Hahaha This took so long! I'm sorry! I just noticed that my last update was like.. this summer! I'M SO SORRY! It's just that with school and marching band all other things. I'm just so sorry and for all of you this is what I have. A nice long chapter haha. Okay then! Lets go! Happy New Year too ^_^

Chapter 5

… Times a Jealous God

Zero didn't know exactly what to do. The purebred was standing there in black jeans and white button up that he almost didn't register the fact that Kaname seemed to be in pain. "Kuran? What happened?" He came closer but the pure blood seemed to flinch at the movement. Zero's concern spiked a new high. "What are you doing? You seem tired." Kaname seemed to give him a 'No shit' look but it soon faded away to a grimace.

"No, no. I'm all right. I remembered this morning that you had your tests today." Zero seemed surprised that the pure blood seemed to care about him. 'Or is this all a trick to get at my blood?' Kaname smiled, though it was filled with hunger and fatigue.

"You will do well. I know it." Zero smirked at this, though he was a tad embarrassed. The pure blood's statement made his heart flutter but he calmed it. He will not think like that today. Not when he was so close to Night class. "How do you know this?" Kaname smiled. He leaned in using Zero's sturdy shoulders as his grip and whispered hotly into his ear.

"Because I pick the best." He kissed softly under the ear then leaned back up though a bit tottery.

"Don't fail me Gundal. It's not just your pride on the line, but mine as well." Zero looked at him with wide eyes before he put on a serious face and bowed. "Yes sir." Kaname smiled a bit before loosing his balance and falling to the ground. Zero caught him before he fully hit the marble floor.

"So embarrassing… I am sorry for this." Zero looked at him with concerned eyes.

"You should be. If you just stayed in your bed instead of wishing me luck…" He caught himself before he sounded like some girl. Kaname looked at him too with eyes that glinted with disbelief. "I mean, you idiot. How am I suppose to protect you if you're going to act like this?!"

Kaname chuckled. "Well then, I suppose that means I'm just a burden. Isn't it?" Zero glared. "No! Just shut up and let me drag you to the infirmary like a good little charge okay?"

"Little? I'm taller than you."

"Yeah but I weigh more."

"Well of course. Just judging from your scent you at least eat fifty meals a day." Zero stood up and pushed him towards the wall.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!" Kaname chuckled.

"If you don't want me to feed on you I think you should stop pouting like that. You're too cute." Zero felt like pounding him into that wall before he heard a warrior cry.

"HEY!!! ZEERRROOO!!" He turned around to find himself on the verge of being part of a mob. Yuki and the others were running up to him with huge smiles on their faces. "Hey Zero you need to meet our new…" Yuki stopped and gasped at the sight. Kaname eyes glinted with anger. How dare these simpleton just run up to his guardian? He then sniffed the air and looked at the man that towered over all of them. He arched an eyebrow then looked away. Zero on the other hand didn't know what to say from this very awkward situation.

"Uh… hey guys."

"ZERO! Why are you man-handling the Vampir'a Prince?!" The tall guy then pushed through them and grabbed Zero's shoulders. He pulled Zero towards him.

"Sir, I do not think you should do that. This man is dangerous. See how he looks weak? You could die from him." Zero glanced up at the new comer like he had two heads. He then gently got out of the man's grip and raised his eyebrows.

"Really now? You don't say?!" The group behind them giggled as Kaname smirked. "Look, uh… whoever you are, its really easy to point out a hungry vampire. That is why I'm taking him to the medical wing to get blood for him." The new comer seemed to shiver at the thought.

"Well I am very sorry. Would you like some help?" Kaname glared at the man, his eyes becoming very red. The man looked at him with passive look. "He looks very… unstable."

Zero looked at him. "Look whoever you are. You need to just back away and let me handle this." He went to grab Zero again but the boy grabbed his wrist pulling him back towards him, Zero's back resting on a broad chest. "Hey… let me go!"

Yuki finally managed to pull herself out of being a mute and grabbed the boys arm. "This is Meyuki Zumbashi. A new student here… Be careful Zero!" The silver guardian looked at his friend and smirked out of sarcasm.

"Yes Mistress Fangirl." He then picked up Kaname and led him away from the scene. "See what happens when you argue with me Kuran? Just shut up and let me take you to the medical wing."

Kaname didn't say anything on the way over to the medical wing and that bothered our young guardian. After getting to the wing and giving him some blood from a blushing and clingy nurse they finally had a moment's peace. Kaname glanced up at Zero and looked out the window.

"Today, during your exams, you are not to be touched, or willingly touch for that matter, by that Zumbaka or whoever else. Just stay clear unless you are moping the battle field with their feet then you can touch them." He didn't need to look at Zero to know his reaction. The guardian smirked a bit deciding that he might as well play with the noble.

"Aww… is someone jealous, jealous that someone else besides him touched me?!" Kaname growled like an animal backed into a corner.

"Do not play with me Gundal. You are mine you hear me? I marked you." Zero's eyes glistened with guilt.

"I know you marked me. You bastard… and that's why I didn't come to you this morning. Or why I wanted to run from you earlier, because you did that… because you took that right from me!"

"What?" Kaname interjected, being pissed off that he was being talked back too and was called a bastard. "Your neck virginity? Sorry, pal, but I think that tattoo already states that it's happened before me." 'Which makes me more pissed off.'

Zero bristled like a tiger being caught by a trap. "You ingnorant… NO! That marking! That Bel'mu! It was only to occur when a Vampir'a and his guardian had a mutual…"

"A mutual agreement under a full moon that the Guardian was forever his by blood and was only free from that bond in death. You think I'm stupid Gundal? I know what were supposed to do. I just didn't feel like waiting."

"Bastard." Kaname looked up at him to see his Guardian fighting back tears, his hands clenched into painful fists. At this same moment, he felt his heart being torn in two. The light from the mid-day sun gave Zero a fallen angel look. His hair took a bronze color and his eyes looked like liquid gold. Kaname's eyes lost that razors edge almost immediately and something else flashed in them, so quickly that Zero almost missed it. He wanted to walk away, not wanting to cry in front of him, not wanting to cry at all! But he just couldn't stand it anymore. Yes, the tattoo was because someone else marked him earlier in his life. That was his first mistake, to even let it happen, and it was a miracle that the school still let him enroll though it was already there. The fact that Vampir'a pointed it out was just… it shot through his pride like a knife through his heart.

He turned on his heel to leave, feeling a tear escape his eye, but his hand was gripped by another and was pulled back towards the Vampir'a. He closed his eyes not wanting to look at his face anymore before feeling soft fingers brush his cheek as though to wipe away the tear. He gasped and looked at the Vampir'a who had a unreadable look on his face.

"So this is what angels look like when they cry…when jealous devils say foolish things." Kaname's lips pulled into a half smile as he saw Zero's expression turned to shock. It was adorable how his lips pulled apart and his eyes widen. His tears seemed to dry up and he knew his angel wanted to bolt out of the room because he knew he was blushing.

"You idiot! Don't say things like that when you don't even mean them! Besides what if someone heard you! I would be punished for nothing." Kaname chuckled.

"That's my rule binding guardian. That school girl fluster almost made me think you've gone mad." He then gently pushed him away and stood up. "Now, as I intended I shall watch your performance against your "rivals". I hope you put on a good show for me. I mean, I'm wasting precious sleep time to watch you."

"Then why don't you go back to bed. No one's stopping you." Kaname smiled. "But hearing about your victories isn't the same as watching them."

Zero looked at him for a moment and then looked away with a scoff. "Whatever, bastard." Kaname smiled gently towards the window.

"If we're going to give each other pet names, then I think angel will just have to stay, hmm?" Zero wants again blushed.

"Don't even think about it!" Kaname chuckled and walked away.

"I have already and in many ways." He winked as he passed. "Oh by the way, angel, if that boy ever touches you again, that new student will be the new dead student." With that he disappeared leaving behind a faint chuckle and Zero once again shocked.