Kish had finely reached the dark ruins of an ancient city. It was said that this was once a beautiful, lively city, all it was now was a place of death. He waited by a giant, broken pillar. He could hear something approach. This was not gonna be easy. The villagers told him that the only way to stop the invasions was to kill the leader. He had done so much to the village; he had to be rid of. As he stood waiting he remembered his last meeting with Uoysev.

"Please be careful." She said to him. They were standing on a rock near the giant lake, the sun was setting. Kish smiled. "I'm always careful." He said. She looked out at the lake for a moment and then looked at him with glowing eyes. "I know you would come Kishu, I prayed for you. And now you're here. I want you to have this so you'll always think of me." She said and handed him a necklace. It was purple and cone shaped. It was beautiful, Kish thought. "I don't know what to say…" he struggled. Uoysev gave him a tearful smile. "You don't have to…" she said and reached out to him and kissed him gently on his lips. At that very moment, Kish heard a loud beeping noise but did not know where it was coming from. He told her his farewells and set off. Not before he noticed a sign near the lake but no matter how he tried, he could not read it. The words were jumbled up for some reason…

The On Esaelp Leader made his presence. Indeed he looked like the rest of them: tall, fat, blue elephant-like. All he did was growled at Kish. "It's time for your reign to stop. You've tortured this people for too long! It's got to stop tonight!" Kish yelled at him. The On Esaelp nodded as if he understood. Kish produced his tonfas and the battle was on.

The creature was dead but his broken tusk had stabbed Kish before-hand. Blood began to drop and Kish collapsed. PUEKAW. PUEKAW, PUEKAW. There was that cry again, what did it mean? What did that old man say? All our people's names, they have secret meanings. Secret meanings…of course. I should have known, Kish thought. He smiled while blood fell to the floor. He heard shouting form a small distance. He looked up and saw Uoysev running towards him.

"Kishu!" she screamed and held him in her arms. "Please don't die! I'm a healer, I can help you! Then we could live together in peace, no violence or anything, just our love. One day we'd get married and have many children. Then when we get old and grey, we'll die together in each others arms…" she said, tears flowing her eyes. Kish put his hand on her cheek and stroked.

"I would love that, so much…but I can't. you're not real, I'm asleep. My mind thought you up, you're too perfect. And your name, it's an anagram. Uoysev Olog Ihci. Ichigo Loves You. My mind was trying to tell me. The elders name was Please No. Ichigo's cries… that sign near the lake, I couldn't read it because you cannot read in a dream," he said with a smile. "I'm sorry my dear, if only you were real. But I have to go, the woman I love is waiting for so I must…PUEKAW." An at that very moment, Kish died in her arms.

Ichigo heard the beeping get louder. She looked up from the end of the bed to find Kish awake and smiling. "Kishu…" she stuttered. "Hey kitty cat." He said. Tears flowed Ichigo's eyes as he jumped to hug him tightly. "Oh…I thought I lost you…" she said. Kish closed his eyes and smelled her hair. "Its ok Ichigo. I'll never leave you ever. I love you." He said. Ichigo looked up at him and smiled. "I know. I love you too."