Thank you for giving this story a chance.

Sorry for the spelling if it's bad!

Mum, Jemima and I sat on the beach of our island and watched the sun set.

It was beautiful. It always was.

"Its twilight" mum said. "Happy birthday girls"

"Happy birthday Charlotte!" Jemima said to me as she gave me one of her bear hugs.

"Happy birthday Jemima!" I said as I hugged my twin sister.

We were now 13. We always waited until twilight to celebrate our birthday because that was the time of day we were born.

I looked over at my mother. It still amazed me how beautiful she was. I looked a lot like my mum. I wasn't tall but I wasn't short, I was "fun sized" as mum put it, but compared to Jemima I looked like a midget. Mum says that I looked like her when she was still human only a have tanned skin.

Jemima on the other hand supposedly look like dad, but I wouldn't know seeing as how I never meet the guy. She has this amazing copper hair and green eyes. Mum's not sure where the green eyes came from but says that her hair is the exact same colour as Dads. She was tall and skinny. I thought we looked nothing alike, except for the skin, but mum said there was something in our faces that looked the same.

"My babies are all grown up" mum said as she pulled the both of us in to a hug.

"Mum, Jemima grew up ages ago. I hope she doesn't grow up any more or she might not be able to go inside the house." I said. Something hit me in the back of the head, it didn't hurt. Much.

"I'm not that tall you're just really short" she said. She then picked me up and went over to the rocks and threw me in to the freezing cold ocean. But not be fore I grabbed hold of her pants and pulled her in along side me.

"Girls! We were having a deep and meaningful moment and you ruined it." Mum said as we made our way to the shore.

"Sorry" we said in unison. Mum could tell that we didn't mean it.

"Yes you are very sorry. Or you will be because now you don't get your presents." She said with a smile spreading across her face.

She then ran into the jungle at vampire speed. She should have known better than to do that. I had the ability to teleport and would easily be able to catch her.

Jemima, grab hold of my hand. I think mother dearest wants to play a game.

That was another one of my quirks. Jemima and I could communicate with each other using our minds.

YES! I love playing games.

She grabbed my hand and we soon found ourselves hanging upside down on a tree that was near our house.

About 5 seconds later mum showed up.

"Took you long enough" I said letting a smile spread across my face.

"Okay! You guys win, now come inside for dinner"

We got down from the tree and went inside and sat at the table. Mum came and sat down bringing with her our favorite food, mango and chicken salad.

"Yum!" Jemima said before she started scoffing down her food.

I notice that mum was not eating, not that she did. Then there something started brewing in my head. Mum called it Emmet syndrome, whatever that meant.

"Mum now I have to have a serious discussion with you" I announced as I put on my most serious face. I almost lost it when I saw my mothers face.

" Mum I have noticed that you haven't been eating much lately" I continued " And I just want to let you that there are a lot of support groups that can help you fight your eating disorder."

"Charlotte what are you on about" mum said as confusion swept over her face.

"Now mum. I know you had a hard time copping with the death of our fish, but starving yourself is not the way." I said.

Jemima, realizing the joke, started to howl with laughter.

"Charlotte, that was really lame" she said. But I couldn't help but notice the smile she was trying to hold back.

We all proceeded to burst in to a laughing fit.

Jemima and I were lying in our hammocks when mum came into the room.

"Good night girls" she said as she leaned down and kissed us goodnight.

"Mum do you think that you could tell us the story of you and Dad" Jemima asked.

"Yer… please" I asked.

"You guys never get sick of this one do you" she said as she sat down on a chair.

"Can we skip the boring part and get to the part where we come in" I asked. I knew that mum would be grateful to skip that part. Jemima and I often heard her crying tearless sobs after she told the story and she thought we were asleep.

"Well… okay I found out I was pregnant three days later and in a couple of weeks I was as big as a house" she said, letting out a little laugh. "I realized that you two where half vampire…"

"Yer! Go us!" Jemima called out. Trust her to ruin the moment.

Mum smiled fondly at her and continued "… and I remember Edward mentioning another coven up in Denali. So I made my way up there to see if they could help me. Tanya and her family helped me and the turned me. That day was one of the best days of my life. That's when you two disappeared."

Jemima and I burst out laughing.

We discovered my power then. Apparently I grabbed Jemima's hand and teleported to our island.

Mum started running around the world trying to find us. In the end she hired this tracker to find us. We were in the tree that we were in early and Jemima and I wouldn't leave, so mum got a builder out here and we ended up living in our Bali style house.

I loved the island. It was so peaceful and perfect. When we were younger Jemima and I thought we lived in a fairytale.

I was remembering the time Jemima and I played world wide hide and go seek, when Jemima started snoring.

I looked over and she was almost falling out of her hammock. Mum looked at me and started laughing.

"She lasted a long time" she said. This started another fit of laughter.

I soon found my self drifting of to sleep.

That night I dreamt of my dad. He looked like Jemima but he was a boy.

I dreamt that he came to the island and he was playing with Jemima and I and then later on he told mum he loved her.

Yer fat chance that will ever happen........

Hope you liked it!