
Chapter One

Thank you to Aesthetic Narcissist and Ladyjax (tell me if I spelled it wrong.) for giving me this idea of doing a Henry/Charles fan fiction.

This is a challange for myself, not only am I dealing with a non-cannon couple. I am also dealing with their emotions and how they react with each other sexually. Also, this is my first full bred cannon character story so this was really hard for me...

Also, I am deciding to base this both on the T.V. Series The Tudors/ The historical view of it. (You shall see why.) If I get a certain date wrong tell me, Wikipedia can be fuzzy sometimes.

I hope this is alright...I may do more chapters but it depends if my plot bunny does not escape me again *sigh*.

Warning! This is a slash fan fic! (Meaning between two males) With lots of lemon (sex) and smut (dirtiness I believe...) and other kinky things we readers tend to look over in the Tudor era ^-~.

"Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world and by sin death; and so death passed upon all men". (Book of Wisdom, unknown)

June 11, 1509

Nothing could be more enticing than watching one dress. Yet eyes could never meet flesh if the others optics are looking up into his own.

Skin contacted with the linen garments that the servant placed upon his Excellency. His tunic sewn with glittering gold silk that brightened his tan complexion. Charles swallowed the lump in his throat as his glassy blue eyes tried to remain upon the floor. Only to come up when his younger lord spoke to him.

"Charles…I wonder what it would be like to have sex with Catalina…Beautiful woman, for being older of course." a small chuckle escaped his lips as Henry licked them gingerly. This little gesture brought Brandon's eyes upon the new King's lower lip. Fixating his clear optics upon that plump piece of skin that he would devour so…

"Are you awake?" were his lips moving? His gaze begun to grow hazy when he lifted his eyes to a confused Henry.

"Yes…Yes my lord…I was just thinking that it would be very…Enticing…Older women do have more experience…" rupture of jealousy ballooned in Charles's stomach. His monstrous side, this lustful beast was manipulating his thoughts. He did not want Henry to know of his affections oh no…He wanted to his best friend and King to be happy.

Henry gave off a smirk while his stewards raced around with parcels of clothing in their hands. Matching them to Henry's tunic as the seventeen year old only scoffed at their persisting. Brandon noticed the strength built in his upper torso. The way his back muscles rippled accordingly to the way he placed his hands in the sleeves. It was to much to watch...

"One more thing my friend, can you see if the band procession is ready?"

Without hesitancy(and feeling ashamed), he bowed his head and walked out of the room.

Now Charles did agree that his feelings were a bit…Overbearing. However, in his case he had always liked Henry. Ever sense his father died Charles never had a companion much like the young King. Even though he was seven years his senior, he still considered him a close advisor to his Majesty.

What disturbs Charles is that he does not like Henry just as a friend. Oh no, his feelings grew after the annulment with his first wife Margaret Mortimer. Then his marriage to Anne Browne did not suffice him either.

In between those wretched years, Henry had been by his side. Arthur of course never really liked to do the things Henry and he did. Therefore, it was to Charles to take care of the younger prince of York.

They were great friends but once one considers the need to be at his majesty side. It is then that feelings erupt from places that were not supposed to be set off.

Charles felt his world crumble once he found out the truth of his emotions. Pleading with God himself he could take away this disgusting sensation. God still did not listen, he never does…

"Charles Brandon." in regal red robes, Cardinal Wolsey stood with grace that befitted a King. The other nodded his head and walked on, not that he did not care for the man. Simply because he needed to do what his grace asked him to do.

Opening the door for a lady in waiting, his eyes searching the outside as he went towards the ceremony that followed up after.

"Sir Brandon…What are you doing out here?"

Mary in a beautiful satin ruby dress with ruffles upon the skirt walked by almost bemused about the confused expression Charles wore.

"Lady Mary" bowing his head politely the younger one of the Tudor family smile serenely up at the baffled man. Even though it was hard to tell what Mary was thinking, she was intelligent then Charles could have ever imagined.

"Are you going to answer my question? Or just leave your jaw hanging…" she giggled placing her hands upon her skirts and twirling about innocently.

"Sorry…I…I was just…Contemplating…"

"Contemplating?" the girl gave off another serene giggle before she skipped off. It was too bad that Mary indeed young, he would have liked her. Yet his affections drifted off towards someone else...Someone a little close…

"Why is it that I have to feel this way…"

Charles stood tall, waiting for someone to tell him rubbish, yet his mind went a blank. All he could think about is what if Henry finds out? Would he still be in his good graces?

The haze began to appear again more forcefully as he meandered towards the garden listlessly.

"Sir Brandon are you alright?" one of the fellow servants noticed him and he nodded his head. Squinting his eyes from the glaring sun while kneading his forehead with his fingers.

"Yes…Yes I am…"

He needed to go back inside and tell Henry that the wedding is idiotic. That though would not solve anything, and only would land his head upon the chopping block.

Instead he moved about the gardens until he came upon another entrance to the Greenwich palace which led him to the kitchen. This one was not ornate like the rest, instead built with stone that fell apart. Ash smeared across the table, animal blood stained the glasses. This was definitely the servants quarters and he left in a haste.


The coronation begun precisely on time with everyone standing in a row while watching the beautiful Dowager Queen walk regally too the new King of England.

Her heated gaze that pricked enviously at Brandon's heart made him look away after their ceremony had ended. This was not right, no, this marriage will end soon. Charles knew Henry better then he knew himself. The man would simply get bored and move onto something else.

Or at least...That is what he hoped Henry would do…

Now all he could do is watch and wait for his King to decide. Charles will tell him of his affections when the time is right. Henry will like it or behead him; it was a risk Charles will take.

Notes: No worries it will get steamier by chapter.

I know that Charles Brandon was kind of rude to Cardinal Wolsey by not bowing but the guy is kind of having a personal thing going on. (If ya know what I mean XD)

Also, I am sorry for not portraying the characters accuratly. It is one of my down falls so if anybody has any opinons please please tell me. Thank you so much!

(Edit! Anne Browne did not die until 1511, that was my mistake so I changed up one sentence.)