Author's note: I'm so sorry I haven't updated for over a month! I did not intend to wait this long to put up chapter 7, but the last weeks have been pretty busy: I've been working, looking for a job for this summer and been trying to study (but have failed miserably). I hope it will get better soon so that I will have time to write fanfiction! In the meantime, spring has finally arrived! The cherry blossom trees are blooming and they are so beautiful! The weather is getting warmer and I just want to sit outside and write!

This chapter was meant as a tribute to one of the greatest SasuNaru fanfics ever written: Spiral falling by Becca Amon. The title, Spiralling, is a Keane song and was meant as a hint to Spiral falling, and I also put in a few other hints. If you have read this splendid fanfic, you might be able to recognise the hints. If you haven't read it, you should!

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Chapter 7 - Spiralling

The following days passed in a blur and Saturday arrived. Naruto was woken by the alarm clock at 8 a.m. The sunshine was streaming in through the red cotton curtains, making the room glow in a warm, reddish colour. It was going to be a beautiful day. Naruto turned around to wish Sasuke a good morning. He figured that the clock should have woken the Uchiha too and he found Sasuke staring at him sleepily.

"Good morning," Naruto said.

"Morning," Sasuke responded. They shared a few swift kisses before they got up, took a shower together, got dressed and went down for breakfast. Naruto waved at Sakura's table as he usually did as they entered the cafeteria and sat down at a different table.

"You know..." he said to Sasuke. "It would be nice if we could sit with them some day. But I guess, maybe that's not such a good idea."

"You're right – it's not," Sasuke simply concluded. Naruto looked defeated and took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"By the way, when will you be leaving today?" he asked.

"The train after yours," Sasuke replied.

"So soon?" Naruto looked curious. "What business do you have there today anyway?"

Sasuke leaned closer to Naruto, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"That," he said, "is a secret. You will know soon enough."

Naruto snorted. "Yeah, right." He silently wondered if he really wanted to know. He had a feeling that somehow it had something to do with him... Or the both of them.

When they had finished their breakfast, Naruto went back to their room to get ready, while Sasuke left for the library. People were going to be under the impression that Sasuke was going to stay inside all day, studying, when Naruto was in town with the girls. However, once he was sure that Naruto was gone, he was going to leave himself.

Sakura and Ino came by at 9.20 to pick Naruto up. They had to hurry to the station not to miss the train but made it in time. The trip from Konoha University to the core of the city only took about 20 minutes. The girls led the way and Naruto soon found himself in situations where he was forced to comment whether or not a certain pink blouse went well with Sakura's own pink hair colour; if a long, fake pearl necklace that Ino took a liking to looked to cheap and Sakura even asked him if he thought that the short, dark purple dress that she tried on made her look fat (he learned that the answer to this question should always be a definite "no" and nothing else, whether it was the truth or not).

Naruto found himself checking the time more often than he had to. He wasn't really bored, even if he could indeed think of better ways to spend his time instead of watching his friends try on a lot of clothes and then force him to give his opinion. However, he realised that he was really looking forward to later that day and his "date" with Sasuke. He probably looked a little unfocused because during lunch Sakura asked him about it.

"What's up with you today Naruto?" she asked. "One moment you're here and the next you seem to be somewhere else."

"Hmm?" Naruto said, returning to the present after having imagined himself and Sasuke in a fancy restaurant a few hours later and now turning his attention towards Sakura.

"You know, that's exactly what I'm talking about," Sakura said, turning to Ino for support. Ino nodded.

"What is?" he asked questionly.

"You don't listen to what we say; you seem to be somewhere else, lost in thought. What are you daydreaming about?" Sakura folded her arms over her chest.

Naruto swallowed. "Nothing. I'm not daydreaming," he said, a little too quickly.

"Oh please Naruto, don't insult my intelligence. I know you better than that." She was getting pretty annoyed at this point.

"No really, it's nothing," he tried to reassure them. "I promise." Naruto was a little worried. He had obviously been unfocused, careless, and they had noticed. Sakura was already curious about his and Sasuke's suddenly close friendship and now he was drifting off, fantasising about him in their presence.

Sakura looked at him sternly.

"Naruto, I swear... If you don't tell me, I'm going to find out by –"

Before Sakura could tell him how she was going to find out what he had been thinking, Naruto's cell phone decided to ring. When he saw it was Sasuke, his heart took a leap inside his chest and he hurried to answer it.

"Hello?" he said rather breathlessly, immediately cursing his lack of skill to hide his eagerness.

"Hello yourself," he heard Sasuke's voice say and his heart beat quickened.

"Listen Naruto," Sasuke continued, "for the rest of this conversation, try to pretend I'm your mother."

Naruto couldn't help himself. "What?" he spluttered.

Sasuke sighed. "Pretend it wasn't I, but your mother that called. Answer me like you would answer her, so that Sakura and Ino, whom I guess are still with you, won't realise I'm the one calling you."

Naruto understood. "Oh, right mum! Very funny. I didn't hear it was you at first. How are you?" He was very aware that Sakura was watching him with great interest.

"Good," Sasuke said. "Now answer me this: where are you?"

"Actually I'm in town today with some friends," Naruto played along. "You probably remember them: Sakura and Ino? Anyway, right now we're having lunch at Ichiraku's."

"Ramen?" Sasuke sounded disgusted. "Okay. I'm in another part of town. Are you going to stay in your surroundings the rest of the day?"

"I guess so." Naruto caught sight of Sakura who was trying to communicate without words that she wanted him to say hi to his mum for her. "Sakura says hi," he added.

"Well, I don't," was Sasuke's sour response. Naruto mouthed back at Sakura that his mum said hi too. "You still want to meet me later for dinner?" Sasuke continued.

"Yeah, I'd love too," Naruto quickly replied, smiling as he did so. "That would be nice. I haven't seen you in a long time. I miss you."

"I miss you too. I haven't seen you in, like, four hours," Sasuke chuckled. "So think you will be done by six?"

"I guess," Naruto shrugged. "Where should I meet you? Or should I come home?"

"Hmm..." Sasuke began, thinking it over. "Why don't we meet outside Ichiraku's at six and then go some place else?"

"Home it is then," Naruto grinned. "Tell dad I said hi and I'll see you two later."

"I can't wait," Sasuke said before hanging up. Naruto put his phone back in his jeans' pocket.

"What did your mum say?" Sakura asked politely. "How was she?"

"Oh, she's fine," Naruto replied, still grinning. "When she heard I was in town she wanted me to come home for dinner tonight. So I guess you two have to go home without me."

"I think we'll be able to make it home by ourselves," Sakura said and Ino nodded her head in approval. "What time are you supposed to be there?"

"At six."

"That's good. We should be done by then. Let's get moving," Sakura said and got up.

* * *

The afternoon passed in the same way as the rest of the day had. As 6 o'clock drew nearer, Naruto was starting to get nervous. He thought that Sakura must notice this but if that was the case, she kept quiet about it. He didn't really know why he was nervous either. It was only Sasuke after all, but they had gotten so much closer during the past week and he didn't know what to expect.

Sakura and Ino decided to take the 5.30 train back to campus which left Naruto with some free time before he was to meet Sasuke. There was a multimedia store on the same street as Ichiraku's so he decided to check if they had The Killers' newest album. They did so he bought it. He was wondering if maybe he should bring a present for Sasuke or something, they were going on a date after all. He wondered if he should buy him flowers, but in the end he decided that Sasuke would probably enjoy the The Killers' CD too so that had to do (1).

He was still a little early when he exited the store but when he arrived at Ichiraku's Sasuke was already there waiting for him. Naruto saw that Sasuke didn't seem to have brought him flowers either and he was happy that he had chosen not to. He smiled brightly as he walked up to the raven haired boy.

"Hi," he said and Sasuke mimicked his greeting. "You haven't been waiting a long time have you?"

"No," Sasuke answered him. "I just had nothing else to do so I figured I could as well wait here as any other place, and it obviously turned out to be a good idea, as you're early too." He gave Naruto a small smile. "Shall we get going?"

"Yeah, sure," was Naruto's reply and the couple set off down the main street, Sasuke leading the way. "Where are we going?"

"A restaurant that's not on the main street. It's rather small but the food is excellent and we are more likely to get some privicy there than we are at any restaurant on the main street."

"Sounds good to me," Naruto said honestly.

The restaurant was just as Sasuke had described it: quite small, but they found a secluded table. Sasuke ordered some sushi and Naruto had yakiniku. All through their meal they talked like any good friends would and they laughed together. It all felt very natural. Naruto thought he discovered new sides of Sasuke's complex personality and he suddenly realised that he might be the person who knew Sasuke best after the boy himself.

They had decided to go see a movie but before they left the restaurant, Sasuke lowered his voice an octave to catch Naruto's attention.

"Naruto, close your eyes."

Naruto blinked, surprised. "What? Why?"

"Just do it."

Naruto reluctantly closed his eyes. "Now what?" he asked impatiently.

"I have a surprise for you," Sasuke almost purred, lightly brushing his lips against Naruto's. "Now you're allowed to open your eyes again."

Naruto did that and first he only saw Sasuke sitting opposite him, smirking, but then he caught sight of an envelope which was leaning against his tea cup.

"What is this?" he asked, examining the plain envelope.

"Open it," Sasuke suggested.

Naruto complied and inside he found train tickets and a brochure for an expensive-looking hotel. He blinked sheepishly, staring at the picture of the hotel, his mind blank.

"Sasuke, what – ?"

"It's your birthday present," Sasuke simply concluded.

Naruto looked up, staring into those dark eyes, confused. "But my birthday isn't until next week."

"I know, and that's why we're going away next weekend to a hotel in the mountains."

Naruto's eyes widened as realisation dawned on him. "Are you serious?"

"Very," Sasuke answered.

Naruto looked down at the brochure again, this time really seeing it. The place honestly didn't look cheap and the landscape surrounding it looked absolutely beautiful.

"But this must have cost a fortune. How am I supposed to accept this?"

"That's easy – you just do it." Sasuke leaned forward to capture Naruto's lips in a gentle kiss. "I want to go away with you on your birthday Naruto, just you and me. I sincerely hope you feel the same way. If not, I will force you to go with me anyway." He smirked against Naruto's lips.

Naruto didn't know what to say, he was completely speechless. He looked away from Sasuke, just staring down at the wooden table. "Thank you," he murmered, his voice thick with emotion. Sasuke placed a kiss on his head.

"You're welcome.

* * *

They got to the cinema well in time to decide which movie they were going to see. Naruto wanted action when Sasuke would have preferred the more independent one that had gotten so good reviews by movie critics around the world, but he went with Naruto's choice as he figured they wouldn't be seeing too much of it anyway. Their places were at the far back of the auditorium, but it was rather crowded so they had to do with holding hands and sharing a few kisses when everyone else's attention was directed at the screen where the hero was in serious trouble which he, of course, got out of unharmed.

When the movie neared it's end, Sasuke let go of Naruto's hand to instead make it caress his knee and up along his thigh, stopping to cover his groin. Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at Sasuke but they soon narrowed in irritation.

"What the hell are you doing?" he whispered as silently as he could so that only Sasuke would be able to hear him but then he had to bite back a moan as Sasuke's hand began to move. Sasuke slowly stroked Naruto through his pants and Sasuke soon realised that the blond's breath seemed to be coming quicker and the clothed member in his hand was growing more and more impatient.

Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand to stop its ministrations but instead Sasuke squeezed his dick which made Naruto twitch and he had to bite his lip to force down the groan that threatened to escape him. Naruto's dick was half erect when the audience suddenly broke out in applause as the movie ended. Sasuke immidiately draw his hand back before the lights came on and he recieved a death glare from a shocked and angry Naruto. Sasuke leaned forward to whisper in the blond boy's ear.

"I'll take care of you when we get back home. For now, try to hide that impressive erection of yours with your jacket."

Naruto continued to glare at Sasuke as if he couldn't believe his ears before he stood, took his black and orange jacket and folded it over his arm which he held in front of his body to hide his obviously hard state. Then he turned and walked right out of the cinema without so much as a backward glance at Sasuke. He didn't stop before he was forced to when the traffic lights switched to red. Sasuke stood next to him a second later, having followed close behind him the whole way there. Naruto ignored him completely.

"Are you very angry with me?" Sasuke asked after another moment's silence.

"Angry?" Naruto said in a perfectly calm voice, still not looking at Sasuke. "I'm not angry with you. I'm furious."

As the lights turned green he walked on again ignoring Sasuke but this time the Uchiha grabbed his wrist on the other side of the street and dragged him along into the closest alley way.

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" Naruto almost yelled but Sasuke silenced him by pressing him up against a brick wall and kissing him fiercely. Naruto groaned and struggled against Sasuke's hold, but soon gave up and relaxed as Sasuke's hands tangled in his blond hair and dark eyes locked with clear blue.

"I'm sorry Naruto," Sasuke said. "If you want me to I can finish the job right away." His hands left Naruto's hair to instead unbuckle his belt but Naruto pushed his hands away, his anger returning.

"You really think it's about that?" he asked , still meeting Sasuke's eyes. "You think it's about the fact that you didn't finish the job? Sasuke, it's more the fact that you started it."

"You didn't mind before," Sasuke inflicted.

"We were at the fucking cinema!" Naruto said louder than he had meant to. "It's different! There were other people there Sasuke! Did you plan to jerk me off and make me come screaming your name in front of all those people?!"

"I just thought that the fact that there were other people there made it all the more exciting."

"Well maybe you can get off knowing that you might get caught any moment but I just can't do that," Naruto said. "Maybe that excites you but I prefer when it's just you and me."

Sasuke couldn't stand the hurt look in those sky blue eyes. He blinked, trying to erase the sight. "I'm sorry Naruto, I really am. I didn't know you felt that way."

"Well, I do. Maybe you should have asked me."

Both boys stood there silent for what felt like ages. Sasuke remembered that he still had Naruto pressed against the brick wall. He took a step back.

"Let's go home," he said. Naruto nodded in agreement. They were silent the rest of their way back to campus, both lost to their own thoughts. When they were back in their room they brushed their teeth, changed and climbed into Sasuke's bed as had become habit and fell asleep without another word.

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(1) The singer in The Killers is Brandon Flowers. He didn't have to buy him flowers - because he would get Flowers anyway. Haha, sometimes I'm so witty it almost hurts. Almost.

A/N: Somehow, when I try to picture central Konoha with Ichiraku's and that multimedia store and the restaurant that they finally go to, I can't help but picture Drottninggatan in Stockholm, Sweden. I don't know why; it doesn't really make any sense. One of my friends said that she pictured Gamla stan when reading the chapter. Very strange. Anyway, I got The Killers' newest album, Day and Age, for Christmas and I was listening to it while writing this chapter in December/January so I couldn't help it but make Naruto buy that album too. I love it! I love The Killers and so does Naruto and Sasuke now, because I say so :p. Chapter 8 will be named after a song on that album ;) Guess which one!