Disclaimer: Naruto isn't mine.



When the feeling's gone and you can't go on…

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join two souls in holy matrimony…"

The words of the priest blurred into the background of the deafening silence. Louder and louder, the oppressive sound of it resonated in her ears, clogging her senses. It was becoming difficult to breath.

"…as your wife, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

"I do."

The sound of his voice penetrated the fog clouding her brain. She snapped her head to the side and looked. Feeling her eyes on him, he turned to her as well.

Gently, his eyes crinkling at the corners, he smiled.

There was a faint whistling sound in her ears, slowly becoming more pronounced. Although she dreaded to hear more, the sound wasn't loud enough to drown the priest's next words.

"…take this man, as your husband, for richer or for poorer, until death do you part?"

The place grew silent, so silent that should a needle fall, it would echo throughout. Excitement charged the stillness. Everyone was anticipating the bride's answer with bated breaths.

What was she doing here?

Her breathing was becoming shallower and shallower by the second. What would the answer be?

At the back, someone coughed painfully. Vaguely, an image of a fat man who was suffering with a cold passed her mind's eye. She remembered he was standing at the entrance earlier.

A baby started to cry. Several shushing sounds followed. Silence.

Again, what was she doing here…


in this place filled with people…

"Are you okay?"

people she didn't even know personally?

A large hand squeezed her small one. With a start, she turned, her eyes wide with surprise.

"I…" Oh, that's right. She was getting married.

This was her wedding.

It was her answer they were all waiting for.

The bride's answer they were all waiting for.

She was the bride.

"I…" Her groom smiled at her, encouraging. She blinked and faced the priest who was looking at her curiously through the rim of his spectacles.

Her heart pounded within her chest, threatening to explode with the rate it was going.

What was she doing here again?

She swallowed, feeling her throat hurt with the process.


Dimly, the day he had proposed came flashing back in her mind. It was the happiest day of her life, she remembered. It had taken him three years to finally ask her to marry him and when he finally did, her euphoria was so great, it took a few weeks for her feet to touch the earth again.

With a jolt, she also remembered that she loved him.

Yes, she loved him.

His hand, so much larger than her own, warmed her cold and clammy one. She let go. Her hand fell back at her side.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"Hinata, what…?"

"I…I c-can't. I'm sorry."

The collective gasp from the people at the church was so loud that the birds nesting at the high ceiling flew in a panic. There was a moment of silence and then everyone was talking all at once. Some were outraged; others were taking it as an elaborate joke, while most were simply confused.

She didn't care about them.

Amidst all the ensuing chaos, her attention remained solely on him.

His face was a myriad of emotions. Confusion, fear, love, betrayal, anger... She saw all these fight for dominance in his expression.

Yet the one that stood out, the one that squeezed at her heart so, was the pain she saw.

She had hurt him. The person she loved. She had hurt the person she loved and she couldn't bear it.

With a small shudder of oncoming tears, she gathered her billowing white skirt and petticoats, and started to run; down the aisle, through the throng of confused people, and finally outside the giant oak doors of the church.

The roar of her heart thundered in her ears, the sound of her erratic breathing mixing with the noise.

She wanted to go far away from this place… Away from the angry people, away from the noise.

I'm sorry Kiba.

Yes, she loved him.

But there was a tiny voice in her soul that doubted her feelings…

And it was that small whisper of uncertainty that prevented her from saying those two simple words that would have now made her a wife.

The pain in his face had wracked her with guilt. She didn't want to hurt him yet she didn't want to lie to him either.

Marrying him would have been a lie. It would be unfair to them both.

A sob escaped her lips.

Yes, she loved him…

And it wasn't enough.



It's Tragedy

Author's Notes:

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