A Brief Author's Note!

I know a lot of you are frustrated that I haven't updated in a while, including people who know me personally, and believe me, I feel your pain. I actually have a lot of ATBRR all planned out, and I feel terribly upset that the likelihood I'll be able to share this story in its entirety is growing slim. So, just for a bit of clarity on the situation, here's what's going on:

I've recently begun working thirty plus hours a week at a job that's rather time-consuming, in addition to being something I've never done before. Before that, I had just begun attending college and had school work to attend to, and had run into a bit of a rough spot in my personal life that I hadn't been expecting. This has left me very little time to keep up with things like housework, let alone do things I enjoy doing, including writing.

Furthermore, I've become displeased with the first few chapters of ATBRR and have been attempting to rewrite them, along with adding a prologue and writing the poem the fanfic was originally meant to be in order to in-cooperate into the story, in an effort to make them seem more congruent with the plot I have in mind and more put-together. This, coupled with my other planned long-running fanfic, has been very tedious work. Not to mention every other hobby of mine tends to be extremely time-consuming (I read quite a bit and watch a lot of anime as well). I've also been trying to focus my attention more on my original pieces as well, especially since I plan to be an author in the (hopefully) near future.

I thank you all for you continued reviews and support, and I wish you to know I'm trying my damnedest to get ATBRR back off hiatus.

Sincerest apologies for the inconvenience,
