "You do?"

"Yeah. You just found out Donald Trump is our new President too, right?"

Denzel let out a defeated sigh, "I know, I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner but I never saw this com—wait, WHAT?"

"You serious right now?" Kami snarled at Pierre.

Elsa cocked her head on one side, "Who's Donald Trump?"

Pierre looked at Denzel, then at Kami, then at Elsa. The murderous look on Kami's face and the stunned look on Denzel's made him clam his mouth shut. "Wait. I thought you knew…!" he said.

Denzel furiously shook his head, eyes still widened like golf balls.

"Then what were you talking about?" Kami asked.

Denzel was quiet.

"What's wrong?" Elsa asked Denzel.

"Nothing!" Denzel quickly said with a squeal, "It's… …" he paused, "Actually yeah. It's about that! I mean, we've been away from our home for a while now and we've missed out on a lot! Y'know what? I just remember I need to go talk to Sierra."

"Why?" Pierre asked, his voice strongly thickened with suspicion.

"She owe me money!" he quickly said, "And it's none of your business! Gotta go!" he turned the other direction and took off running.

Pierre, Kami and Elsa just stood there, flabbergasted.


Later, elsewhere in the castle,

"Could have been miiine." Jean Michel was singing as he strummed in his Keyblade guitar, hitting the notes in an acoustic tune with a reggae vibe, "I played with my tiiime. No need to tryyy. All I can say is…"

"bye-bye-byyye…" Cousin Jace joined in hitting the note along.

"I miss yoouuu." JM sang with one last strum of his Keyblade guitar. Then just like that the Keyblade guitar vanished in an explosion of snowflakes.

"Cool song!" Cousin Jace said, "And you're singing this to me and not to HER?"

JM sighed, eyes on the floor. He shrugged, " 'cause…" he hesitated.

"She's a fan of yours!"

"Yeah; but see that's the thing. She's a fan and… I'm nervous." he admitted.

Cousin Jace choked back a laugh, "Really? SIERRA makes YOU nervous?"

"SHHH!" JM quickly put his hand over Jace's mouth. "Not so loud!" he looked around. There were the only ones in the empty guestroom.

He let go off his cousin. "In case you didn't know, Sierra Stellaserah happens to have a boyfriend here: Pierre. And he so happens to be a really nice guy. A good friend of mine; and I want to keep it that way. He kinda has a way of thinking slow but, we're both tough-looking guys."

"Yeah," Cousin Jace laughed, "A high school quarterback and a gangsta dude who can sing reggae."

JM sighed, "I just don't know why I've been having these feelings. They come and go, but they don't stick long. But all week till now, I just can't stop thinking about her. When we were attacked by the Ice Dragons, all I kept thinking was 'how to protect her?' "

"Ahh love." Cousin Jace said, "I feel you bro. I fell in love with a girl once; but then she got engaged with an obnoxious prince."

"Ouch! Was she a princess? It's not like in the Realm of Light where maidens marry princes right?" JM laughed. But Jace's serious look on his face made him stop laughing. "Oh my gosh, she's a princess?"


JM's jaws dropped. "Duuuude…"

"But enough about me man. You know what, the most important thing here is to try and resist looking at Sierra differently. Think of the stuffs that annoys you about her and those feelings will go away."

"Ooh good idea." JM looked up the ceiling, pondering, "…well, she's all about fashion. Most of us find it annoying but I find it sweet. She's whiny and always a big crybaby, which I find it adorable. And she talks WAY too much about her beauty." he then smiled, "which totally reminds me of me!"

Cousin Jace face-palmed and shook his head. That was not what he meant by thinking of the annoying stuffs and making the feelings go away.

"Ooh, and I love the way she—"

"Okay!" Cousin Jace interrupted, "How about I let you go and think about the things that annoys you the most about snobbish girls, and then apply it to Sierra. Just write them down."

Cousin Jace snapped his right hand's fingers and a notepad and pen formed before JM.

JM looked at the notepad and then at his cousin, his face turned green, "You're lucky you can do magic with your hand. I can do mine with only a Keyblade. Which sucks."

"Hey magic is magic bro. I'll see you in the morning." Cousin Jace turned to leave the room but then turned back, "Oh I forgot to ask, heard any news from Talen?"

JM froze, "Talen?"

"Yeah, I mean, I know you and Talen have briefly kept in touch in his Homecoming, but did you—"

"Talen is fine!" JM blurted out, startling Jace.

"He's fine. He's…" JM paused, "…he's on the Gummi Ship helping with the repairs since we crash-landed in Arendelle. I'll give him your regards."

"Okay then." He left the room and shut the door behind him.


Axel was outside the castle at a balcony, gazing over at the star-dotted night sky of Arendelle. He couldn't stop thinking about Sierra. He was falling in love with her. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't STAND Sierra, but she had this air of elegance that kept captivating him for no apparent reason he could understand.

He also felt bad about what he and she were doing to each other when she was with Pierre already. Though lately she and Pierre have been growing distant. He couldn't figure out why but he could sense that part of it was practically his fault. He shouldn't have acted on his feeling in the first place.

He turned to leave when…

"Hi!" Olaf was right in front of him.

"GAAH!" he jumped back, startled at the sight of the animated snowman. "What are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing!" Olaf then gasped, "Are you here to give me a warm hug?"

"Ha-ha! No. I'm not a perv." Axel entered back inside the castle and then paused, thinking of the irony of that word he just used, especially with what happened between him and Sierra.

"Uh?" Olaf sounded confused, "You're not a… wait! What's that word you used? What's a puh—"

"Hey!" Axel turned to Olaf, interrupting him from saying the word, "Where are you off to at this hour of the night?"

"Well, I was having second thoughts."


"About tomorrow's mission." He said, "Elsa and Kristoff suggested we hurt these Ice Dragons and you agreed. But I think they are nice and sweet."

"Nice and sweet?"

"I think something is bothering them." Olaf said, "I don't know what but, I don't think we should hurt—"

"If we don't get rid of them, they could hurt the kingdom." Axel said.

"Yes, but hurting people can't be the answer right?" Olaf argued.

Axel heard a sound; "Shh!" he said to Olaf, "I think I hear someone."

Olaf kept quiet. Axel and the snowman tiptoed to the source of the voice. They saw a shadow. An intruder? No, it was the shadow of Jean-Michel's cousin. He was talking to someone.

"Hey!" Olaf said cheerfully, "It's Jean-Michel's cousin! I wonder if he likes warm hugs." He went toward him, but Axel pulled him away to hiding.

"Shh!" he said. "That guy is up to something. Looks like he's talking on his phone."

"You don't trust him?"

"I never trusted him since the moment he showed up here." Axel confessed, "I just wanna know what he's up to."

Axel and Olaf listened in.

"…I was chosen to destroy both worlds." He said.

Axel's eyes widened.

"…toughest decision in my life but… then I had no choice but to carry it."

Axel turned to Olaf, "Did you hear that?"

"I did." Olaf said, "He wants to destroy two worlds?" Olaf then paused, "…wait, what worlds?"

"The Realm of Light and…" Axel widened, "…possibly our home Earth." He clutched his fists tight, "I knew it! I knew that son of a bitch was not to be trusted."

"Gee you're right. I guess he doesn't like warm hugs either. Then what are you gonna do?"

Axel was about to answer when he heard the cousin say, "I hear something." then footsteps followed.

Olaf gasped, "We gonna get caught. We gonna get caught!" he squeaked.

"Not without Keyblade Magic we will."

"What's Keyblade Ma—"

He grabbed Olaf and summoned his Keyblade, "Stealth Mode." He waved the Keyblade in a circle and instantly their bodies turned transparent seconds before Jace appeared where he had disappeared.

The duo watched the evil cousin look around. His phone was on his hand, shut off. After a moment, Jace breathed a sigh of relief and turned to walk away. He turned on his phone. "Now, as I was saying…" his voice disappeared as he went further into the dark.

Axel reverted back to normal and dropped Olaf back on the ground. Olaf turned to him with awe on his face, "Wow…" he said, "That's some magic you got. Different from Elsa's."

"Yeah, yeah. We're different." Axel knelt before Olaf, "You need to leave Olaf." He said, "Go find Elsa and Anna. Warn them of the mole in this palace."

"What are you gonna do?" Olaf asked.

Axel stood up and gazed at the direction Jace went to. His venom-filled eyes narrowed, "My pesticide called my Keyblade will take care of him." He walked to the direction Jace went to.

"Good luck out there!" Olaf shouted. The snowman's jolly voice disappeared as soon as Axel turned to a corner of the castle and approached Jace.


Jace turned around in surprise.

"Yo, Axe man!" Jace greeted with a big smile came to his face. Axel stopped on his track. Apparently that insult didn't seem to bother him. Or maybe he didn't hear him.

"What's up? What are you doing at this hour buddy?" he asked.

"I don't know. You tell me." Axel said, "Got anything interesting to hide?"

Jace cocked his head on one side, "Anything? What are you talk—Whoa!" Jace jumped back, startled by Axel's Keyblade summon which instantly morphed into his Dessert Eagle. Axel had him deadlocked.

"Dude wait! What—"

"One move and I shoot you." Axel threatened.

"B-but why?"

"Oh, you know exactly why." Axel spat, "That phone call you just made? About destroying both worlds?"

It took a second for Jace to realize Axel exposed him. "Oh…" He hesitated.

"Yeah. Oh."

"Wait you don't understand…"

"So you're not plotting to destroy two worlds? Earth and the Realm of Light."

"Not the Realm of Light. But—"

"But Earth! So you admit it!" Axel cocked his gun hammer and the frightened Jace took a step back.

"Wait man!" he said, "Can we just talk about this?"

"No talking." He replied, "No amount of talk is gonna reason with a criminal like you."

Jace said nothing. But then to Axel's shock, he let out a loud evil-like laugh. "Criminal heh?" he said coolly, "I haven't been called that in a long time."

Axel lowered his gun in surprise. "So you ARE a criminal?"

Jace grinned, "Guilty as charged." Pause. "Oh, by the way, if you lower your weapon while facing your criminal, they might—" Axel instantly raised his weapon at Jace again. "…and you catch on quick." Jace muttered.

"I'm gonna shoot you now, criminal."

"Wait!" he said, "Hold up man. At least let me explain."

Axel got one hand free from his Keyblade Gun and made a Raise-Up gesture. Instantly, lightning jolts danced around Jace and formed a barrier around him.

"I wouldn't touch it if I were you." Axel made his Keyblade Gun disappear.

"What's that?"

"That's part of my Keyblade magic spell: Chain Lightning. I've put you in its prison. Very dangerous to the human touch. One touch, and you're instant fried chicken." Axel said, callously licking his lips.

"So you're just gonna keep me here?"

"Yep. No escape. Until I tell your favorite cousin Mitch what you've been up to." Axel shook his head, "You should be ashamed of yourself, calling yourself a hero when you're plotting to destroy two worlds. You disgust me."

Axel spun around and started walking away. Jace let out a defeated sigh.

"All right." He said, "Fine. Go tell Mitch. Go get Mitch. Heck. Bring all your posse with you!"

Axel did a dismissive good-bye wave as he walked away to do just that.

"As long as you don't mind me telling them that you've been screwing Sierra."

Axel froze up. He turned around, mouth ajar, "What are you talking about? I'm not…" he cocked his head on one side, "are you taking some roofies? 'cause you're seriously trip—"

Jace pulled out his phone and hit Play.

"Do I have to show you the scar where you squirted the butterscotch from the royaljelly?"

Axel clam his mouth shut. That was his voice. Sierra's voice soon followed.

"Okay, maybe I was a little wild…"

"A little? You devoured me like a bloodhound, in my weakest moment!"

Jace smirked. Axel cringed.

"Weakest moment?" Sierra's voice screamed from the phone, "You were an animal too y'know? You couldn't even let me breathe!"

"I was really horn—"

Axel charged at Jace, dove his whole arm through the Chain Lightning shield and yanked the phone out of Jace's hand. He slammed the phone on the ground, shattering it. He let out a sigh of relief and turned to Jace…

…only to watch him wave his right hand, and a replica of his broken phone magically appeared.

"I was really horny!" He finished the audio.

"Magic backup." Jace enlightened.

Axel growled under his breath.

"…and well, look at that!" Jace added, dipping his hand through the Chain Lightning shield and pulling it out, "You didn't get fried like a fried chicken! Huh! Not only you're a homewrecker, you're a pretty little liar too. Maybe I should take the role of A."

"Fine, I lied!" Axel barked, "What the hell do you want?"

Jace stepped through the Chain Lightning shield like it was thin air, "Your mouth shut." He said, "Plain and simple. See, I talked to Mitch earlier and apparently, he's been developing a crush on Sierra; and it's kinda cute I tell you that. But guess what? He's trying not to cross a line here."

Axel scoffed and forced a grin, "A line? Please. It's Jean-Michel. He's like the Madonna of this group. He'd cross any lines just to satisfy his conceited self-absorbed being."

Jace laughed, "Yeah, he will cross any lines…" he then turned serious, "when it comes to a good gossip."

Axel stopped smiling.

"Just imagine: Mitch finding out from his cuz that his so-called friend who" he then broke the fourth wall, "talks to some random people I don't even know…" he looked back at him, "has been sleeping with the girlfriend of a high school quarterback who may have the brain the size of a pea, but has the mass of Dwayne Johnson? You know Dwayne Johnson, right? The Rock? Famous wrestler? Six-packs, all-muscle, can crush you to fine powder?"

Axel gulped.

"That's my cousin. And that's also Pierre."

He made his phone vanish and stepped closer to Axel till they were nose-to-nose.

"I've sent my phone to the cloud. Like, the actual cloud." His voice turned grave, "Now I've tried to be nice. But all you've been to me was being nasty. So how do I deal with nasty people? By being nasty myself. Game on." He then winked, gave Axel a friendly shoulder pat and moved past him to his guestroom.

Axel watched him walk away, disappearing down the hall. Of all the monsters he defeated, even that damn OMG-Chernabog, the seemingly-unbeatable special event monster he single-handedly defeated back in the World that Never Was, Axel never would've thought he'd meet his match in Jean-Michel Elincio's elusive cousin: Jacen Riders.


Coming Up on KH3 Online HD
(scenes subject to change in the episodes)

-Ice Battle approaching. Queen Elsa and JM Elincio will lead the battle against the Ice Dragons.

-It's all about family! Jean-Michel Elincio and Talen, and their cousin Jace is one of the many KH sidestories involving the 13 Keybearers and their family members (as confirmed in the Characters Info chapter, expect Axel's parents, Matt's sister, even Talen's long-lost brother…)

-A secret threatens to disturb a friendship. And someone else knows besides Jace.

-There is a special KHIII Online HD episode in the works. And no it's not the crossover episode with Smash Bros. 3D/HD.

-A member of the Blackheart Dominion betrays their group.

-Noctis returns to HIS Dream World. Making a special-guest appearance in KHIII Online HD.

-Characters from Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts Unchained Chi and Kingdom Hearts III, will join the cast!


Next Chapter
Devil's Wave