HTYT - (giggling) Plot bunny! It's been bugging me all day!
Yugi - (snickering) She's been giggling about this one for ages...
HTYT - I don't own anything, but I came up with the idea, and I think the quote was one I adapted from 'Scrubs'...


Yami just looked from himself to the mirror image in front of him.

This was one odd spell Bakura had cast. He was now faced with an identical version of himself, with a deeper tan and darker eyes. "Uh...what do we call you for now?"

"We'll just give him your real name for now, Yami," Yugi mumbled. The poor teen was sitting on his bed just looking from Yami to his doppelganger. Now not only was he faced with his boyfriend, but an equally hot copy of him.

Yami looked over to Yugi and sat next to him on the bed, while the copy of himself, which was, until he left, named Atem, sat on the other side. "Yugi? You ok?"

"Um...Yeah." he took a deep breath and planted a kiss on Yami's cheek, "Just, since there's two of you I'm a little..."

"Hot under the collar?" Atem smirked.


The 'twins' glanced at the shorter and then each other, before Yami pushed Yugi back onto the pillows. Atem then proceeded to push his shirt up slightly and lick up his stomach.

Yugi gasped as Yami kissed him. When they broke apart, Yugi smiled and gave a chuckle which caught both the other's attentions, "What?" they asked in unison.

Yugi shook his head slightly before speaking, "You know they usually say 'two's company, three's a crowd'? I got a better one...'Takes two to tango but three to party'!"


Yugi - WHOOH! I get two of them.....(drools)
HTYT - Hehe...Can I borrow one?
Yugi - (glares at her) Hands off.
HTYT - (pouts) You ruin all my fun.