It's my first time writing on , so please leave a review on how I could improve!

I don't own Eyeshield 21 :(.

Sena shuffled his feet nervously, his face reddening as his hand brushed against Shin's. Only a few days ago, Shin had confessed to Sena. Sena's face reddened even more as he recalled the memory...

"Kobayakawa Sena, please go out with me. I like you," Shin said solemnly, bowing to the red-faced Sena. Without waiting for an answer, Shin pressed a slip of paper into Sena's hand and jogged off wordlessly.

"Um... thanks..." Sena whispered to the air in front of him where Shin had been.

Poor little Sena-chan was now on a train to downtown Tokyo, where he and Shin were planning to go for a day out. Sena sneaked a peek at Shin, and found that he was staring at him. The little brunette quickly turned away and looked at the space in front of him. It wasn't that Sena disliked Shin or anything. In fact, Shin would've been happy to know that Sena liked him very much. Sena was just too shy to say so out loud. The train rocked back and forth and Sena's leg brushed against Shin's. Sena immediately tensed up and blushed fiercely.

I don't like him. I don't like him. It's okay, Sena, it's just a date. A date with a friend. Just a date. Just a date. Just a date...

"Kobayakawa? We're here."

"AHH! Just a date!" The passengers around Sena gave him weird looks, and he laughed nervously. As he followed Shin to leave, he tripped on some old man's foot and lost his balance. Shin caught him casually and proceeded to get off the train while carrying Sena around like a sack of potatoes.

They were like that for some time until they reached a fair. Shin paid for admission, and an employee waved them in. All through the day they rode rides and had typical carnival junk food, and every time Sena and Shin had physical contact Sena would blush furiously.

At last, both had ridden all the rides that they wanted to go on, and they made their way to a train station.

"Ooh, spending some quality time with your brother, eh?" said a lady to Sena while she worked at the ticket booth. Sena nodded shyly. How would she react if he told her that they were out on a date?

Shin's warm body was beside Sena's on the train ride back, and Sena melted under Shin's steady stare. It was quite late now, and Sena started to nod off. He couldn't help but think of Shin's warm, reassuring arm that was poking rather uncomfortably into his rib cage, or the nice memory he had of Shin wiping ice cream off his cheek with his thumb...

All right, Sena wearily decided, so I do like Shin... And with that, he dozed off.

The next morning, he woke up in his bed feeling refreshed. He wasn't afraid to say it anymore. 'I LIKE SHIN' he wrote on his English notebook.

"I like Shin," Sena declared softly to Pitt, who was peacefully napping on his windowsill.

"I like Shin," he said again, a little louder. Sena wrenched open his window, scaring off Pitt as he did so. He stuck his head outside and yelled, "I LIKE SHIN SEIJUUROU AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO SAY IT!"

His neighbour who was working in his garden grumbled in response and some birds flew away from a nearby tree, but Sena had never felt more alive.