A/N: Alright, so I know it's been for-fucking-EVER, and you have no idea how bad I feel about that, but I have a new chapter. It's not exactly short, but it's not long either, I don't think, but I don't know if it's even good at this point, I just felt really bad for not updating in such a long time . . . Oh! And sorry for any typos . . .

For those of you reading my other stories, I am trying my hardest to update those as well, because, as I said earlier, I feel really bad.

But anyways, I hope you like this chapter, even though to me, it's basically a filler . . . Oh and remember Reviews are Love!



I wish I could say we stayed like that for a while, but school called. The next day, actually. Kevin was abnormally quiet for the next couple weeks. The only time he talked was hushed with Mike; to be honest: I didn't like it too much. Shawn told me not to pay any mind, of course. He still wasn't too happy with them, but he didn't really understand our friendship.

"He's fucking walking on eggshells, Mike," I whined, about four weeks later. It was Friday, thank god, and I was venting at my only apparent friend during our free.

"He sent you to the hospital, Tones," Mike reasoned, his hand resting on my shoulder as he sighed. "Shocking as it sounds, he actually feels bad."

"I hate this," I muttered, folding my arms stubbornly. "I wish things were how they were before. I need help, Mike. I'm at a complete loss for tonight. You can't help because of your group thing and Kev, well, he's ignoring me."

"He is not," he smiled, ruffling my hair. "I swear, Tones, make up your mind. Either we need help or we don't."

"You need to be my friends!" I huffed but he shook his head, going back to his work. After a while, I slumped forwards, poking his forearm. "You gonna be late tonight?"

"Nah," he glanced up. "Should be there in time for dinner. While you're out of course."

"Yeah but Ma loves you, you've been good company for her," I assured him, grinning. He beamed and I couldn't help chuckling.

He seemed genuinely happy; I loved it.

"You got rehearsal tonight, then?"

"Yeah," I grumbled, almost slamming my forehead against the table but Mike stopped me, giving me a level look. "It was almost a month ago!"

"Doesn't matter," he shook his head. "Shawn already doesn't like either of us. He thinks we're dangerous for you, you think I'm gonna get where Kevin is on his list? Not likely." I grimaced, understanding his logic. The bell rang minutes later and we stood, waving goodbye, and I left for Shakespeare. It actually wasn't too bad with Shawn's help. As I walked in, my gaze connected with Kev's but before I could acknowledge him, he looked away.

"Fucking," I started, shoving my hand in my pocket as I scowled at my path.

I still sat next to the man.

"Don't break the pencil," someone commented, and I looked over to find Jack staring at my hand. Letting out a sigh, I glanced to the side Kevin was sitting on but he was still ignoring me. "You alright?"

"No," I grumbled, figuring Kevin wouldn't care if I'd flashed it in neon colours.

"Shawn's nervous too, ya know," Jack told me, as if it were supposed to be comforting, which I suppose it was, but I had larger matters on my mind.

Ha, no I didn't.

"Are his parents-?"

"Nice?" Jack finished when I didn't and I nodded. "Yeah, his mum's really cool; his dad's a little quiet, but don't take it personally, unless he glares at you. Then there's something wrong."

"Gee," I muttered, turning forward once more but felt his hand on my shoulder.

"It'll be fine," he assured me, giving me a little shake and I let out a nervous laugh.

"Right, of course it will, everything else is."

"Ma!" I yelled, leaning over the banister but got no response. "Ma, where's my black button up shirt?"

Still no answer.

"Ma?" I jogged down the stairs. There was a note on the counter; I was alone. Spectacular. She'd gone to the store for dinner and wished me luck.

Of course.

"Damn it."

The doorbell rang and I groaned, rubbing my face harshly. I was in no mood for visitors. Yanking the wooden barrier open, fully prepared to yell at whoever was there, I felt my breath catch in my throat. It caused somewhat of a coughing fit, actually.

"You alright, Tones?" Kev questioned, seeming uneasy. Nervous, more like it.

"What're you doing here?" I demanded when air circulated my lungs once more.

"You seemed off at rehearsal today," he tried and I scoffed, making him sigh. "Mike called me."

"I should have known," I groused, stepping aside to let him in but he didn't move.

"Is Shawn here?" I wanted to smack my forehead. Of course Michael hadn't told him about tonight.

"No, he's at home," I grumbled, going back upstairs to my room. A couple minutes later, he entered after me and found the mess that was currently my room.

"Did a hurricane hit?" he chuckled, a little less tense, but not relaxed. My eyes narrowed in his direction as I tossed another pair of pants out of my closet.

"I'm trying to find something to wear."

"It looks like you have," he stated, sitting on the bed. I sent him an irked look and he let a smile slide onto his face. "Where are you going?"

"Dinner," I sighed shortly, turning back to the mess that's my closet. "At Shawn's. I'm meeting his parents."

"Oh." His lips stayed like that for a while before he stood, stepping around me to get to my clothes. He picked up a dark navy sweater and black pants, with a belt to match. "What about this?"

"I'll look like I'm trying to hard," I groaned but he shook his head.

"Only if you actually do try to hard."

"Fine," I said, taking the outfit and trudging into the bathroom. Quickly changing, I grabbed my comb, running it through my hair.

I didn't look half bad.

"What's taking you so long, Tones, I swear you're a," but the door opening cut him off. He looked at me, eyes squinted, before he nodded. "Perfect."

"Thanks," I muttered, picking up my wallet and keys. Turning to look at him again, I saw he was nervous. "What's up?"

"D'you want a ride?" he questioned, his foot scuffing the carpet, and I shrugged, figuring it'd be easier than walking or the bus. We walked downstairs and to his car; for a while, the ride was completely silent, sans the soft music playing on his stereo. He let out a long sigh and glanced over at me. "I really am sorry, Tony."

"I know, Kev," I told him, looking at him fully. "I've been fine for a while now; you're the one who's been ignoring me."

"Yeah, well, it doesn't help your boyfriend hates me, Tones," he stated and I couldn't argue with him here. Just because Kevin was taller than Shawn, didn't mean Shawn wasn't intimidating. I think it was something to do with his eyes to be honest. When he was angry, they turned cold; so cold, I could feel my insides freezing over sometimes and that glare was almost never directed at me.

Thank god.

"He'll get over it," I assured him, but he sent me a look of doubt. "He will! As long as I don't get thrown into the hospital again, he'll be fine."

"I'm seeing someone," he blurted out quickly and it took a minute for me to compute it.

"A girl or-?"

"No, I'm, uh, talking to someone," he elaborated, his fingers gripping the wheel. "About my, problems."

"That's good," I nodded, patting his shoulder; trying to be comforting or reassuring or whatever.

"It's scary as shit," he scoffed, turning into Shawn's driveway. "I mean, I've always known something's wrong, but actually talking about it; talking about everything. I might, I don't know, I might discover something I don't want to."

"But you'll get through it," I affirm him firmly. "Mike and I will help you, too; you know that."

"I know, Tones," he verified, his head bobbing up and down. "I do, but this is something I need to do. Just like Mike with his group; he needs to know that he's done nothing wrong. That he's safe now and away from his old man. I just need to face my demons. I just don't know if you guys can help."

"But we'll be there for you," I told him gripping his shoulder. "So what if you've got problems; no body's perfect. Hell, we both know I'm not."

"But that wasn't your fault-."

"It still happened," I muttered, my gaze now directed at the space between us. "And in a sense I let it, but I've accepted it. I accepted what happened and in your own ways, you guys helped me get through it. Just like Mike and I will help you. Just like you and I will help Mike. We've always been there for each other; a binder and a boyfriend aren't going to come between that."

"I know," he whispered, his eyes shut; I knew he was trying not to cry.

"You'll be fine, Kev; I know you will."

"I hope so," he said, looking me in the eyes. "I really do."