WARNING ´YinxYuck, nothing real just a little

The right thing

Yang was shocked. He looked down to his sister, she was dying, but at the same time she was changing. Yuck who had listened to everything wasn`t a bit sad anymore, he was REALLY sad, you cold say worried, about Yin. ,,Yang, decide, fast!", he green rabbit came closer to the twins and their master.

,,What do you have to do with this?!", Yang asked angry. He felt how Yin`s grip on his arms got more powerless.

,,I don`t know why but I am worried right now, so hurry up or she dies!", fear was in the amber eyes of the rabbit. Maybe it was now the emotion, the thing he hided for so long, maybe now the feeling wanted to be shown.

,,Yuck, I don`t know, help me! You decide, I know you always liked Yin!", he said. Yang had always thaught Yuck had some kind of crush on the pink rabbit girl, which other reason would be there why Yuck tricked Yin that often and which other reason would be there why he seemed happy when Yin said, she`d love him, back that day when he pretended to be Brett, a boy with a badass coolness.

But Yuck triend to gainsay the truth ,,What?! I never liked Yin, you idiot!" he yelled angry.

,,I`m not an idiot!!!",Yang yelled back, it seemed ha forgot that the actual thing important here was Yin, lying on the ground, dying.

Master Yo had heared enough ,,KIDS KNOCK IT OFF! WE HAVE TO DECIDE ABOUT YIN!" the panda screamed and the rabbit boys were immediatly quit. A few seconds which seemed like hours passed and Yuck said something. ,,Yang I think-

But he was cut off by Yin letting another scream go and make Yuck flinch. ,,I think-", he continued ,,It`s the best to..." Another scream cut him off. Then Yuck was quit, he had thought it would be the best to let her die, so at least she dies with a good heart, but with Yin`s scream his opinion immediatly changed. He had`t thaught about the fact that he would never see Yin again... now he was unsure.

,,You think what?", Yang asked. ,,I don`t know" Yuck replied.

Then suddenly they heard something or someone behind them and what they saw really surprised them, it was Yin, but not her evil self, Yin the pink, nice rabbit. ,,Y-Yin?" the three boys said. ,,Yes." she replied.

Then she came closer. They noticed that Yin was a bit lucent. ,,It`s bad what a bit power can do to some people..." she looked down at her evil self, well not THAT evil anymore, the white rabbit was still screaming in pain. ,,And so I tell you: Let me die."

Everyone was shocked. Yang was the first one to speak ,,We can`t Yin, I love you, I can`t let you die here!"

,,Yang, I don`t wanna kill people. You have to do it, please, do it for me, the real me."

Now Yuck said something ,,No, Yin, even I can`t let you die!"

Yin smiled a bit ,, I know why, Yuck, but ... it`s time. Sooner or later I`m gonna die anyway, and if a good heart means sooner then I have to pay the price."

Now Master Yo said something ,,Yin, it is your decision after all, but ... once dead you can`t change it anymore! Please think about it!"

,,I already did, Master Yo, I thaught a long time about what to do and then I changed to this evil self, I know it was a bad decision, but now I`m sure."

Everything was quit for a minute until another scream of pain crossed their minds.

,,It`s horrible, isn`t it?", Yin asked. ,,But it`s now too late for me, and I`m glad it`s that way, goodbye." And she disappeared.

,,No, YIN!", Yang screamed then he looked down at his sister, she was pink again, but didn`t breath.

,,Yin? Yin! YIN!!!!!!!" Tears ran down his cheeks and some raced down Yuck`s face. ,,NOOOO!", the green boy suddenly screamed.

,,Why do you scream, you didn`t love her!", Yang asked- yelled.

,,Oh, yes, yes I did! I loved her more than my life and I wanted to tell her one day, but I never could and now I can never tell her!", he buried his face in his hands.

After that "accident" Yuck moved to the the dojo and lived there, fighting for the good now, he knew Yin would`ve wanted it that way. Days past and they buried Yin and her grave had a white headstone with the Yin-Yang symbol on it. So much tears were cried, so many days were quit and sad.

Yuck and Yang blamed themselves, saying it would be their fault. And even if Yuck and Yang knew Yin was dead, they felt her presence everyday. She was there even if she wasn`t. The boys had the feeling that they drove insane, everything seemed to remind them on Yin.

But even if no one could utterly accept it, they knew she wanted it that way, she wanted to die with a good heart.


Well I`m done, I know the end was crappy and I tried my best to resist the YinxYuck, but I just couldn`t. Sorry for this goddamn chapter....R&R

My next Fanfic will be better!