A/N: Written for the 2008 Yule Drabbles on the Charming Roots board. Prompt word: "snow." One hundred word drabble, not counting the titles.

31 December 1960

Resisting the urge to push the blindfold aside, Pomona brushed some hair from her face.

"How far?"

"Not very!"

Under instructions, Pomona concentrated on not melting a path for them. There had been a heavy snowfall, and afternoon winds had created some drifts well over knee-high. For Filius, they must provide quite an obstacle, but he wasn't complaining.


Pomona climbed. Her blindfold vanished.

"Oh, Filius!"

She stood atop a miniature tower; a large castle of glittering snow lay at her feet, sparkling in the moonlight. Charmed fairy lights glowed blue and green against ice turrets.

"Happy New Year, Pomona!"