Disclaimer: Napgasm doesn't own Naruto. Nope.

Fore-note – So I have been planning this story out for quite a while now, and though it still has some gaps I decided I should at least write the intro, to see if it sparks people's interests and so I can decide if it is worth my time to write. But anyways, this is the intro, and yes it seems sad but the story itself isn't going to be sad like this, it'll be pretty fast-paced and exciting (AT least I hope it turns out that way).


The moon was high in the night sky as scattered clouds drenched the once dry ground with rain. In the midst of a forest a battle was taking place. A clash of wits and strength, to which there would only be one winning side. A single man up against three others; a disadvantage worthy of scorn and though the odds were against him, this single man fought valiantly, with his dog alongside him the entire time, aiding him in the fight.

The fight trudged on, but there was no stopping the inevitable, and eventually the clash ended, leaving one man and a battered dog on the ground gasping for breath, the rain washing their blood into the soil. In the silence after the battle the trees whispered to each other in the wind, speaking of things that only the wise can interpret. They spoke of the man lying helplessly on the ground, blood leaking from various places on his body, and of the man's dog, whose condition was no better. They spoke of how the red tattoos on his cheeks blended perfectly with the blood rolling from his forehead, and of how his once wild nature and rugged handsomeness was now replaced with an appearance of hopelessness and sorrow. This man lay on the cold ground of the forest as his memories flowed through him, reminding him of the life he might be about to leave behind.

After-note – There it is, short and sweet. It's just the intro though remember, so don't look too far into it, but at least give me some reviews so I can know what everyone thinks of it. I can't press that enough; review, review, review. Please. Reviews keep my heart beating, so please don't let me die. Anyway, I'm not sure when I'll have the first chapter up, hopefully soon but no guarantees; I'm a little neglectful, but hey, everyone has their quirks.