Title: Comfort

Author: FactVsFiction

Pairing: Shunsui/Nanao

Disclaimer: I don't own bleach

A/N: Yep. Another multi-chapter fic but i'm proud to say I actually have it complete and ready to post! So I guess this is actually my first complete multichapter. Anyway it's AU because I know this isn't how the battle goes down and probably a little OOC. It's a short fic. Three chapters and an epilogue so watch out for the rest.

Shunsui glanced over his sleeping squad in the moonlight. Despite the situation a small smile played at his lips. Seretei was devastated since the last attack launched by Aizen and his minions 3 days previously and with the constant threat of a repeat attack and soul society essentially under siege little had been done in the way of repairs.

His squad were performing a lot better than others.

Actually they were holding strongest of all the squads in seretei. Shunsui figured he had his beautiful second in command to thank for that. After all he certainly wasn't up to perform the daily drills at six am every morning but it was obvious they had occurred. Shunsui had learnt a lot about his squad since they'd found themselves in the current situation. Their respect for Nanao ran deep and it was obvious that her devotion to them was just as strong. He'd discovered that the eighth division was the most kidou adept squad in the thirteen. A direct result of Nanao's presence. Heck even their sword work showed traces of her teaching. Nanao rarely allowed him to witness her train with her Zampaktou and he found himself surprisingly jealous at the idea that the squad saw it on a regular basis.

Their unprecedented skill with kidou was turning out to be a blessing. It was keeping the squad alive and for that Shunsui was eternally grateful.

Right now he revelled in the calm that seemed to blanket his men. After the last attack the order had been given to keep whole squads in one area. There was safety in numbers and most squads had already lost more than half their recruits. The eighth division had lost only 13 and it made for a very large group. As a result Nanao had suggested that the best place to assemble was the squad eight mess hall. Shunsui had been tempted to point out that the mess hall was drafty and that the floors were hard but he couldn't fault her logic. It really was the only place large enough to comfortably hold the whole squad and not one complaint had risen from the members. Right now it was two am and the squad was sleeping.

Many squads claimed a family-like relationship but Shunsui was pretty sure none of them could hold a candle to the eighth. Though only thirteen people had died those thirteen deaths had shaken the group to the core. They had lost their siblings and it only made them more determined to survive and more protective of each other. When the heating had finally gone, seretei's resources exhausted, there had been no question to the plan of action. The neatly arranged sleeping bags had been pulled together into groups and the recruits snuggled up together to beat the harsh cold. Shunsui had been slightly surprised that Nanao allowed such unprofessional behaviour at first but then Nanao had been surprising him since the whole situation started.

Even as Shunsui watched Nanao glided between the groups keeping her ears open for the first sign of nightmare. Upon hearing it she would sink down beside whichever recruit it was and wake them before soothing all traces of fear away. More than once the woken recruit sobbed themselves back to sleep in her arms but she was a calming presence and afterwards they slept soundly.

Shunsui chuckled to himself. When he'd first witnessed Nanao's pacing he had been certain she was ensuring that there was no funny business going on…

The next time she passed close by he beckoned her over. Nanao cast an eye over the group, and verifying that they were all settled, she sat up on the counter beside him. They were silent of quite a while.

"You know Nanao-chan. All the other divisions are at each other's throats with this close contact."

"I'm aware." Said Nanao. The Captains and their seconds were the only ones allowed to go anywhere alone now. But never at the same time.

"They're very close. I never knew."

Nanao didn't reply to that.

"Your kidou is keeping them alive Nanao-chan. They're very very grateful."

"They don't need to thank me."

"You care a lot about them."

"They're my family Sir." She replied simply.

"You wake them from their nightmares." Shunsui threw out the observation.

"Sleep is a time for peace. They do not need the horrors of reality haunting them." Said Nanao meeting his eyes.

"You know I originally thought you were just making sure there was no funny business going on Nanao-chan." Said Shunsui with a grin.

To his surprise he didn't receive the smack of the fan he was expecting. Instead she fingered the fan she had removed from her uniform instinctively. What came out of her mouth was even more surprising.

"We need to keep a close eye on Kimmagi-san."

Shunsui's eyes immediately searched out his ninth seat finding her sleeping soundly in the arms of his seventh seat.

"Why Nanao-chan?"

"She's five months pregnant with twins Sir." She said simply.

Shunsui got the distinct impression that Nanao enjoyed the look of shock on his face. Babies were extremely rare in soul society. Shunsui had honestly thought she'd just put on weight…

"That is why she's been on desk duty for the past three months sir." Yep she was definitely enjoying it.

"I thought she was there on disciplinary action."

Nanao shook her head.

"She's extremely stubborn. So far I've managed to keep her out of the fight with seventh seat Hioto's help."

"I'll keep an eye on her." Said Shunsui. Nanao nodded.

Silence fell again.

"Nanao-chan…. Are there a lot of relationships within the squad?"

"A few Sir. It isn't something I'm particularly strict on."

"Why not?"

'Because the whole squad knows I'm head over heels for my Captain. I can't exactly preach can I?'

"I don't believe it affects them in a negative way. They are warriors but not robots. Suppression leads to sloppy sword work."

Shunsui almost laughed. That was definitely not a view he expected his straight laced lieutenant to possess. He actually happened to agree with her.

"Totou-san and Siyoku-san were together a little more than a week when he was killed though it has been there quite a while. She's having a difficult time."

Shunsui looked to the 19th seat. She was one of the youngest squad members and his heart broke a little for her. He had seen the potential in the pair three years ago. Now she was surrounded by most of the female members of the division as she slept. A guard of comfort.

"She didn't deserve that." Said Shunsui sadly.

"No. She didn't." Nanao agreed simply.

"Are Hunhai-san and Dagai-san together?" Asked Shunsui glancing to the men in question.

Nanao looked slightly surprised at the observation.

"Yare Nanao-chan. Love is love regardless. Who am I to pass judgement?"

"They're together since before I even became fuku-taichou sir."

"Good. They deserve to be happy."

The pair fell silent again.

"What about you Nanao-chan."

"Single. Sir. I believe the recruits would see it as somewhat like dating their mother." She said simply.

Shunsui laughed out loud at that. Nanao shhh-ed him glaring then looking pointedly at the squad, a number of which stirred.

"Sorry Nanao-chan." He whispered.

Nanao just shook her head and rolled her eyes. He really was hopeless sometimes.

"So what does that make me then Nanao-chan?" This time she didn't hesitate in hitting him. "Yare Nanao-chan. So cruel."

"Ukitake-taichou has likened you to the disobedient son."

Shunsui pouted at the comment making note to pout at his best friend when he saw him.

"What do you think Nanao-chan?"

"The adopted disobedient son. I lay no claim to you." Said Nanao, a slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

Shunsui laughed quietly and Nanao fell pensive.

"They see you as their father. Even if you are somewhat…absent. They respect you greatly Taichou."

"I don't see why." Said Shunsui sadly.

"They respect your power and that although you aren't always there you've never let them down. You're there when they need you most. In times like this when I just can't lighten the atmosphere you're there with a sake party, or a game. Or just to wind me up enough to give them something to laugh at." Shunsui smiled warmly at his second who was blushing slightly. It was rare you could ever get her to open up like this…

"Thank you Nanao-chan."

She nodded. A muffled cry disturbed the peace and she was almost off the counter top when the third seat sat up beside the haunted cadet and motioned that he would deal with it.

Nanao sank back onto the work top. With a frown Shunsui realised that she was shivering slightly. She'd definitely been wearing her woollen haori when they'd first moved into the mess room…

"Yare Nanao you're freezing. Where's your haori?" Shunsui knew that Nanao made certain that all recruits wore it in the winter months. It was practically uniform in the eighth division.

"Kimmagi-san requires the extra layer with her condition Sir. I'm fine. She said simply."

"Would you like to go to your quarters and fetch another? I can keep watch here…"

"The Taichou, Fukutaichou and third seat quarters crumbled yesterday after they were hit with a stray kidou three days ago sir. I'm fine."

"Nanao-chan the recruits are cold even in those haori's."

"I'm fine Sir." She was slightly stricter this time. The effect was lost due to he shivers though.

"Yare Nanao you must be exhausted too. You haven't slept a night since we were moved in here."

"I'm fine."

"You're lying Nanao-chan." She glared at the wall in response.

Shunsui took advantage of her lack of attention and promptly pulled her to him so her back rested against his chest.

"Sir-!" She protested. It was almost a shriek and Shunsui chuckled slightly.

"Yare Nanao-chan you're cold, just lie down and go to sleep." He soothed.


"That was an order, not a request Nanao-fukutaichou."

She huffed but didn't try to remove herself from his grip again. He lay them both down. Nanao-chan would never disobey a direct order. That didn't mean that she wouldn't be angry with him in the morning though. He figured she needed sleep more than he needed to be in her good graces though and he really was quite enjoying holding her…

"Goodnight Nanao-chan."

She didn't privilege him with a response.


Nanao woke up quite warm and entirely too comfortable considering she slept on a counter top. The winter sunlight streaming in through the dirty windows told her it was just a little after sunrise, her normal time to wake. She didn't find herself very willing to rise though. There was a strong arm wrapped around her waist and her head rested it her captain's chest which rose and fell soothingly beneath her. Apart from that her bare feet were tucked between Shunsui's legs. Warm for the first time since she'd kicked her broken sandals off during the last fight. She had to though. She had to see what she could scrounge up for breakfast.

With a tiny sigh she carefully manoeuvred herself from her captain's arms wrapping them securely around himself so as not to wake him, and rolled off the counter onto her feet.

She whispered a curse and danced from one foot to another on the ice cold floor thanking whoever was listening that everyone was still sleeping.

There was a soft giggle. Well almost everyone. Thought Nanao with a cringe. She turned to see Kimmagi grinning at her, a hand placed protectively on her belly.

"Not a word Kimmagi-san."

"Not a word Fuku-taichou." Kimmagi agreed, still smiling hugely.

Nanao cursed again. The twins had been waking the girl early, kicking. Nanao had forgotten completely

Kimmagi giggled again. "Lets go see what we can find for breakfast, ne fukutaichou?"

Nanao nodded her agreement and they both crept passed their sleeping captain and into the kitchen behind him.

The kitchen was another good reason for choosing the mess hall. Sure the other squads were a lot more comfortable but their access to a kitchen meant that the eighth didn't have to survive on dry or pre-cooked foodstuffs and as a result their rations weren't as restricted as the other squads were.

Both women set to preparing the breakfast chatting very very quietly.

"You looked comfortable this morning." Teased Kimmagi.

Nanao shot the other woman a glare. "He had me under direct order not to move."

"Sounds like Taichou to me. Doesn't mean you didn't enjoy it though." Said Kimmagi grinning.

Nanao couldn't reply but instead went a beautiful shade of crimson high on her cheekbones. It was quite a contrast with her milky white complexion.

"Relax Ise-fukutaichou I don't think theres a woman on this squad who wouldn't enjoy it." Said Kimmagi amused.

Nanao opened and closed her mouth but went back to work silently, still blushing slightly.

"Oh… we're all out of chicken. I was thinking we could do that for lunch…" Said Kimmagi with an upset frown.

"I'll go and raid someone else's fridge see what I can find." Said Nanao.

"Be careful Fukutaichou…"


Nanao shivered as she looked around. Seretei was like a ghost town with all squads on lockdown. It was common knowledge that Arranacar, hollows and even menos and Ajuchas roamed the streets. Nanao kept her eyes and ears open as she hurried through the streets. They were under strict orders not to perform any kind of kidou or draw a Zampaktou outside the safe areas unless attacked. Yamamoto-Soutaichou had decided that the troops draw back until the next full on assault from Aizen and the esapada. They couldn't afford to have anyone else die outside of a final battle.

Nanao made the decision to go as far as the thirteenth division. Unlike the other divisions which were reasonably clustered together it was isolated. Nanao had an uneasy feeling about the place and decided she could check up as well as get lunch.

Nanao was extremely glad of her decision when she arrived. She knew that the 13th squad had holed up in the first level dormitories which were currently surrounded by Menos. The thirteeth squad were trapped. Nanao slinked as close as possible to the creatures before taking a steadying breath. She launched seven successive kidou attacks at the gathered Menos disposing of six of the creatures on contact. The seventh dodged and was hit it the arm. She was quick to attack again and again it dodged. Nanao growled slightly before capturing it in a binding spell and decapitating it with a slicing kidou. She ran to the door.

"I-Ise fukutaichou." Kioyne gasped.

Nanao knew something was wrong immediately. "What's happened?"

"Taichou. T-taichou's real sick a-and the menos a-and we're third seats w-we couldn't get help."

"Okay." Nanao quieted the blabbering seat. "Where's your taichou?"

Kioyne pointed to a huddled group.

Nanao dropped to her knees beside her white haired friend casting numerous diagnostic kidou over him. "Damnit." She murmured. She called ahells butterfly.

"I-Ise aren't h-hells butterflies banned?"

"He needs Unohana-taichou your taichou is very very ill. I'm sending for another fukutaichou to stay with you while I take him to fourth."

"O-Okay." The two third seats looked on the verge of tears.


"Nanao-chan is it bad?"

"Rangiku-san." Said Nanao relieved as the busty woman entered.

"Oh my god." Said Rangiku seeing Ukitake.

"I need you to stay with the squad while I take him to fourth after which we'll transfer the squad to the eighth safe zone."

"Nanao-chan you're already caring for the most intact squad…"

"A few more won't hurt, we're the only group with a safe area big enough and besides… they're comfortable around taichou…" Said Nanao quietly.

"You're right. They're scared half to death right now…" Said Rangiku quietly.

Nanao picked up the ill captain, draping him over her shoulder.

"Be very careful Nanao-chan." Rangiku said softly.


"Nanao-chan" Rangiku breathed in relief as her friend returned.

"Rangiku-san. I delivered Captain Ukitake. Captain Unohana is stabilising him now. He should be okay but he's out of this battle."

The thirteenth squad seemed to sigh simultaneously in relief.

"The first division lieutenant intercepted me for kidou and shunpo use. He has passed on the news to Yamamoto Soutaichou. If you have the time Rangiku-san I'd appreciate your help in the transfer."

"Of course." Said Rangiku sincerely.

"Okay. Everyone." Nanao addressed what was left of the thirteenth squad. "We're going to transfer you to the eighth division safe area. I need you to collect what you need. Bring your winter haori's as we're in the mess hall. You can leave your sleeping bags here you won't need them. Also… bring anything that will keep you entertained. Somebody needs to grab as much from the food store as possible perishable and cook able included."

"Yes Ise-san" Everyone chorused before jumping into action.

"They don't need sleeping bags?" Asked Rangiku.

"Our squad is huddling to conserve heat. There's bags left over."

"Oh. You know that's not a bad idea. I'll tell taichou. We had to transfer two more for treatment for pneumonia this morning." Said Rangiku quietly to her friend.

"How's your figure?"

"We've lost another 5 from injury in the battle three days ago. That's about 54 percent of us remaining. You're holding out well aren't you?"

"We've lost thirteen." Said Nanao quietly. "Fifty four percent is very good. There only looks to be about a third of the squad here."

"Poor things." Said Rangiku. "Thirteen. Your kidou lessons are really standing my you Nanao-chan."

"I guess." Said Nanao quietly.

"I-Ise Fukutaichou. We're ready."

"Alright so here's how it's happening. We're going to travel using flash step."


"It's the only way to move such a big group safely." Rangiku cut in. "Squad eight have only lost thirteen people. Nanao-chan knows what she's doing so I suggest you listen up."

The group looked amazed.

"Now is there anybody here who can't flash step comfortably?"

A number of hands rose guiltily.

"Okay I need you all to find a partner who can." The group shuffled around a bit.

"Now. Watch out for each other. Rangiku-san will head the group. I'll bring up the rear. If she goes off course. Follow her. Understood?"

"Yes Ise-san." Everyone chorused.


"Rangiku-san?" Said Shunsui rising quickly. "Is that Juu's squad? Where's Nanao-chan?"

"I don't know." Rangiku gasped. "I think she stopped to help someone."

Nanao chose that moment to come flying in the door. A terrified boy in her arms. He was very young but Shunsui distinctly remembered seeing him around the thirteenth division. Nanao placed him gently on his feet. The young boy clutched her hand tightly.

"Nanao-chan! We were so worried." Said Shunsui.

"In a minute taichou. Rangiku-san thank you for all your help."

"No problem Nanao-chan. If you need anything come find me, okay." She left the little group.

The thirteenth squad looked extremely nervous when Nanao turned to them. She offered them a comforting smile. "Grab some breakfast and pull up space. Right?" She directed to her squad.

"Right fukutaichou!" A few were on their feet immediately helping the thirteenth squad get breakfast and taking the food from their arms for them while more settled them into the ring that the group sat in on the floor. When she was sure they were settled and chatting rather shyly she entered the kitchen with Shunsui hot on her heels.

"Nanao-chan." He gasped "Don't do that! You scared me half to death. What's happened?" He asked. Worry for his best friend creeping into his voice.

"I went out to try to find some supplies for lunch. Kimmagi-san probably told you?"

Shunsui nodded.

"Well I decided to go to the thirteenth. They're isolated so I thought I had better check in on them. When I arrived their safe area was surrounded by seven menos. Naturally I broke protocol and disposed of them. When I got inside the third seats informed me that Ukitake-taichou was ill. I ran diagnostics on him. He'd had a serious attack and needed to be transferred to captain Unohana immediately. I sent a butterfly to Rangiku in the tenth that I'm pretty sure was intercepted before it arrived. She watched over the squad while I flash stepped Ukitake to the fourth division. Unohana said I got him there just in time and that he'd be okay but that it was serious. I was intercepted for kidou and Shunpo use by the first division. Upon returning to the 13th safe zone Rangiku and I transferred the squad here. There appears to be about a third of their original number left sir." Nanao reported.

Shunsui caught her off guard by scooping her into a tight hug. "You are amazing Ise Nanao." he murmured softly by her ear before releasing her.

Nanao tried to get her bearings back. Once she did she scowled but Shunsui could see the playfulness. "Nice try. I'm still angry about last night taichou."

He pouted and Nanao flounced out the door.

The squad were chatting happily when she entered, taking her place in the circle. The eighth division were working hard on integrating the thirteenth to the group and seemed to be succeeding already. Shunsui took his spot beside her and they watched the interaction for a while.

"So. Has anyone got a game for today?" Asked Shunsui eventually.

"A game Captain Kyoraku?" Asked a thirteenth division recruit.

"Well I don't know about you lot in Juu's gang but sitting still all day tends to drive this bunch here mad." He gestured to the ring. "Any ideas?"

A few suggestions made their rounds.

"I have an idea." Said Nanao, gaining attention immediately. She may be tight laced but it had been proven that Nanao came up with the best ideas.

"Shoot Fukutaichou." Said the group.

She rubbed her hands together murmuring a release under her breath. A bubble of energy appeared.

"Technically this isn't a kidou at all. A friend and I made it up back in the academy. You throw it around from one to another. It'll blow up at random intervals. It can do any number of things upon blowing up. She tossed it to her captain and it blew up immediately after he touched it, covering him in feathers.

"Of course I can control when it blows up too." The group sniggered. "Your example." Said Nanao, amused. Causing more giggles.

"You always have the best ideas fukutaichou!" Said the seventh seat. "Everybody up for that?" He called. There were various positive replies.

"Taichou can organise. I'll suck the fun out." She said simply.

"Okay. Lets start by getting all these sleeping bags out of the way since we have no idea how messy this is going to get." Said Shunsui looking to Nanao who just smiled serenely. "And Nanao-chan isn't going to tell us." Said Shunsui with a silly grin.

They took a few minutes to clear the area and then returned, forming a huge standing circle.

"Uh-oh… It's going to be pretty hard to throw it that distance…"

"They're light." Said Nanao tossing one across the circle. She formed nine more, throwing them in different directions and catching everyone off guard. "One's no fun." Said Nanao simply.


Laughter filled the squad eight mess hall lightening the mood enormously. Nanao was sitting on the counter, supplying the group with new balls of the energy as they burst. Kimmagi sat beside her after deciding she needed a rest.

"They're really happy. This was a great idea fukutaichou. It's taking everyone's minds off the war. Look. Even Ukitake taichou's group are completely relaxed."

Nanao nodded, watching the group as yet another ball blew up on Shunsui.

"You're doing that on purpose aren't you?" Said Kimmagi amused.

"Maybe." Said Nanao throwing another ball in.

"Is he still in the bad books or are you just playing?"

"I'm still not happy with what he did last night but I guess I'm just playing."

"He was really worried about you earlier."

"I know." Said Nanao simply.

They watched the game in silence.

"Ise-fukutaichou. Why'd you move the sleeping bags into the kitchen?"

"Because someone's going to duck at some point."

"What happens if you duck?"

"It hit's a wall or the floor."

"And what happens if it does that?"

"You'll see."

Sure enough five minutes later a recruit flattened himself to the floor to avoid the on coming ball. It hit the wall with a splat and a burst of bright blue. The whole group turned excited eyes on Nanao. Shunsui was almost bouncing with excitement. Nanao rolled her eyes.

"Go on, but if Yamamoto-sama says this has to be cleaned up later I am not helping."

She threw them another 25 balls.

"Lets decorate!" Yelled the 10th seat.


A/N: Review!!!!!!