New Story! I'm really excited about this one. Okay now for the story. But first Disclaimer that is totally obvious cause I am not masashi Kishimoto. Naruto, would you like the honors?

Naruto: I prefer Ramen.

SandCoffinLuvr: Take the stinkin honor and you can have your precious ramen afterwards. Please.

Naruto: 'sigh' SandCoffinLuvr Does not own Naruto.

I didn't think my life could get any worse. My parents divorced and have been fighting for custody over me for as long as I can remember. My farther started drinking when I was about ten. But that only made his blows harder and more violent. He was abusive. My mother was kind but stupid. She would do anything to get her hands on her beloved addiction. Heroine and Cocaine. Though it's been going on my whole life the geniuses got the idea of taking it to court. Since the beginning the judge decided it would be safer for me to stay as far away from them as possible. Which explains why I'm riding in a police cruiser to the dark side of town. My mom told me endless stories about it. She told to stay away from the boundary when I went out on my own on the street. Truthfully I'm not scared. Like I said before my mom is a drug addicted. She isn't worth listening to at least not when she's high. We crossed the boarder and my jaw dropped. At first it was just dark dead grass and cracked side walks. As we sped by buildings I noticed how dark and all gloom and doom they were. They were darkening from age and smoke. Bricks falling, shattered glass, bordered up doors it was chaos. The folks that strut down their street with pride glared evilly at the car I rode in. Some even laughed and threw rocks. The judge said this place would be safer for me. Away from my parents. So they're protecting me from them, but what about the place they're sending me? Is this place as safe as they think? I looked at the policemen driving me to who knows where.

"You never told me where you are taking me." I noted. He quickly looked at me then back at the road.

"Sin Academy." Sin? How fitting to the town. I wonder what the school will be like. On my side of the street I noticed a really busy bar. Ai Shinu it was called. Goths, Emos and punks of every kind walked in and out. I bet if I rolled down the window I could hear their music. People were dancing even on the street. He noticed how I was examining the bar as we zoomed past it. "I heard that's the hottest place to hang out." He said.

"I'm only sixteen." I said icily. I knew he didn't really want me to 'hang out' there. He was trying to make me happy about this. He was probably paid by my mom to do it. No way in heck could this stupid town nor this pathetic place called Sin Academy could make me happy. This sucks. We drove onto a bumpy drive way and through a metal gate. The brick wall that surrounded the huge school was black and covered with grayish thorn vines. It was creepy.

"Here we are." He said. The school was even creepier. It looked like a bunch of rotting abandoned mansions. Though it was obviously clear it wasn't abandon. Students were everywhere. They glared at the car as if it was here to over throw their king or something. He drove up to the front entrance and parked. I got my two bags from the back seat and exclaimed the sight. I shivered. It was kind gruesome. Blood was stained on the doors and walls. As we walked in people, no surprise, started to glare, giggle and gossip. A couple of students were fighting in a near by hallway with a teacher standing right there watching! I was so scared. He led through the halls that only got creepier. I tried to ignore the stares, giggles, pointed fingers and comments like 'Hey look!' 'Ooh! Fresh Meat!' 'Look at new girl here. She won't last a day here' among other stuff. We finally reached our destination, which my guess would be, the office. He held the door for me and walked away when I walked in. The lady at the front desk looked at me evilly.

"What do you want?" She asked cruelly. I gulped and step forward.

"My name is Sakura Haruno. I'm supposed to stay here until my parents get done with their feud in court." I said softly.

"Oh it's you. Fine." She sighed. She dug through her stacks of paper and brought out a piece of red paper. She handed it to me. "That's a map of all four buildings. The two in the back is the girl and boy's dorm rooms. Here's your room number." She said pointing to the 246 at the top of the page. She then flipped it and pointed to the list of names and numbers. "This is your classes and their room numbers. Class starts tomorrow. Now get out. I'm busy, brat." She didn't have to repeat. I left but maybe it was safer in the office. I was glared at. I quickly walked out of there. I tried to find a god place where I wasn't stared at but it was impossible. So at that note I left to find my room. By my guess I'm probably going to have roommates so I might as well as go ahead and meet them. The grass was dark and dead. There wasn't a living tree anywhere. The sky stayed clouded with gray threatening clouds. I found the girl's dorm. It wasn't hard. It was a hug mansion looking building with 'All must die' on all sides, written in what I hope isn't blood. It was. I walked in disgusted. Girls partying, making out with boys and other girls and painting on the walls with their bleeding hands. What's with these guys and blood?! Still the glares and gossip was never ending. I found the stairs and started climbing. On the forth floor was 245 and 247 but there was no 246 in the in between. I asked a girl I passed and she just laughed her head off.

"And here I thought it would be a couple of days till you got yourself killed! Now you won't last an hour!" She laughed. It scared me. "Top floor." She finally answered. There were a hundred floors in this building. I made after figuring out there was an elevator at the end of every hall. The top floor was darker and messier than the others. It was at the very end with not a lot of people around, in fact no one was around. The wooden floor creaked with every step and the long stained gray carpet was ripped to shreds. The walls were filled with cracks and holes. Pictures and paintings hung crookedly, torn, frames cracked and broken but still had some pride in them, but no windows. I finally reach the arch shaped double doors. Great I'm dealing with royalty. They were black with golden doorknobs. Messages were written all over them. Again they were written in blood. I took a deep breath and was about to knock when the left door swung open. I stood there dumbfounded. A slender girl stood before me with a bad expression. If looks can only kill. She were a black mini skirt with a tube top that said 'Dang you' and she had dangerously blue eyes and long blond hair pulled into a ponytail with a small slender tail hanging our her right eye.

"Who the heck are you and what do you want?" She asked coldly. I couldn't speak. I was far too scared. I gulped and she narrowed her eyes. "I know that smell." She said leaning in closer. "A mortal! How pathetic!"

"Behave, Ino." A voice said from behind the door. It was quiet and faint. The girl I suspect of being 'Ino' looked into the room.

"And pray tell fortune teller if I can't kill her then what can I do to her?" That shook me hard. Was I really that close to death? She must be joking. Surely this is just some prank they play on new comers.

"Let her in." The faint voice said. Ino took one glance at me then shock took over her expression. She shook her head and looked back into the room.

"Oh no! Heck No! No way! Forget it!" She yelled. "This can't be our new room mate you saw! She's a mere mortal! A human!" She cried.

"She's right." I said. Ino looked coldly back at me. Daggers shooting at me from her cold stare. I gulped again. "I'm your new roommate." I then smiled politely and held out my hand. "My name is Sakura Haruno. Nice to meet you." I said. Her stare only got colder. I took my hand back with a disappearing smile. I bit my tongue to make sure I said nothing more. This wasn't going well.

"Let her in, Ino." The faint voice said again. Ino sighed in defeat and let me through. After three steps through the door Ino grabbed my arm.

"You sure this is what you saw?" Ino kept getting colder and colder. In front of me were a coffee table, a long black couch and two other chairs circling it. Four doors evenly separated were laid out behind her. There was girl with short bluish hair wearing dark blue t-shirt and caprice was sitting in the middle of the couch. Her eyes were a pearl color with no pupils. She had some cards laid out on the coffee table. The girl scanned the cards she had on the table then slid off another off the top of her deck in her hand. She looked at it, then laid it down facing us. It was the grim reaper in a long black cloak but no scythe just a lantern. I tensed up. Doesn't the grim reaper usually mean death. The girl looked up.

"I'm never wrong." She answered simply. Suddenly laughter was heard from the left side of the room. It was a mini kention. At the bar set up was another girl sitting atop of the bar, laughing. She had dark brown hair tied into two buns on each side. She wore a black baggy t-shirt and dark blue torn and ripped blue jeans. She was twirling a kunai knife on her middle finger of her right hand. I couldn't breathe.

"You should know by now to never doubt Hinata's predictions. " She said then looked at me. "Tell me mortal, what's your name?"

"What's your business here?" Ino demanded.

"I came here to get away form my parents while they settle their argument in court."

"I sense hatred." The girl, Hinata, said.

"I do sort of hate them." I admitted. Ino wrapped her arm around my shoulders and poked my cheek with her long black nail.

"Welcome to the club, Sakura." She said. I guess you can call her tone friendly.

"Sakura? That's your name?" The girl in the kention asked. I nodded. In a blink she was gone and appeared in front of me. Something tells me I gave this school too much credit on the normal scale. "My name is Tenten. If you like I can show you around." She chuckled.

"Remember Ten, Hinata said we can't kill her." You've got to be kidding me.

"Leave her be. I wasn't going to kill her. I was serious. A human can't wonder around by her self. Especially this close to dinner." Tenten said. Help.

"Let her adjust, first girls." Hinata stated. "Let her unpack and give her time to adjust to her new environment. She might need time alone." Bless Hinata! I'm in her debt for this. I pasted a smile back onto my face.

"That's not a bad idea. If you don't mind I would like to unpack and see my room. That is if it's okay." I said.

"No prob, Sakura. It's the last one door on the right. The bloody door." Tenten pointed out. Great more blood!

My door was covered and splattered in the dried up liquid. It opened it and the inside was a little it better. No bloodstains but still dark and the rug was ripped and torn. The bed was at the left top corner next to a window. The gray covers had a black rose on thorny vines pattern. The two solid gray pillows had no patterns. There was a computer across; surprisingly it was a new model. Flat screen, wireless mouse, and the real works. Next to it was the drawer. I suppose I put my clothes there. I set my bags on the floor next to it so I could start unpacking.

"It's small, but it should do." I jerked around to see Hinata sitting crossed legged on my bed, playing with her cards. I swallowed my fear and nodded.

"I like it," was my brilliant response. I started back to my clothes. I could hear her cards crashing on each other from Hinata picking up the top few then letting them fall back down.

"Do you wish to hear about your future adventures in Sin Academy?" She asked. I shrugged. "Very well. Where would you like to start?"

"About friends." I said. She took four cards and laid them down next to her facing down. She did the same but this time the cards were facing up and on top of the first four. I watched her. Apparently the first three sets of cards didn't matter. She picked up the last set. She looked at the top one.

"You will become very popular and will soon find your place here. With only a few good friends." She then smiled. "From what my cards tell me, you and I will become very close." I smiled back. I feel as though I can really trust her. She picked up the second card and looked at it. "Well you will adjust very quickly with a few friends but they love a great deal." She said. Talk about handing out faith. That made me feels a lot better. Few are way better than none.

"Can I ask you a question, Hinata?" She nodded putting her cards back in the deck. "Don't be offended but why did Ino and Tenten kept calling me mortal? I mean they're human too."

"You haven't figured it out, have you?"

"Figure out what?"

"This place isn't for humans, because none of us are human. Ino is a telepathic demon. Tenten is a Destructive angel, and I am a gypsy." What the heckā€¦

"Aren't gypsies humans?"

"Only the fake ones. We're originally demons." She stated. "Tenten is an angel true, but she is an angel from heck. She only lives to destroy and kill. They are the inventers of war and weapons. Ino, the telepathic demon has a history. Her kind has been known as the mind duelers. As in she can destroy, repair, read, control and more to anyone's mind. But only to the mind."

"I'm in heck." I whispered.

"Literally." She giggled. "What else would you like to hear?"

"How much longer do I have to stay here?"

"Long enough to like it here."

"Your not going to tell me, are you?"

"Some things should be left for only the gypsy to know." She said. "How about romance? Every girl wishes to see their future in that matter."

"Not me." I said.

"Then for kicks I'll look." She did her little card lay out, different form the last time. This time ten cards split in two rows. The next card she drew she looked at and her expression feared the result. She's gone pale and she slammed the card back on the deck. "That can't be. It must be wrong. But my cards are never wrong. I'm never wrong." She whispered. She picked the card back up and this time examined it more carefully.

"Is something wrong, Hinata?"

"Stay away from Sasuke Uchiha."

Tada! So what do ya think? Do you like? Yes, No, let me down a little, Okay!

Naruto: Where's my ramen? I never got my ramen.

SandCoffinLuvr: See ya next time!

Naruto: Hey!