Warning! Very short chapter. Due to the shortness of this one, I promise on Chibi!AU!Eleven's TARDIS that the next chapter will be longer. Please bear with me, I'm desperately trying to focus on school (BLECH) because I'm failing the classes I need to be passing. (I have a very weak immune system! 'S not my fault! D:) This is another Lassie!Dream, and the plot gets going next chapter.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. ;_;

Lassiter leaned against his desk, a tired smile finding it's way onto his face as he looked around the Chief's office...his office. This was more like it. This was going to be a good dream, he could already tell. No confusing beach scenes, no unexpected Spencer popping up; just a plaque that said 'Chief C. Lassiter' in a warmly painted office overlooking a busy police station. He felt a twinge of pride as he walked over to the windows that made up the walls of the office and saw that everyone was doing something.

"Nice place you got here, Lassie."

Lassiter visibly jumped at the voice behind him. He whirled around and growled out loud. Leaning back in his chair with his feet up on his desk, was Shawn Spencer. He was sipping on something that Lassiter recognized as a pineapple smoothie that he used to always order to the police station. He looked a little rough, with circles underneath his eyes that Lassiter didn't notice the last time he saw him. His hair also looked slightly longer, and he looked like he hadn't had a decent bath in a week.

"What are you doing here?!" Lassiter shouted. Shawn shrugged, taking another sip of his smoothie. He suddenly held the cup in front of his face, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Pineapple...That's what they called me..." he mumbled. Lassiter raised an eyebrow, confused. Then he remembered: the Shawn before him (and the puppy currently sleeping at the foot of his bed) had no clue who they were. Maybe that was why the puppy had sought him out. Maybe he could help.

"Listen," Lassiter said. Shawn lowered the smoothie and looked at him. "Does the name 'Shawn Spencer' mean anything to you?"

"Shawn Spencer..." Shawn mumbled, eyebrows furrowing again. Lassiter waited anxiously as Shawn closed his eyes, biting his lip in thought. After a few minutes Shawn shook his head.

"No. Why? Was that my name?" Shawn took his feet off of the desk and leaned forward, looking at Lassiter with hopeful eyes. Lassiter suddenly shook his head.

"No...Nevermind," Lassiter sighed. If he told him now, it wouldn't matter because he this was a dream, and Spencer was a puppy in real life. What could he do? Go to the Chief and say I've got good news and bad news Karen! Good news is that I've found Spencer! Bad news is that he's been turned into a dog! If you need me, I'll be with my therapist.

"Oh..." Shawn's face fell. Lassiter stood near the door, contemplating how he was going to say what he was thinking. He felt strange thinking it, and even stranger that he knew that he would have to go through with it. After all, he wasn't going to keep a stray puppy in his house.

"You know," he started carefully, "I'm going to have to bring you back to the animal shelter."

The effect of that simple sentence was dramatic. Shawn's eyes snapped up to meet Lassiter's, the green seeming to glint harshly. He seemed to visibly bristle, his hair standing up slightly. So Lassiter wasn't imagining things. Shawn really was the puppy.

"What?" Shawn growled.

"If you're going to stay with me, you're going to have to be properly adopted. Not some stray who doesn't have it's shots and what-not."

"I can't believe you just said 'What-not'," Shawn seemed to relax a little. He sipped his smoothie and snorted. "By the way, I already have all my shots."

Lassiter watched with a raised eyebrow as Spencer stood up and stretched, keeping his smoothie in hand. He meandered over to Lassiter and handed him his smoothie with a smile. Lassiter couldn't help but notice that as well as looking like a homeless man, he smelled like one too.

"Tomorrow morning we go and visit the animal shelter. Alright?" Lassiter said. Shawn looked a little uneasy at the mention of the animal shelter, but he nodded. The uncertainty was gone in a second, for he flashed an easy-going smile.

"Right. And now, I'm going to go and wander off. See you in the morning Lassie!" Shawn placed his smoothie in Lassiter's hand, and left the office. Lassiter simply watched him leave the police station with a raised eyebrow. Where was he going? And why did everyone in the room not notice the man that had been missing for three months simply waltz by them?

Lassiter sighed and shook his head. He would deal with the amnesiac man/puppy in the morning...