This story essentially follows Narcissa Malfoy up until her marriage to Lucius. I'll try to update weekly but I have a hectic life so…

Disclaimer: I'm not JK Rowling and I don't own Harry Potter. If I did it would all be about the Malfoys, specifically Draco Malfoy. But, it's not so… draw the conclusion…

Chapter One:

1967 June

Narcissa watched herself in the mirror. This was pointless as she'd already memorized the many facets of her face. Around her head, lifeless tools worked to coax her hair into the design she had sketched out. Behind her, barely seen the reflection, two lifeless dolls worked on creating a dress that Narcissa had also drawn up this morning. Her hands now lay silently in her lap, but her fingers twitched occasionally. She had not yet perfected her wandless magic to the point that it was also motionless.

Someone was knocking softly on the door, and so unable to move, Narcissa twitched her pinky letting her sister in. Bellatrix waltzed in, not making a sound. The other girl watched her little sister.

Narcissa's hair was finally finished. She waved the tools down onto her dresser, and devoted her excess magic to her sewing dolls.

"You are nervous?" Bellatrix said, lightly prying at Narcissa's mind. Narcissa did not mind this, but rather let her sister see the surface of her mind. In return, Narcissa pryed softly back at her sister's mind.

"Who wouldn't be? The Nott's are known for throwing a splendid summer's party- one that Montague won't be willing to miss." Narcissa was glad to see that Bellatrix was unhappy to be going also, though from the other girl's face one could not see this.

"Don't mind her much Cissy. That pert girl won't harm you much. You're far to quick for her." Narcissa heard Bellatrix in her mind say 'and I'll hurt her dearly if she dares to hurt you much.' Narcissa smiled at Bellatrix, the other smiled back. It was a habit between the two sisters to carry conversations in each other's minds like it might be another pair of sister's habit to sew together.

"I like this newest robe Narcissa. You truly have a talent for design." The girls' mother had swept into Narcissa's room. Druella summoned the robe to herself- she was already dressed and her makeup done up.

"I was inspired by that water sketch that Cid Pucey sent me. His artistic vision gives me shivers." Narcissa smiled sweetly. It was true, Cid had sent her a nice water sketch of a fair maiden looking at herself in a pond. Obviously he had meant her to see herself in the sketch.

"Well, it will look darling on yourself. Bellatrix, you are ready I assume?"

Bellatrix was not ready and her mother knew this. Instead of blushing lightly and going to her room, Bellatrix only smiled fiercely and said, "Cissy-."

"Narcissa." Druella cut in.

"-made a robe for me too." Bellatrix finished. Narcissa laughed inwardly at her sister and projected her amusement to her sister. Bellatrix sent a sharp jab of pain into her mind. Narcissa merely blocked it. She wordlessly enchanted her makeup to do its normal job.

"This is true, Narcissa?" Their mother said. Narcissa nodded- her enchanted makeup up moving with her face. It was true, her sewing dolls had already finished Bella's robe. Narcissa though had made it darker than her robes, but made sure in her sketching that the robes complemented each other as well as their wearer. She was a considered a second-year at Hogwarts, but her skill in wandless home-based magic (and skill in the field of thoughts) was very common among most Pureblood children- at least in her day it was.

Druella smiled at her daughter's then and marched out of Narcissa's room. Without really thinking about it, Narcissa and Bellatrix knew where their mother was headed- Andromeda's room. Shouting would begin shortly.

Her makeup was finally finished and her robe was done now. Reaching out with her mind, she shooed Bellatrix from her room.

"Can I at least get my robe?" Bellatrix said, already heading for the door.

"Yes, you may summon it." The proper summons was spoken. Narcissa picked up her wand and with a swish and flick shut the door behind the robe. Taking care, which was common for Narcissa to do, the girl wrapped herself properly in the robe. With a swipe and another flick, the sewing dolls rushed over to do the final bit of sewing to make sure that the white, silver, and lightly tinted green robes fit Narcissa properly. They finished quickly. Narcissa smiled at herself in the mirror. Yes, she looked stunning. In fact she was inspired enough by this sight to do a quick sketch of her next project.

But never mind that, Druella was calling from entrance hall. Narcissa glided out of her room to see Bellatrix leaving her own room. The robe Narcissa had created for Bellatrix fit the other girl well- Narcissa had long memorized her sister's measurements- and looked beautiful. It was also white but with flecks of black and blue winding their way around the darker girl. Sensing her younger sister, Bellatrix waited a bit. They walked down the stairs together- purposefully ignoring Andromeda and their mother.

They're a sight to behold, Druella thought. Their mother was somewhere past pride when it came to her eldest and youngest child. The middle child though stood slumped- wearing robes that had been bought in a shop- and sullen because her voice had been taken away by her father. She had been disrespectful you know.

The atmosphere of the party was light and airy when the Black's arrived. The four women exited their carriage together, the hired help offering assistance to each of the girls. Witch Weekly's reporters and the like stood nearby, whispering into their wands about the outfit's of each women and waiting for something juicy to happen.

Bellatrix and Narcissa entered the party first. Behind them trailed Druella and Andromeda, but that was of no concern to those two ladies. Their concern was keeping their smiles plastered, but believable, on their faces. They arrived at the party and a man- who had been hired for his soothing and confident voice announced them-

"Narcissa and Bellatrix Black, daughters of Cygnus Black and Druella Black née Rosier." Those already in the party paused for a small amount of clapping- it was the appropriate amount, as they were unmarried and not technically allowed to do their own magic. Bellatrix smiled at Narcissa and left an impression of 'good luck' float into Narcissa's mind.

Narcissa smiled back at Bellatrix and then left her sister to pursue and find those her own age. She stopped walking soon though, so that she could applaud for her mother and sister- this clapping was a bit longer, for Druella was married. As soon as the clapping was over, Narcissa was offered a drink by one of the help. He smiled charmingly at her and Narcissa smiled softly back at him- her manners were impeccable even when dealing with help.

She found her age group quickly enough. They were easy to identify- she knew them all from school and had been socializing with them since she was born. She would socialize with them, she knew, until she had died. In her mind she did a quick tally of who was there and who wasn't- and also who she would rely on and who she couldn't.

Rosalind Pritchard was there, she was wearing rose robes. A trustworthy if bookish girl. Winterlynn Baddock stood next to Linette Flint- those two were inseparable, they were even wearing the same robes, and only could be trusted occasionally. Elladora Montague was there- wearing a beautiful set of royal blue robes- a cruel girl in Narcissa's opinion and Elladora thought no better of Narcissa. Violetta Bulstrode was there also, the closest friend Narcissa had in that circle. Violetta was wearing a cream colored robed, a ruby slash tying it together artfully.

Narcissa sailed over to the group, making it seem as though she could join any group but chose to grace this one with her presence. Violetta gracefully moved to the side, not doubting for a second that Narcissa would stand there. And that is where Narcissa stood, she would not offend this friend.

"Oh, Narcissa, how brilliant your robes look! Why, what shop did you buy them from?" Elladora exclaimed. Narcissa smiled, her face forming the mask of bashfulness and embarrassment for Elladora. Inwardly she smirked, did Montague really think that Narcissa would admit to ever buying her robes?

"But, I didn't buy them, Elladora! I created them just this morning. I was inspired you know, Cid sent a water sketch. The girl inside it was wearing something quite similar. Though, I must say, everyone has rather brilliant robes today, wouldn't you say so Rosalind?" It was a clever reply, though wordy. Narcissa felt Elladora's mind long enough for the slight anger brought on by her reply. Beneath it though, Narcissa caught a glimpse of envy. Wondering at it, Narcissa suspected that perhaps Elladora was sweet on Cid. How wonderful!

Rosalind, of course, agreed with what Narcissa said. How could she not, without offending every other girl in the circle? Words continued to fly between the girls, slight jabs surfacing and then concealing themselves. Little power plays were made, and Narcissa guarded her mind from the other's reading her true emotions and only let them see her contentment and happiness of attending the party. If one wasn't prepared for such occasions, then one would have been torn apart.

After a half hour or so, the music changed and it was clear that it was dancing time. The girls were aware of this and waited for a boy to come ask them- that was the custom. Narcissa eyed Cid Pucey out of the corner of her eye- did he realize he had inspired her robes? And would he ask her to dance- that would make Elladora Montague miserable!

Violetta was asked to dance first by Pullox Bole. Narcissa carried no angry feelings about this. Violetta and Pullox were already engaged- their families had done so when Pullox was three and Violetta only a babe. Despite their arranged marriage, they adored each other.

But, then Winterlynn was asked to dance by Alphard Derrick. Then, Linette was asked by Herbert Sloper. And suddenly, Narcissa was stuck making conversation with Rosalind Pritchard and Elladora Montague. This was not what Narcissa wanted, nor what she had created these robes for.

And then she felt the slightest presence and Narcissa turned. Behind her stood a very fine looking Lucius Malfoy- his robes the deepest and purest black.

"Care to dance with me, Narcissa?" She nodded and noted in her mind that his voice had gotten deeper since she had last seen him. He had grown in height, now barely standing an inch above her. He was in an awkward stage like all third-years, but he would grow out of it soon enough.

It was easy and smooth to fall into step with him onto the dance floor. It was a slow waltz, which was easy enough.

"How are you doing these days Narcissa? I imagine you and Elladora are becoming great friends this summer." He smiled in a way that was supposed to be charming. Narcissa gave a slight smile back.

"Elladora and I are as great of friends as we have ever been." She said. Her smile grew a bit, knowing that he would enjoy her answer. They moved easily together in the dance, but that was to be expected. They had taken dance lessons for a reason.

"Ambiguous as always. Would it kill you to be straightforward for once?" Lucius said. She felt his arms pulling her slightly closer. That would not be happening- she would not afford the gossip that might spread. She pressed against him lightly with her forearms. He let her move slightly away.

"But, Lucius, I'm always straightforward." She gave another smile and widened her eyes. She'd practiced this look in the mirror and knew that she looked charmingly innocent. From the corner of her eyes she noted the other dancers- Rosalind had been asked to dance by Cid Pucey. But Pucey was watching her and not Rosalind. Narcissa nodded to him. She also saw that Harfang Goyle was dancing with Elladora Montague- and Bellatrix was dancing with a young bloke she recognized as Rodolphus Lestrange.

Lucius laughed at her comment.

"Your cousin Sirius and his friend James have challenged me and Harfang to a little Quidditch match after this game- are you going to come watch us?" Narcissa gave him a wry little smile, showing no teeth.

"I tend to dislike the game of Quidditch." His hands were tightening around her waist again. How annoying. She pressured him away with the palms of her hands.

"But, I'll be playing a magnificent game. You'll enjoy it." The song ended. The music slowed down and the couples broke up. Lucius let Narcissa move away from him, but he caught her hand and bringing it to his lips he said,

"Come with me." She was about to say yes- because despite her reservations this was awfully romantic for him and she simply loved romance. But, Abraxas Malfoy then Apparated behind his son and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ms. Black, please excuse my son and I. I'm afraid we have to leave this little gathering early." Narcissa was about to say something about how she excused them and took no offense but Lucius cut in saying,

"But Father, I-."

Abraxas silenced him with another tap on the shoulder with his cane. Lucius let go of Narcissa's hand slowly- and she brought it back to herself, cupping it close to her body.

"I will see you later Mr. Malfoy and Lucius, I will see you at Hogwarts?" Lucius nodded to her- but it was cold, the romance he had been showing earlier suddenly vanished. Narcissa did not let her hurt at this show. Mr. Malfoy thinly smiled at Narcissa and said his own goodbyes. The two men walked away.

Narcissa walked back to her own group- this time the boys their age in the circle. Elladora eyed her thoughtfully, but it was Cid who spoke first.

"Where's Lucius going?" Narcissa graced Cid with a look, and smiled slightly at him. The boy nearly fainted- he was quite delighted. Narcissa sneered at him inwardly- and then blocked her mind from an inquiry from Bellatrix.

"His father didn't say, but I'd suppose it's something quite important." Narcissa said, her tone annoyed and bored. She buried the insignificant hurt she felt from Lucius down. Seeing Elladora still watching her, Narcissa suddenly decided to get under the girl's skin and said "I loved the water sketch you sent me Cid, whenever did you get so talented?"

Chapter Notes:

All of the dates, names, and abilities of these wizards come from:

h t t p : / / h a r r y p o t t e r . w i k i a . c o m

Names and their meanings can be found on:

h t t p : / / w w w . b a b y n a m e s . c o m /

And all of these 'pureblood' families are connected through the books- in either rarely or frequently mentioned Slytherins.

I hope you enjoyed, and I love a review if you have one for me.