Hello fellow Fanfiction Addicts...

Let's start with the junk news:

I have some not-so-great news about my fanfic story Changing Fate, which I love (even if I look back and cringe at some of the things I wrote). I have NOT abandoned the project, even if it may seem I have, but I just can't find time for it anymore. It's my last year of highschool and I was silly enough to take all the difficult classes. Just today, I had a chemistry AND a physics test. In truth, though, maybe I'm just not trying hard enough to make time for it, or i just don't have the inspiration that i had when the idea for Changing Fate was born a few years ago. But I'll try. I really love writing, and I wish I could continue writing it like it diserves to be written, for my sake and yours, but i can't continue like this and just expect you to be waiting for me to get ahold of myself. Therefore, for the time being, I guess you could say it's on Hiatus...

If it makes this any better, I'm as disappointed in myself as you probably are in me.

I swear I'll finish this story one day, whether it be in a week, a month or a year, but I don't want you to have to be waiting for me. I guess I'm letting you go *** Insert snort for use of awkward/cheesy lines*** . I don't expect you guys to come back when i decide to finish this, so feel free to put your energy in something worthwhile and never look back again, it's all up to you. I guess i'm just tired of being the update in your internet mailbox of a story you-can't-even-remember-the-plot-it's-been-so-long. The next chapter that will be posted here will be a real one, but just don't wait for it. I'm sure you have alot better to do anyway, and i'm sure most of you have already moved on. So ya...

On a brighter note:

I thought that maybe if I started a new project it would help get me writing again. This might sound crazy, but I thought that if I lacked inspiration for a story I could go straight to writing the other which would create a pattern that would be a lot more productive than just sitting on my ass all day. Hopefully it will get me writing again. This would also be a fanfic which will probably be called Liar Liar, but I won't post it until I know I won't just end up disappointing my readers again by stopping it. I'll try to make this one shorter to lower the risks of that happening, though. If your interested, the possible summary is on my profile, but once again, it's up to you...

So yeah, I guess that's that. If this is the last we see of each other, it was amazing just knowing I was being read at all, and i'll always be greatful for that. Once again, I apologize for the trouble and with that, I bid you farewell.

Bye Bye! ** sheepish wave**
