Hermione POV

I have to leave. I can't stay. I'm pregnant, with triplets, and they're Severus' children.

I had never meant for this to happen. I swear, but that doesn't mean I regret it. He saved me.

I was taken right after our graduation from Hogwarts.


I lay on the floor. My body weak and numb with pain from the last crucio Voldemort preformed. He laughed, an evil maniacal laugh. He then asked a question I was hoping would never come.

"Now, who wants the mudblood? She needs to learn a lesson, or two."

I whimpered at the though of losing my virginity to these savage men.

"Severus, you are the most worthy who has offered. You shall have her. Take her to your rooms and pleasure yourself. I'll check when you return to make sure you don't act noble. Go leave my presence." Voldemort said, obviously dismissing us.

I quickly shielded my mind with the occlumens we were taught. I couldn't have Voldemort find the sliver of hope. I heard the whisper of Snape's cloak as he knelt to kiss his masters robes.

"Thank you My Lord."

I felt weightless when he lifted me with a simple levitation charm. I finally relaxed knowing I was in gentle hands. I allowed myself to feel the pain coursing through me. That was the last I remembered of the transfer from the dungeons to Snape's home, Spinner's End.

When I woke the first thing I noticed was the absence of pain. The second was my clothes. I wasn't in my Hogwarts robes. They had been shredded in the process of torture, I remembered. Instead I was wearing a men's button up shirt and boxers. The door opened, revealing the owner of the clothes, carrying a tray covered with bottles and food.

Snape looked different. His hair was tied in a stubby bunch at the base of his neck. He was wearing slacks and a t-shirt. His facial expression was much different along with his posture. He looked relaxed and safe. When he noticed my observations, he smiled slightly.

"Ah, so you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess. How did you manage to change my clothes?"

He then smirked "Does the smartest Gryffindor not know of a simple switching spell? It's not that hard."

I blushed.

"No worries I didn't peek, I wouldn't. Sorry about the clothes. I don't really keep women's clothes on hand, and leaving wouldn't be advised as Voldemort has posted guards." Looking slightly pensive, he spoke. "He may suspect that I might return you ahead of schedule."

"Ahead of Schedule?" I questioned.

"Ah yes," He flushed slightly. "After I've, uh, 'finished' I am supposed to take you back to the Order of the Phoenix. I regret that the circumstances are not very good. I wasn't supposed to heal or help you, only hinder. He thought that the wreaking of your emotional health would send Harry over the edge."

"The wreaking of my emotional health? How did he hope to do that? The torture wasn't all that bad, it was painful but I wasn't broken." I asked confused.

He flushed deeper this time, "Do you remember before you blacked out? What Voldemort said?"

"Yes he said take me to your rooms an…" It was my turn to flush, "Oh, um… Can he really check?" I asked hesitantly.

"You do realize that he is a genius, right? He has created many of spells and charms himself. He developed a couple just for the reason to make sure that his death eaters follow his directions. There are two in particular; one can tell if you are still innocent. The other is to tell if you just had intercourse and who with. The one good thing about that spell is it can't distinguish between rape or consensual." He explained.

"Oh, so have you ever had to do… this kind of thing before?" I awkwardly asked.

He gave a small sad smile, "Yes Hermione, I have. Have I ever raped a female before? Never, I explained to them what would have to happen, to try to hopefully save them and help me. I hate doing that to them. But, gratefully all so far have realize that and are thankful mostly. I try to make it as short and painless as I can for them."

"So I am very lucky to get you as my captor?" I asked jokingly, still shocked.

He smiled catching on, "Yes very, but really I wish I didn't have to do this but you understand why right? My position with the death eaters could be put up to question if anyone ever found out what I do."

Something clicked into place in my head, distracting me. "What about all the marks on my body, the scratches and things like that? You made them all disappear, if there are guards how will you explain to them about the marks vanishing when you weren't supposed to heal me?"

This time a full-blown grin graced his face. "You truly are smart for catching that. I will be placing a glamour on you based on my memory of your past marks. But you really should relax you'll be leaving in a day and a half. So drink all of the potions I have laid out and try to eat. I will brief the Order as soon as possible of your situation."

I sat stunned as he brought over the tray. Was Severus being nice? Wait when did I start to think of him as Severus? I am way to exhausted to think about this. I quickly drank all the potions, barely noticing the tastes. Eating the food, I tried to figure how long I had been gone. I looked for something to gauge my time with but I couldn't find a thing. 'Guess I'll have to ask Severus next time.'

The next time he came it was dark. He was just wearing saggy pants and a snug tank top. His hair was rumpled, and face serene. He grimaced as he looked at me.

"Its time isn't it?" I asked timidly.

"I'm afraid so, I wish there was another way. But the Dark Lord is adamant. I must do this." He said sadly.

"I understand. I'm actually kind of glad that it is you… I mean not that I ever though of you more than a professor… not that I wouldn't… This is just one of those stop while I'm ahead things isn't it?" I asked with a deep blush.

He laughed under his breath, "Actually I think it's a stop while your behind. But in some strange way, I'm flattered. I made Hermione Granger flustered." He laughed a little louder.

I gave a weak smile. Realizing he was still by the door. "You know you don't have to stand so far away. Don't you think it will be a little hard to have, um, intercourse at such a distance?"

"Yes, but I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable," He flushed slightly, "Right well we might as well do it now as to get it over with and get you back to your friends."

He flicked a switch, and the lights dimmed till there was barely any light. I just made him out when he slipped out of his clothes. Sliding under the covers I was buried in, he moved until he was right next to me. I undressed as easily I could. He whispered a spell, then leaned in close.

"Are you sure? I mean I know I have to, but do you really want to? I don't want to hurt you." He whispered.

"Yes Severus, I'm sure. I trust you." I put all my feeling into that last sentence.

As he climbed on top of me he pressed his lips onto mine. I was so shocked by the movement that I gasped. His lips were so soft. He pulled away and I could see his dark piercing eyes staring into mine. I lifted a hand and griped his neck pulled him back down to my lips. This kiss was hotter and filled with passion and unspoken words.

As we kissed feverishly he lowered himself. Then he stilled.

"Tell me when" He gently said by my ear.

After that moment, all I can remember are fevered touches and soft whispers.