
I'm so sorry! *dogeza

. . . . . 8 months... Is a very long time, I know...

I really am sorry for taking so long... I really don't have any idea why it took me so long to update this. Screw you, school. Screw you, teachers who can't teach.

This is actually my third time writing this chapter. The first one deleted itself back in November. The second one didn't save in March. And this one... It did reach you guys, right?

So FINALLY I have this chapter for you guys! I'm so sorry!


So about this chapter. I'm going to start speeding up the engine. Now that the stage is set, I'm going to start focusing on all the plot points to get "FATE" to start moving. And the stone doesn't stop rolling till it reaches the end. XD

Mild fluff in this chapter. Very, very mild, but also sweet. X3 And Mukuro's an ass for this whole story so sorry to anyone who likes him. =P

DISCLAIMER: KHR does not belong to me. It belongs to the almighty Amano-Sensei. I wish I at least owned Enma tho. He's so kyawaii~~~~~~~! 3

So here it is, finally! CHAPTER EIGHT!

Ever since the arrival of the two pineappled haired siblings, the hospital has been in a whirlwind of chaos.

To people unfamiliar with the workings of a hospital, it might've seemed normal to see the nurses so tense and all the doctors agitated, but I could tell that it was all due to the beginning of something big that no one really knew the details about.

Let the battle of inheritence begin...

That's what the man had said, I think. So it probably means that there was going to be some big battle of who gets what, right?

But it could mean that they were going to talk over who's the next head of house. Or maybe whether they can get money. Perhaps they're just playing a twisted game of sorts? Or it could be that they're really going to do something to the hospital, destroy it and in its place, make some huge tower and become this super-awesome-company and become all powerful and take over Namimori, then Japan, and then...

Woah, I berated myself. Stop it before I let my imagination get out of hand.

But I was just so curious. I mean, since no one really knew what was going on, everyone was itching with the need to get even a tiny smidge of information. Even the rumor mill was as good as dead, wiped dry from the lack of, well, anything. The only thing that anyone knew was the name of the two newcomers.

Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro.

I know. At first, I thought the names were a joke as well. I mean, what kind of name is Mukuro? And Dokuro for the matter. Seriously, what kind of parent names their children after bones? Isn't that a bit disturbing? Or were the parents mentally ill or something? Or maybe they had a fascination of skulls?

And what's with the different last names? I thought they were related? Didn't the girl call the other "nii-san"? Is it just that they're related but not siblings? Or are they not related at all and the girl just likes to call him "nii-san"? Maybe the guy forced her to call her that? Is he a pervert?

Who ARE they?

Grabbing onto the nearest thing by me, I whacked myself in the head to calm my rampaging thoughts.


"Ow! What the-?"

...Why am I holding a brick? In a hospital hallway?

Anyways, UGH! Why are there no answers! Usually, if I wanted to know something, I'd just go to Rin-san but even she doesn't have any answers this time around. Grrr...

Maybe I should just ask Hibari-san...? No, bad idea. Even the nurses who usually slacked off were working their buts off. I can't imagine what the higher ups were going through. Though it could have something to do with paperwork.


My thoughts drifted back to the day I... "helped"... Hibari-san. A smile snuck onto my face as I kept on reminiscing.

I hope I can spend time with Hibari-san again.

Humming happily with that in mind, I turned the corner...

How I got myself into this predicament, I'll never know.

No, really, one minute I'm just taking a walk through the halls, minding my own business and the next, I'm stuck in an office with a guy I barely... scratch that, don't know at all!

I gave a sigh and took a peak at my supposed kidnapper.

Rokudo Mukuro was an... interesting... person. From the way he talks, his attitude, and even the ridiculous, pineapple shaped hair style, there were things about him that set him apart from the rest.

Kinda like Hibari-san...

I shook my head furiously at that thought.

No, Rokudo-san isn't like Hibari-san at all. At least Hibari-san is nice... kinda. And he looks out for me... though that could just be a coincidence.

"So, would you tell me more about yourself, Sawada-kun. Like, how did you come to befriend my cousin?"

Slamming back to reality, I stammered out my reply.

"Uh, umm, no... You see, err, the term 'friends' isn't really correct in our case..."

"Really now," Rokudo-san gave a smile. "Seeing as I've been hearing rumors about how you two get along from the nurses, I'd assumed. Then, if you aren't friends, then what should I call you?"

"Ummm, well..."

Knock, knock

"Rokudo-sama, I've brought the tea you've requested."

As a nurse walked in carrying a tray, I let out a sigh of relief. Seeing as how the other two were distracted, I looked around the room, seeing if there was anything interesting.

Unlike Hibari-san's office which had a nice collection of simple furniture, Rokudo-san's counterpart was rather bare, only housing a desk, two sofas and a coffee table. Other than that, the room was empty.

A cup of tea was set before me by the nurse who, after finishing what she came for, quickly exited out the door. Staring after her, my uncomfortableness became worse. My body was also itching to get out of this room. And away from this stranger.

"So back to our conversation, how did you meet my cousin?"

Once again, Rokudo Mukuro's attention was completely focused on me. Looking down at my sweaty hands, I thought about my answer.

"I met him here, in the hospital. We just happened to run into each other, that's all."

"Hmm, really?"

"Yes, really."

I took a peak at the Rokudo-san's face but after seeing his expression, I decided against it. The polite smile offered to me was creeping me out.

"I'm sorry but... what does Hibari-san's and my relationship have to do with you? Surely you have somethings better to do?"

That earned me a small chuckle. Again, it only served to creep me out. What did this guy want?

"On the contrary, I've been meaning to meet you for a while, Sawada-kun. You see, I've been dying to know what my ever amusing cousin is like. You know, what kind of person is he, how he's doing in school, has he done anything commendable... All those kinds of little things that tell me what Kyoya is like. I just want to know all the things he's been doing. You don't mind telling me, do you?"

"Umm, well that's..."

"Of course you don't mind, right?"

I knew that tone. The kind of edge that a person has in their voice when they want something. And they're willing to threaten anyone to get it.

"I... I don't..."

The fake smile on Rokudo-san's face was overbearing. The pressure it exerted was nauseating and I didn't know what to do.

I could tell him. I mean, they are family after all. Besides, it's not in my place to interfere with their family matters-...

NO, I berated myself, resolve strengthened. My friendship with Hibari-san is personal. And this guy is just too creepy for his own good. As for the rest, I don't even know.

Looking up, I stared Mukuro-san straight in the eye.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have anything to say."

For a second, nothing was said. Until Mukuro-san broke it with a shrug.

"Oh well, I sorta expected that anyways."

Sighing in relief, I let myself relax.

"What will it take for you to spill?"

Surprised, I jolted, once again staring Mukuro-san in the eye. The creepy smile was still there.

"You see, I'm in a situation where I need to know things. Things that are important to me in the future. And I'm willing to get that information, not matter what. So here's my first question. How much do you want?"

Shocked, it took my a while to process the words.

"Excuse me? How much what?"

"How much cash do you want?"

The though was revolting. This guy thought I was willing to talk about Hibari-san for money?

"Look, I don't know what you're expecting, but I'm not going to accept."

"Fine then, what else do you want?"


This guy was starting to get on my nerves. Did he seriously think I was low enough to fall for something like that?



Suddenly, the empty smile on Mukuro-san's face turned cold and sneer-like. His eyes were also cruel and now that I was looking clearly, I saw that one eye was a dark blue while the other was a deep red. And they were laughing. If I thought he was creepy before, I take it back. He's just plain freaky.

"... You actually don't know, do you?"

That hit a bulls-eye.


The tall man stood up, towering over me.

"You have nothing to say because you don't know anything about my cousin. And here I thought you two were friends. Guess I was wrong."

He's right.

The thought echoed inside me and I couldn't help but freeze.

"But it's such a pity. I finally thought he had a friend, but I must've jumped to conclusions too quickly. I mean, Hibari Kyouya? Making friends? What a laugh."

The pineapple headed man started pacing, all the while observing me with icy eyes. My hands started to shake.

"And now that I think about it, why would he befriend you of all people? If I remember correctly, he detests weaklings with a passion. So there is no possibility of him even considering you as a worthy companion. What was I thinking? Expecting you to know anything about him, I must've been so foolish."


"I'm surprised you were able to survive an encounter with Kyoya though. He's always been bad with people. Or rather, I believe he's socially retarded. Never been good with words. It would be impossible for anyone to like him as he is. Terrible company."

What the...? Why is he ridiculing Hibari-san? He doesn't deserve it.

"I find it hard to believe that people still consider him to be a worthy heir. He can't do anything right. Everything he does ends up as a mess. Always has been Always will be. He's such an idiot."

The jeering laughter that put an edge in the man's voice was grating my nerves. Who was he to say that Hibari-san was like that? It's not even true!

"Another thing about that loser of a cousin, he's too thick headed that he always resorts to violence. Why do I have a cousin like him? You'd expect him to at least have manners of an average human but no. He just has to be so childish too-"

"...-ut up..."

The man stopped mid-rant. "Excuse me? Did you say something?"

"I said... -ut up."

"Speak louder, I can't hear you."

Taking a deep breath, I mustered up my courage. My thoughts were unleashed.

"I said, shut up!"

"I may not know who you exactly and I may not be in any place to say this but you're the worst! Hibari-san is such a nice person and he's always so considerate! He's a much better person than you, that's for sure! I may not know him very well, but I do know him enough to say that he's kind and caring! He might be a bit anti-social and mean, but that's just because he's clumsy with things like that! Inside, he's a great person that I respect!

"And who are you to say that he's a loser and stuff! From what I can tell, you're the jerk here! You're only slandering Hibari-san and I don't see anything in you that says you're a good person if you're belittling others so much!

"So put me down all you want, I don't care! But don't you ever say anything like that about Hibari-san like that in front of me ever again! So Shut Up!"

Silence reigned as neither of us moved, evenly staring at the other. Both of us were surprised at my outburst and I was shellshocked. Only my anger towards the other man kept me from backing down from the staring contest between us.

Rokudo-san moved first. While shock still remained on his face, the cold sneer returned to his face.

"You like him."

If I weren't absolutely shocked before, this made me stop breathing.


"Wha-, what are you talking about?" Stumbling over my words, a heat flared into my cheeks. Oh god no.

A cold laugh racked through the man's body.

"I knew it! I thought it was weird that someone would defend Kyouya like that but it's because you like him! I can't believe this! Here I thought I'd only invited in a desperate patient. Guess it turned out that that patient was a pathetic fag!"

The cruel harsh laughs stabbed at me. I could only stare down in horror, the heat in my face not dying down.

"Admit it. You like him you pitiful fag!"

I like Hibari-san...?

No! I don't like him like that!


I'm not gay! It can't be true! It just cant!

You should be truthful to yourself...

The voice echoed in me. The turmoil in my mind slowed to a stop.

You should know by now how you feel...

... That's right. I know.

Gathering all the energy I had left, I stared into the mocking eyes of man.

"You're wrong."

A condescending look sneer stared down on me.

"In denial, I see? Poor Sawada Tsunayoshi. Too blind to see his faults. Too simple minded to-"

"You're wrong. Though it's true I don't like Hibari-san, I'm not blind."

Glaring at the man in front of me who had made my past hour miserable, I let loose my true, heartfelt feelings.

It's time to be truthful to myself.

"I don't like Hibari-san. I lo-"

The door to the office flew off it's hinges with a huge crack. Flying through the air, it hit the tall man in front of me square in the face, sending the pineapple-head spinning through the air as well. Hitting the far wall, both the door and the bast-... loser slumped to the floor.

All in a matter of seconds.

"Wait, what?"

Shocked at what had just happened, I directed my gaze to the door, only to find a very scary looking Hibari-san glaring daggers at the bleeding form. Behind him stood Chrome Dokuro, gazing indifferently over a shoulder.

"Hi-, Hibari-san? What are you-"

Not paying any attention to me, the prefect closed in on Rokudo-san and promptly started beating him up. That's gotta hurt...

"I'm sorry for any inconvenience my brother has caused..."


Jumping in surprise, I looked behind me to see one Chrome Dokuro staring at me with a large, violet eye. Now that I got a closer look at her, she didn't look like her brother at all. While her hair style seemed to copy Rokudo-san's (albeit a lot more feminine), her stature and her face was nothing like the tall, cruel man's. She was petite and apathetic. Over her left eye was an eyepatch. And while her right eye seemed impossibly wide, nothing shone through. It was impossible to tell what she was thinking.

Shying away from my abrupt scream, she gazed at me cautiously. Oops.

"Umm, hi. I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi. You're Chrome Dokuro-san, right?"

A simple nod was the answer I got.

"I'm apologize on behalf of my brother... I will set him straight on it later..."

"Oh, no it's fine. I don't want to have to trouble you. So umm, yeah. Nice to meet you."

Nervously raising a hand for her to shake, I gave a small smile. It didn't seem convincing though and the hand was ignored.

"... Nice to meet you, too, Sawada-san..."

Suddenly, the girl swerved her attention towards the other occupants of the room and called out.

"... Kyouya-niisama, I think that's enough..."

The tonfas in Hibari-san's hands paused. She'd caught his attention.

"I will handle it from here and make sure he gets what he deserves... And if you continue, I don't think Oji-sama will be happy to know you killed him..."

As if agreeing with her words, the prefect put away his weapons and turned to the door. On the way, a strong hand grasped my wrist and next thing I knew, I was being dragged out to the hallway. Nodding a farewell to the girl left behind, I allowed the delinquent to pull me as he pleased.

When we stopped, we were in front of Hibari-san's office, which was quite far away from where we just were. The setting sun poured in through the windows and bathed the hallway in a soft light. I glanced at the other presence, expecting something but nothing happened.


A flurry of black moved and next thing I knew, I was enveloped in two strong arms, my face pushed against a smooth, white uniform. It took a couple seconds to process what just happened, and then I got it.

My face flushed bright crimson.

"... Did he do anything to you?"

A soft whisper blew past my ear, causing me to shiver. I answered back.

"I-I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me."

The arms around me tightened, burrowing me further into the prefect's warm body. Thankfully, this way my face wasn't in view so no one would realize how deeply shaded it was.

Soft breaths continued to breeze past my ear but rather than tickling me, it made me feel safe and protected. It was a nice feeling.

"... Don't ever go near him, ever again."

My face made a small smile. For some reason, I was just so happy.

"... Okay..."

And there we stayed. No one came through that hallway so we weren't interrupted. Only time passed as the sun continued to set...

Snuggling into my covers, I recaptured the day. But as my thoughts slowly drifted towards a certain delinquent, I dove my head under the pillow in embarrassment.

"I don't like Hibari-san."

That's right... I don't just like him. I had to be truthful.

I was in love with Hibari Kyouya.


Does this satisfy you guys even a bit? I hope so.

Chrome? I love her so much. But the fact she's a bit of a pushover irks me a bit so I shaped her up a bit. Gave her he guts she needs. So while she is docile and quiet and oh-so kawaii, she will have her own mind and isn't afraid to go against Mukuro. She loves her dear brother, yes, but she's a tough chick. Mukuro's the one who has to make sure he doesn't anger her. lol ^^ I've also tweaked her physical appearance as well. She has medium length hair, but some of it is pinned up to be pine-appled.


And Thank you to all those who are still reading this even after I've been such a terrible author. I love you guys to bits!

Till next time!