Here's just Day 21 to the end. First chapter is the complete story. This is just the new stuff.

Day Twenty-One

Kakashi eyed the bridge with a thoughtful intensity. He knew something was missing, he just wasn't sure what. His team was there, as he had retrieved them late the night before from the brothel. Not that he'd ever admit that he had accidentally forgotten them, and not left them there deliberately.

But they had survived the experience, so they had nothing to complain about. Untouched even. Which privately surprised him. Although getting them away was a little hard, as apparently they were all getting lessons from the workers. And not for the more... notorious arts they practice either. Quite frankly, Kakashi was putting it all down to the Iria Effect. It was almost as if the world warped around her to fulfill her expectations of it. That, or she was a better manipulator than him. And he had made that a cornerstone of his career, so he wasn't sure which.

Deciding to just figure out was missing, Kakashi sent his team to play capture the dog with Pakkun as he poked around their meeting spot and tried to figure it out without asking them.

An hour later he was no closer to figuring it out and his team had run across the bridge at least four times, each time progressively dirtier.

"Kakashi-sensei," Sasuke's voice suddenly jarred Kakashi from his paranoid thoughts.

Looking down at his student, he was shocked to see Sasuke not in his usual outfit. Instead, he was dressed in what had to be new clothes, because there was no way Uchiha Sasuke had ever owned any part of that outfit before. Not that it looked bad, quite the contrary actually. It looked quite good on him; functional, too, from what he could tell. But it was not his usual style in any way, shape or form. "New clothes?"

"Hn. Mistress Akane had a good point." Sasuke crossed his lightly armored arms. "I'm sorry I'm late."

Kakashi had a mental 'Ah-ha!' when he heard that. Sasuke was what had been missing for the last hour. "Then you'd better catch up. You have to capture Pakkun without resorting to ninjutsu."

Sasuke nodded before he headed off in the direction he suspected his team had gone, if only from the very loud shouts and crashes.

Kakashi could only wonder if he was getting complacent. After all, not noticing one of your team is missing for over an hour, after having misplaced them for over a day not even twenty-four hours earlier, is worrisome.

Day Twenty-Two

The day dawned bright and clear. It was a wonderful day, showing that yes, Konoha truly was in the middle of a tropical paradise. And not just because the surrounding wildlife made enough noise to cover a mid-sized city, let alone a decently-sized ninja village.

Of course it being a ninja village, there was always someone experimenting with, showing off with, or just plain messing around with all sorts of ninjutsu.

For instance, there was the super-secret blood sport annual taijutsu tournament held in a secret stadium on one of the large training grounds surrounding Konoha. The tournament was invitation only, and despite rumors, Maito Gai is not the ultimate champion, despite the numerous trophies and plaques declaring otherwise - or even the large fan club whose members can only be told by certain pieces of turtle shell jewelry they receive upon passing the rigorous entrance exam.

There were even rumors that the reason for the special "background genjutsu" was the result of the First and Second Hokages and Uchiha Madara going on a drinking binge and somehow imprinting a permanent passive genjutsu array into the very bedrock under Konoha that makes a backdrop which any person of sufficient willpower can use.

Then there were the various monster and ninja animals. There's just no way that you wouldn't have a healthy appreciation of animal life if you've ever lost a debate with a chipmunk. And that's without even getting into the summon animals.

Even then, there were some things that even the locals weren't all sure they could handle. Waking up to find that apparently a ten block section of town had become an enforced nudist zone was one of those things.

It was actually an incredible piece of work. Once you entered the clearly marked area (as shown by the foot-wide swath of neon yellow paint in an unbroken line along the circumference), your clothes were sealed in some sort of pocket dimension until you left again, where they would reappear on your body. There was even something in the seal array that kept anyone from using genjutsu to cover their nudity.

"So how'd you do it without being seen?" Kakashi asked, finally.

He, Iria, Kotetsu, Izumo, Kurenai, and Asuma were all sitting in an outdoor cafe in the heart of the Nudist Zone enjoying a light breakfast. None of them were dressed of course, not that any of them seemed to care. Quite the contrary, they all seemed quite comfortable actually. Even Kakashi, once Iria told him that while he couldn't cover his body, that didn't mean he couldn't change the appearance to other people. So currently his face was blank. Literally. Nothing on it but his eyes.

"With permission, help, and the wonderful use of subtle genjutsu thanks to Kurenai here."

Kurenai shrugged, which did interesting things to her chest. "It was a nice challenge, both helping you work it out, and setting it up."

"I like it," Asuma said, before taking a drink of his tea. "A nice change of pace."

"Not to mention being able to indulge in that nice 'free to the breeze' sensation," Kotetsu added on.

"Mm... I just like all the naked ninja. We do have nicely sculpted bodies in most cases." Iria grinned before straightening. "Oi! Ibiki! How's it hanging?"

Ibiki turned his head to look towards her raised voice, before turning to face them fully and place his hands on his hips. "Pretty good, I like to think."

Iria, Kotetsu, and Kurenai all grinned and flashed him the thumbs up complete with pointed leers. "Yes it is!"

Ibiki laughed and walked over. "Good to see the three of you working together again. The world of espionage got a lot more boring when your team was split up."

"Some would say that was a good thing," Kotetsu said dryly.

Ibiki snorted in disgust. "Those are the ones that shouldn't even be in the game in the first place. What brought this on, anyway?"

"A certain council member who shall remain nameless, yet lives across the street, decided to challenge Iria to do her worst after calling her a bad influence on the moral integrity of Konoha." Izumo grinned and shook his head. "Some people should really know better."

"Especially with as many times as I've been called before the Council, too." Iria smirked before asking, "So where are you off to?"

"Nowhere, really. Just taking a walk."

"Oi! Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto ran up. "You won't believe it! Sasuke actually... where are your clothes!?" Naruto pointed his finger enthusiastically at the group. "You're all naked!"

"Naruto, you're in the middle of a newly designated Nudist Zone. Everyone that enters it is naked." Kakashi sighed. He really wondered about Naruto sometimes. He would almost swear the boy was somehow related to the Inuzuka's if he hadn't known better.

"Hey, blondie! Who has better breasts? Me, Kurenai or Izumo?" Iria asked, sitting up straight in her seat.

Izumo gave her an offended look. "Why me? Why not Kotetsu?"

"Because, Izumo, your chest is something ballads are written about," Kotetsu soothed his ruffled boyfriend.

Izumo gave Kotetsu a look before turning back to Naruto. "They're all crazy."

"He says that like it's new," Kurenai murmured.

"He says that like it's a bad thing," Iria muttered back.

Naruto, through all this, stared at Iria in shock. "You want me to what?"

"Well, I'm curious, and since you're not dating any of us you won't be biased."

"Y-you... Pervert!"

"Yeah, ain't it fun?" Iria asked with a leering grin.

"Umino Iria! I know this is your fault!" Anko yelled from where she suddenly loomed over the crowded table.

"Why, Anko, darling!" Iria purred, her grin turning into a sneer. "How... nice to see you again."

"You are such a bitch! I can't believe you. Hi, Ibiki. You do something like this and don't even invite me?"

"It was rather sudden, then I got caught up with the planning and setting things up, you know how it goes." Iria shrugged. "But what do you think?"

Anko crossed her arms under her breasts and sighed. "Very nice. I may hate you with a fierce and fiery passion, burning with the light of a thousand supercharged flash bombs, but you do good work."

"Always a pleasure to hear things like that from a compatriot." Iria looked over at Kakashi. "We used to work in the same circles."

"I guessed as much," Kakashi said blandly.

Anko looked over at him and her eyes widened as she saw him take a drink with his blank face. "Y-your face!"

"Tragic acid jutsu explosion. Don't want to talk about it. Very traumatizing," Kakashi explained.

"Liar!" Naruto and Anko yelled in unison.

"Aren't they sharp," Ibiki muttered sotto voice to Asuma as he stole food from the man's plate.

"It needed to be said," Asuma replied.

Naruto glared and was about to say something when he got a sudden dawning realization expression and ran off.

"That was..." Kotetsu began.

"Worrisome?" Iria supplied.

"Indeed. Especially since I think Izumo's right in his theory."

"Well, we'll probably find out later," Kakashi said.

"True," Kurenai said.

Naruto ran out of the Nudist Zone only to stop in confusion when his clothes reappeared on his body. "Huh. Gotta learn that one." Remembering what he was doing, he bolted to where he knew Sasuke would be.

"Sas-u-ke!" he yelled when he got within sight of his teammate.

Sasuke jumped and kawarimied with Aburame Shino, whom he had been speaking with.

Naruto bowled over the displaced Shino and ended up panting for breath on top of him. "S-sorry Shino, but you guys have got to see this!"

"Just what have we 'got to see'?" Sasuke asked, trying to not draw attention to the fact he had just run from Naruto.

"Kakashi-sensei isn't wearing a mask!" Naruto explained, jumping to his feet again in his excitement.

"What makes you think he'll still have it off if we go there?" Sasuke was intrigued, though.

"He won't unless he leaves." Naruto jumped in place. "You have got to see this."

Sighing, Sasuke nodded and followed the enthusiastic blond as he grabbed Shino's arm and started dragging them down the street.

"Oi! Naruto, Sasuke, what are you doing with Shino?" Kiba yelled as they passed him a few blocks later.

"Nudist Zone! Gotta show!" was Naruto's only explanation.

Sasuke halted when he heard that.

"Oi, Sasuke, what's the hold up? He might leave!" Naruto said when he was jerked to a stop.

"Nudist zone?" Sasuke ground out.

"Yeah, Iria-sensei set it up. She is incredible. Weird though. She wanted me to judge who had the best breasts."

"How would she set up a nudist zone?" Shino asked.

"Some really cool jutsu! I'm going to ask her if she'll teach me some of it! I mean, you enter and bam! Your clothes are gone, but as soon as you leave they come back!" Naruto explained.

Sasuke scowled. It was actually worse that he had thought. "I am not entering anything like that!"

Kiba snickered. "Aw, is the little Uchiha ashamed of something?"

Naruto started laughing with Kiba and Akamaru.

Pulling himself together, Kiba grinned, "I have got to see this!"

Between the three of them, they managed to drag Sasuke to the yellow line before they had to let him go. They could understand his reluctance when they saw the lingering crowd gathered within sight of the line. Not even pausing, Naruto and Kiba briskly crossed the line and stood, backs to the crowd, hands on their hips and enjoying the sun on their skin.

"This is nice!" Kiba exclaimed.

"I know! Iria-sensei's awesome! Even better than when she subbed for our class!" Naruto had found a new idol. It was a nice feeling. She even knew him and liked him! And she was related to Iruka-sensei somehow. As far as he was concerned she was a great ninja just for those reasons. He was definitely giving her an award when he became Hokage.

"Which way?" Kiba asked, looking over at the loud-mouthed blond.

"This way!" Naruto answered the loud-mouthed brunet.

"Troublesome," Shikamaru drawled, as he passed the duo, heading deeper into the Nudist Zone.

Day Twenty-Three

Iria, Kotetsu, and Kurenai had shown up at Team Seven's meeting spot after having lounged around the Nudist Zone the day before enjoying a day off. Somehow the conversation had turned to Iria's... unique view of the world. Kakashi really had no idea how it happened, and he was standing right there the entire time.

"What's Iria World like?" Naruto asked curiously.

"It's a wonderful and mystical place where dragons build castles, unicorns mine and everyone goes topless," Kurenai explained, as she was very familiar with Iria World.

"Topless?" Naruto asked, incredulous.

"Topless," she confirmed with a firm nod.


Iria leered, "Everyone."

"It is also where our super-sexy leader and sexy god of pure sexiness resides and where every subject worships at the altar of his sexiness," Kotetsu added on.

"Could you have added another sexy into that statement?" Kurenai asked, giving the dark-haired man a look.

"Give me a moment." Kotetsu meditated for a moment before taking a deep breath, and yelling "SEXY!!!"

Iria gave her friend a thumbs up. "Yes, he is. And as members of his super-sexy cult our battle cry is: SHI-NE!!"

"Your... sexy cult's battle cry is shi ne?" Sasuke asked in disbelief.

"Because that's his name: Aburame Shine." Iria said.

"Yeah, he was Iruka and Kotetsu's jounin instructor. Very sexy man. He was so sexy, his coat almost got mobbed one time," Kurenai explained before getting a far-off dreamy look, "Sexy Shine."

"By the way, there are two types of crush. In terms you three would understand, the first is the normal Sasuke-fangirl. Temporary and almost guaranteed to be grown out of. The second is like Hinata's crush, only to get deeper as time goes on," Iria informed Naruto in a low tone, careful not to break into Kurenai's dream world.

Naruto was surprised. "Hinata has a crush?"

"Yup. A good one, too."

"So how do I become a member of Iria world?" Naruto asked, getting back on track.

"Well, you can't. Because you might oust me from my throne as absolute, tyrannical ruler of Iria World. But I can help you form your own world." Iria was being generous. She didn't help just anyone make their own world.

Naruto gave her a wide-eyed look. "How?"

Iria placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder and said very seriously, "To begin: You must understand that the universe and all its inhabitants are your toys."

"But since Iria World's already around, where will I get my vic-toys?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"You're lucky. I, in my infinite generosity, as the supreme ruler of Iria World have decided to share with you, Naruto, if you will be my apprentice in the way of the demented prank," Iria told Naruto solemnly.

Naruto got teary eyed and threw his arms around the crazy woman's waist. "Iria-sensei!"

Iria started crying. "Naruto-kun!"

Kotetsu eyed the two mimicking Gai and Lee but with a night sky filled with bursting fireworks of each others names every time they said them. "I feel so..."

"Oddly happy, yet slightly scared?" Kurenai offered as her friend trailed off.

"That's the one."

The rest of Team 7 just stood there looking confused and slightly traumatized. They shared this horrible sinking feeling that an unholy alliance had just formed before their eyes.

Day Twenty-Seven

Kakashi calmly strolled into the waiting room of the Hokage's office. He gave the gathered village elders a concerned look before turning his eye to the secretary's desk, and realization dawned.

There, sitting calmly playing solitaire, was Umino Iria in all her dark glory.

"Yo." Kakashi raised a hand in greeting to his girlfriend.

"Ah Kakashi, you here to give me someone to talk to?" Iria asked, looking up at him with a cheerful grin.

Feeling the heavy gaze of over a dozen high-ranking officials on his back, he smirked back at her. "Nope, didn't know you were here. What are you doing here?"

"Sucker-sama... I mean Hokage-sama decided I needed something to occupy my time after yesterday's redecoration of the mission room I did, so is making me man the desk here."

The previous day Iria had turned the mission room into a museum of perversion, having somehow found a great number of atomically correct mannequins, dressed them as cat-girls and boys, and set them into various sexually explicit displays complete with velvet ropes to separate each one.

One thing that they found out when someone had actually gathered the courage to touch one of the groupings/mannequins was that she had also set them up to move and make noises when prodded, thus adding a new level of perversion to an already vulgar display. They actually had to ban both clients and younger nin from the room while they debated what to do with the mannequins, consequently allowing every adult ninja to come and at least peek when they heard about it.

Jiraiya had been the one to find out that one of the ANBU, Hawk, had been drugged and put in the middle of an orgy display. Some more searching after that found the rest of his squad in similar circumstances in other displays.

What cinched that it was Iria who had done it was that, after winding your way past all the others, Iria had signed the final display and left a comment book. Iria apparently took great pride in being a perverted menace.

Things being what they are, Kakashi was almost certain that the video and photos of the scene would lead to it all being reconstructed in a different venue for more... thoughtful... prolonged viewing.

"So this is your punishment?" Kakashi asked.

"More that she wants to keep an eye on me. So I guard her door from unwanted and untested intruders." Iria grinned and leaned back.

"So you're going to test me?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Of course. First there's the written portion." Iria handed him a sheet of paper from a pile. "Fill this out."

Deciding to indulge her, he took a pen from a holder and crouched down to start. However, after he read the first question he swiftly read through the rest of the questions then looked up at Iria. "Did you get these from a fashion magazine?"

Iria gave him a wide eyed look. "How'd you know?" Her amethyst eyes showed nothing but surprise, making him wonder, yet again, what she actually did for Konoha, but knowing better than to ask.

"Just a feeling that I've done this test before."

"Then you won't mind filling it out then?"

Snorting in amusement, he swiftly filled out the nonsense questions and handed Iria the paper.

Grinning, she set the paper aside. "Now the oral test."

"Not even going to read it?"

"Why? You've already gotten further than anyone else. So what's your favorite food?"

"Eggplant miso. Yours?"

"Ramen. Favorite client?"

Kakashi grinned as he fell into a rhythm of question, answer and return with her.

After covering a whole range of subjects, she finally let him pass into the Hokage's office.

"Hokage-sama." Kakashi bowed. "Enjoying some uninterrupted time?"

Tsunade grinned. "You're the first interruption I've had all day. If I thought it was possible I'd try to keep Iria where she is at the moment."

"Luckily you're smart enough to realize that her current annoyance with ANBU would turn on you if you tried."


Day Thirty-Two

Kakashi sat with his arm draped across the back of the couch behind Iria's back as she sprawled next to him with her arms and ankles crossed. They were both here to see the conclusion of the bet that had led to them meeting for the first time. The room was crowded with many who were either interested parties, gawkers, or friends of the bet subjects.

"I'm surprised there's so few people here," Kurenai said from where she leaned against the back of the couch.

"Sucker-sama... I mean Hokage-sama put a limit on how many could be here outside the concerned parties," Kotetsu informed her.

"There's going to be a lot of angry people when they find out where Iruka's been for the last month," Iria drawled as she ran a finger over her choker.

"With this kind of bet there's always going to be an angry party," Ibiki pointed out.

Iria grunted in reply before sitting up as the ANBU finally entered the room. "Looks like it's show time."

Tsunade waved the ANBU forward. "Did you find any sign of Iruka in the last month?"

The lead ANBU growled but shook his head. "No, Hokage-sama."

"Do you concede that a full month has passed? An extra day even?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Do you concede that Iruka won the bet?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Very well. Iruka?" Tsunade asked.

Taking off her choker, Iria smirked. "You rang?"

Eyes swiveled at the sound of Iruka's voice, only to be confused to see Iria sitting there smirking.

"I am sick and tired of..." the ANBU began.

"Of me having run you in circles this last month?"

"Not funny."

"Oh, very funny - from my side, anyway." Iria grinned.

"I don't think they quite got it," Kurenai said, running a hand through the wild black hair.

Leaning her back head back, Iria removed her contacts revealing black eyes. Then, taking a cloth from her pocket, she started wiping off the makeup that had hidden and disguised Iruka's distinctive facial scar, adding to the one that Iria already had. "And for the last bit." Standing, she removed her layers of shirts to reveal a flat, masculine chest. "Get it now?"

"I caught you the first day," Hawk squawked.

"You did nothing but accuse a similarly built nin of being me. You never proved it. And in our world proof is everything. So pay up."

"So you took your cousin's place?" Anko demanded.

"My 'cousin' never existed. That was all me." Iruka smirked at the expression on Anko's face. "I'm good."

"Very good." Kurenai grinned. "Iria was such a useful prank. Especially since four thirteen-year-olds came up with her."

"Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked tremulously.

"You angry with me, Naruto?" Iruka asked quietly.

"You... you." Taking a deep breath Naruto launched himself at Iruka, knocking them both onto the ground. "You are the best ninja ever!"

Laughing, Iruka wrestled Naruto into a headlock. "Don't think this gets you out of your apprenticeship."

"Of course not!" Naruto laughed. "But is it Iruka World now?"

"It's still Iria World. Why would I need to change it?"

Later Iruka lay sprawled, sunning himself on the roof of Iria's apartment building when Kakashi found him.

"Yo." Kakashi waved as he crouched down next to the darker man.

"Yo. You're confused," Iruka said, cracking open an eye.

"More than I should be. I know how useful someone like Iria can be, just..." Kakashi trailed off.

"How much was real?"


"All of it." Iruka sat up and folded his legs. "At first there was no difference between 'Iria' and 'Iruka'. Then as I started getting older, I started to have to calm down so 'Iria' became my outlet, so she became crazier."

"So Iruka's the real you?"

"No. 'Iruka' had the opposite problem. The real me is actually somewhere in the middle." Iruka shrugged and scratched the scar on his jaw. "I'm just going to be me from now on. No more 'Iria'/'Iruka' division. Just... me."

Kakashi nodded. "How'd you fool everyone?"

"Not so hard, really. Like I said, at first there was no difference. Well, other than coloring and 'gender'. I would darken my skin, dye my hair, and wear contacts and different clothes as Iria. And that's just the surface stuff. I'd use different soaps, eat different foods, use different weapons, lots of little things that blur the edges, but I never tried to make Iria girly. She was just... Iria."

"And because those little things are just flavoring everyone assumed that Iria was just a close relative because everything else was the same." Kakashi shook his head at the sheer cunning that went into Iria. He had never once questioned that Iria was Iria.

"Yeah, well, Shine-sama found out about her when it was just dye and contacts and helped me develop her more. Sandaime got me the choker, which is actually the only part of the disguise that wasn't just makeup and attitude."

"So leaving no genjutsu to see through or break."

"And the kicker is, I came up with Iria just to date Kotetsu." Iruka shook his head. "I had no idea that she could be useful for anything other than fooling people into thinking he was straight."

Kakashi chuckled before the two lapsed into a sort of comfortable silence. "What are you going to do now?"

"Not sure. Sucker-sama wants to withdraw me from the academy for a year or two for something. And I am technically a jounin even if I earned the rank as Iria. So I'll probably be on the normal mission rotation." He shrugged. "Mostly depends on what she wants me to do. I had a good vacation though. Thanks."

Kakashi blushed and scratched his cheek. "No problem. I... enjoyed Iria and Iria World. It made me see the fun in life."

"Life can always be fun if you treat it right."

"I'm... beginning to see that." Straightening up a little, Kakashi finally asked, "How about lunch?"

Iruka eyed him for a moment before grinning. "Sounds fun. Picnic, attempted cooking, or the Graceful Muse?"

"Ah... the Graceful Muse. I've seen the closet you have here."

"Not for much longer. I'm letting the lease lapse. I've actually spent more time here in the last month than in the previous two years of having it." Rising to his feet and stretching, Iruka couldn't help but smirk at Kakashi's thoughtful eying of his chest. "Do you think I should send Anko flowers?"

"Wouldn't that be tacky?"

The End