This is my second twilight fan fiction, which doesn't really revolve around Edward and Bella or any of the Cullen's so I wanted to try something different and I got sudden inspiration whilst listening to my iPod and wanted to give it a shot. So if you read this, please review, but no flames just constructive criticism. And it does get better than this chapter, and longer.

Disclaimer: Obviously I'm not Stephanie Meyer but...I can still love twilight

Chapter 1: Bella POV

Edward stroked my hair lovingly and I looked up so my eyes met his. He bent down to touch his lips to mine; my heart went into frenzy as it always did at one simple touch. I put on hand on the back of his neck and the other knotted in his messy bronze hair. He slid his tongue along my bottom lip begging for entry which I happily complied to. We played battle for dominance as he pushed me gently to the wall behind me, his hand on my waist I pulled away gasping for air. We just stood there foreheads touching for what seemed like ages even though only a few seconds had passed.

"I have somewhere to take you Bella" said Edward.

"Where?" I hated not knowing something.

"You'll see" teased Edward and he entwined my fingers with his and pulled me out of the room.

We walked downstairs and debated over which car to use, in the end Edward one, as always so we were driving through Forks in his Volvo way above the limit. I closed my eyes since the blur of the trees were causing my head to spin. When I re-opened my eyes Edward was glancing at me with a concerned look.

"Are you okay love?" he asked.

"Yeah, just slow down a bit, please", he did so and took my hand in his

We talked about anything that came to mind and were on the subject of college when I saw yellow headlights hurtling towards us. Edward tore his hand from mine to grip the steering wheel. He swerved to the left to try and avoid the car, but he wasn't far enough. I shut my eyes waiting for the impact but I never felt it.

Blackness engulfed me, I couldn't breathe or smell or hear anything. I could feel my consciousness slipping away against my will. I tried to grab onto my fast disappearing life but I couldn't. They say your life flashes before your eyes when you die. Mine didn't. I just saw Edward. I tried to speak, to tell him I was alright. But I was trapped in a lifeless body. I couldn't do anything. Knowing my final thought was just seconds away I flicked through the best memories I had of Edward and thought I love you before my life was stolen from me.

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