Note: Okay. So. It's been what, a year and a half since I've vanished from the world of writing. Dunno, I could say extreme writers block - which wouldn't be a lie. Not completely true, either, though. Just lack of motivation and interest in writing for a long time. Not sure if I'm even going to be back permanently. Anyway, I was looking through my old writing documents the other day, which jump started me into reading fanfiction again, which then made me want to start writing once more. However, not sure if this is something that is going to last.

Anyway, this is something I found that I totally forgot about. To be honest, it was originally written as a she, not a he. But, the with vagueness of it all, I thought it would pass off as an extremely sadistic/masochistic installment to One Hundred Seconds. Probably obvious who is who. :P Anyway, enjoy.

Beta: None

Disclaimer: I own nothing, as always.

Lacerations, bruises, fractures – it was a small price to pay for acceptance – to feel loved. This brutality – this torture – was the only reality he had known as affection, the only brand of love in his life.

As his skin tore and bones snapped, he felt truly ecstatic – euphoric. As blood flowed from the fatal lesion on his head, his heart filled with joy –he was loved. This was his heaven.

"You disgust me."

He felt elated as he heard these cruel words – he had successfully made someone express their feelings toward him. This was his rapture.

Thoughts of the unmerciful desecration that had occurred the night before – the most benevolent act of love anyone had ever shown him – wandered through his mind as he slipped into the irreversible world of isolation.

So, yeah. That's it. Lemme know what you think, perhaps even some ideas for future installments might help to jump start the ideas and want to write. :P

Until next time

-Wykked As Syn