Rating: PG

Spoilers: Bride

Summary: Note: I wrote this before 'Bride'…Though I did edit it after I didn't have to change much. Anywho, this takes place during the Clark/Lois dance at Chloe's wedding…You know the one right before Lana comes in and ruins everything…Enjoy.


It wasn't her fault.

It was the way he held her. His arms circled securely around her waist, his body pressed exquisitely against hers. She never stood a chance.

It was the way they moved together- completely in sync swaying effortlessly to and fro. For always being so clumsy and shy he was surprisingly confident on the dance floor. She couldn't help herself.

It was their close proximity. His scent was clouding her senses. She had forgotten that there were other people in the room or perhaps it was that she didn't care that there were other people in the room. He was all she could see.

He was saying something to her. She could see his lips moving, but she couldn't understand the words flowing out of them. She was too distracted.

Had his mouth always looked so perfectly kissable?

"Lois?" It was the worry in the deep mummer of his voice that finally broke her trance. She did her best to try and conceal the conflicting emotions raging behind her hazel orbs as his eyes found her, but she knew it was useless. She'd always been good at hiding her feelings from most people, but not him. Never him.

He'd always had the uncanny ability to see right through her. It was one of the things that had irritated her most when they first met. And even though, over the years of their friendship, she'd grown accustomed to the way he could effortlessly read her like a book, it still bugged her. A lot.

"Yeah?" She replied, inwardly cursing herself for sounding so breathless.

'So much for playing hard to get.'

"Are you OK? You seem…Distracted." He answered his face filled with concern and something else she couldn't quite place.

Lois couldn't suppress her grin. It was so 'Clark Kent' to completely miss not-so subtle hints that a woman wanted to jump him.

"I am distracted." She whispered turning her gaze back to his lips.

She couldn't take it anymore. The palpable electricity that flowed through her body every time he was near her was too strong for her to ignore any longer.

She peeked at him through a fringe of dark lashes. Her breathing suddenly became labored when she saw his eyes had grown dark with something her pride wouldn't let her categorize. Still, she found herself lost within their depths and hoping never to be found.

Without realizing it Lois began to slowly almost timidly lean towards him. Clark lifted one of his hands to cup her face. Lois noticed his gaze had shifted downward. She felt him lightly brush his thumb against her cheek and for a moment everything seemed to stop.

Then in one quick fluid motion Clark closed the gap between them.

His lips were warm and inviting. Better than she imagined.

She tightened her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. It was almost sinful how perfectly her body melded against his. Like he was made for her.

The pounding of her heart was deafening as it resonated in her ears. She was sure he could hear it, but she didn't care. She couldn't focus on anything, but the heated ministrations of his lips moving against hers, slow and sweet and passionate. He tasted like sweet mint gum.

Her mind went fuzzy- blissfully blank, as if she were drunk.

Yet, somewhere tucked beneath the euphoric haze she could almost hear a tiny voice screaming at her to pull away. Telling her what a fool she was being. Trying to save her from the heartache she would inevitably suffer.

Yes, she could almost hear it.


A/N: Please tell me what you thought..Good? Bad? Ugly?