Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or any of the characters. That belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This was my first fanfic. Be nice.

Oh and just to tell you early. Most of the whole story is in Bella's POV.

10 years after the birth of Renesmee.

"Mom, where's Dad?"

"He's over there in the bushes."

We were hunting near the house. Edward was jumping ahead of his senses to check if the area was clear of humans. Renesmee was getting impatient and wanted to hunt.

"Ok. Area's clear. Let's go."

Edward came back in an eight of a second and took my hand. Renesmee leapt into a hunting position and darted forward.

"I'm not very thirsty yet."

"Me neither. Let's just humour Renesmee."

We both went into hunting crouches and followed the unappetizing scent of the nearby herbivores. I smelt Renesmee nearby sitting down with her first kill of the day. She was so grown up now. Practically a teenager/adult in appearance but only ten in years. Jacob was still annoyingly patient. All he wanted was for our whole family to be safe. Especially Renesmee. She was the most spoilt half vampire in existence.

She went to Forks High School every day of the school week and was admired as much as I was in my time there. Probably more. Edward and I had to avoid going to parent/teacher meetings due to the fact that we looked more like Renesmee's siblings. We came up with new excuses every time. Renesmee was doing unconditionally well and was finding it boring with the simple classes in her grade. Her advanced knowledge allowed her to be the top of every class and the teachers did everything they could to find something she couldn't do perfectly. So far, they had all failed.

As I sank my razor sharp teeth into the elk, I thought about ten years ago when we were worried about Renesmee outgrowing and dying in fifteen years. That was a problem solved when Alice turned up with Nahuel to confront the Volturi. (In case you don't know what that is, they're like the vampire royal family) All I was concerned about now was the fact that when Renesmee finally felt romance emotions towards Jacob, would Jacob finally lose his werewolf phasing instinct and steadily grow old and die while Renesmee would remain in her adulthood stage, would Renesmee remain saddened for the rest of eternity? Or would she eventually move on? I was scared myself for the matters of my best friend passing away. Although it slightly calmed me by the fact that my vampire family was always there for me.

I hadn't noticed when my elk was drained of all of its blood. I felt gushy inside and sat down on a nearby rock. Edward noticed my absent expression and came over to sit down beside me.

"What's wrong?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Nothing. I was just remembering ten years ago when we were worried about Renesmee growing too fast." I mumbled. I knew he would hear.

He winced as he remembered our fears.

"But we know that nothing is bad is going to happen to her. She has a big family to protect her and… even the pack of werewolves." He added as an after thought.

"I'm just worried what will happen after Jacob stops phasing and grows old and…" I gulped.

"Don't worry, that probably won't be for a long time. Let's go and see what Renesmee is doing."

We softly treaded through the forest towards Renesmee's familiar scent. I gasped audibly. She had hurt herself. There were gashes in her arms and her waist.

"Ness- Renesmee! What happened?" cried Edward. I still didn't like the nickname so I was glad he avoided saying it.

"I was playing with the elk and something else attacked me! It was really strong because I know that only vampires and werewolves can go through MY skin!" she sounded thoroughly shocked and affronted.

I picked her up off the ground gently and gave her a swift hug. I hauled her onto my back and I ran back to the main house with Edward following me wordlessly.

"Hey! Bella!" Jacob called on our approach. "Edward." He added curtly.

Then he noticed Renesmee on my back looking faint from blood loss. She was steadily turning green. I was anxious for Carlisle to get a look at her wounds. Hopefully able to understand what had attacked her.

"What's wrong with her Bella? Tell me! Don't mess around with me!" Jacob demanded.

"She was hurt by something while we were hunting. Something that was able to penetrate her hard skin." I replied dully.

"That's impossible." He said immediately.

"Get out of our way or I will knock you away." Snarled Edward ferociously.

I almost reacted the same way. I was anxious to get to Carlisle and here was Jacob, worrying so much that he was getting in the way of rescue.

"Jacob, we'll discuss this later. Now PLEASE, get out of our way." I hissed.

He quickly darted aside and let us continue. We could have easily looped around him but I didn't have the strength. Edward and I dashed up the stairs 5 at a time to get to Carlisle's study. He was sitting peacefully at his desk examining some pieces of paper. He looked up as we entered and his facial expression changed from surprised to acknowledgement, to fear, and finally, to medical.

"What happened Edward?" he asked reactively.

"We were out hunting and Renesmee was nearby playing with the elk. Something harmed her and we don't know what happened." He said rather impassively.

I gently placed Renesmee onto the desk that Carlisle hurriedly cleared.

"Hmm. Only vampires and werewolves can tear vampire skin. Are you sure that there was no other vampire there?" Carlisle asked.

"Nope. There was no other scent expect for Renesmee's and the elk's. Although there was a strange other smell that was really faint and different. I doubt that it was a vampire's or werewolf's." I replied hurriedly.

"We'll have to examine her closely for a while. I don't think I can sew these wounds together with a needle. Her skin is too hard for that. We will have to use our teeth. She should be alright." Carlisle reassured.


Renesmee's sewing process took time and patience but in the end it was done. Rosalie hovered in the room for most of the operation but soon went outside to watch Emmett and Jasper play chess. Rosalie remained friendly and spoiled Renesmee as much as possible.

Alice used Renesmee as a shopping buddy. I was glad of that. I had had quite enough of Alice's crazy ideas about fashion and was quite happy that Renesmee was enjoying herself almost as much as Alice. Renesmee was not like me in a fashion sense. She seemed to have inherited that from Alice. I didn't mind too much.

She had Emmett's childish nature and Rosalie's love of attention. She even seemed to have inherited Jasper's understanding of people's emotions. Renesmee adored playing with Esme. She soon understood Esme's love of architecture. She soon wanted to help build houses. None of us allowed that. She got a little grumpy until we told her that she could do it once she was a full adult. One that had learned everything there is to learn.

Renesmee was the Cullen family's pride and joy. That goes without saying.

Right now, in a time that Renesmee may have been harmed, everyone was worried and distressed about it. Even Emmett seemed unable to make many jokes about the situation. Her condition grew better but then suddenly, grew worse again. She would turn pale every five minutes and refuse to do anything that was offered.

The whole family grew worried again. Carlisle and Edward devoted their free time to finding out what could possibly be wrong with her. I spent my free time fretting about what would happen if she d- no. I must not allow myself that thought. It goes without saying that: The whole family would be disorientated for centuries to come and Jacob would be, without a doubt, the worst impression of a happy person.

Ever since he had imprinted on her, most of his life had been devoted to keeping her happy, safe and watched over. It would be one of the most tragic losses. Renesmee was swiftly approaching adult years and soon she would start to feel romance feelings for Jacob. I didn't want to be around too much for that. Eww.


One day, Edward and Carlisle came into the living room where everyone was sitting, lying, or standing in. Everyone instantly became a blur of motion and sat down at the dinner table (which was a prop) and listened intently.

There were looks of hope on both of their faces as they sat down.

"We've found out what has attacked Renesmee." Said Edward while anxiously glancing at Renesmee who was clinging to the table.

"Yes. It was a rare animal that can only be found sometimes in random areas at random times. They have been said to have been extinct for centuries after humans destroyed them all. It wasn't actually true. I actually came across one of these creatures in one of my studies years ago but at the time didn't register it for what it actually was. It is known as a Veleno Mortale. Its venom is excruciatingly fatal. First, it will cause weakness and loss of appetite. And then pain. Eventually, the victim will die." Carlisle ended.

Everyone looked horrified and we all glanced nervously at Renesmee as if expecting her to drop dead any minute.

"However, there is a cure to it. Only one cure exists in the entire world."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why don't we go get it then?" said Emmett, stating the obvious.

"A vampire coven owns it. As an artefact."

"Even easier than a human." Muttered Jasper.

"Which one?" Asked Rosalie.

"The Volturi."

That took a while. It was fun. I hope you don't hate me too much for that. Please review. I want to know how I can improve. Thank you for reading.