a/n I have a vicious and mean muse that I love with all my heart.

She wouldn't let me sleep until I had this written down. More will come.

I am not Stephenie Meyer. I don't own anything...drat!


My family and I were standing in the airport waiting for their plane to land. Alice usually so happy and well, Alice. Was instead strained, and very worried. If her heart was still beating it would have stopped when Bella's future suddenly disappeared from her sight. I was concerned about that too. Alice couldn't see Bella and she couldn't see the baby.

Baby…Bella was pregnant. When I found out I very nearly pulled an Alice and started dancing all over the room. Nearly. Of course then they told me what Carlisle and Edward planed to do. They were going to kill it. There was a beautiful baby inside of Bella and they were going to kill it.

With that thought came feelings of disgust and disappointment and anger. How could they even think of hurting something so innocent! Jasper looked over at me then. Sending another wave of calm my way. He was getting suspicious. Because with all these other emotions there was another, as much as I tried to hide it from him I couldn't. He still sensed what I was trying to hid the most. My determination.

I would not let this happen. They were not going to heart that baby. No. They would have to get through me first. I knew that he would be livid. That Edward would probably try to rip my head off but I didn't care. That baby wasn't just his. It was ours, the entire family's, MINE! And I will protect it.