Slow Burnt

K a p p a F o r e s t


a/n Hello Dears! I absolutely love Grimmulqui to death so I am very glad to finally be upload this fic. A collection of short drabbles and prompts. They are a bit shakey now

but I promise they'll get better as I go along. Most of them are au just so you know. Different settings and different genres.

Warnings: mild-language, uoocness, and unintentional spelling/grammar errors


Disclaimer: " KappaForest does not own Bleach, and never will " .....I need a moment...


Prompt #1: Airplanes

Grimmjow decided he'd never travel on a plane again. It had great food, great service, but he did not recall saying-

" Yeah put me in coach! Right between the 400 lb bitch and the crying baby."

Prompt #2: Kitchenheimers

Deep inside Las Noches, Ulquiorra paced around in circles. His tailcoat fluttered windlessly, as he fidgeted with the frills on his black apron. Aizen had decided to put Ulquiorra in charge of the kitchens, a request made by Gin after claiming the Cuarta had 'a butler like air' to him. His new job was to cook up something nice during meetings, but Ulquiorra was having a rather hard time remembering what he was doing here. Well, other than the fact he was cooking, he could not seem to remember just what it was he was cooking. He continued to pace.

The Cuarta looked up upon hearing a light whistling noise

'odd, I do not remember brewing tea'

He turned around to see the oven was convulsing, the whistling steadily getting louder

' THAT'S what it was, how could I forget about the....uh-oh...'

3 seconds later, the oven combusted into little fragments. Ulquiorra had taken cover under the counter as the flaming debris showered overhead, brushing the ashes off his uniform. He looked back to see his tray of sugar cookies, still perfectly aligned amidst the flaming fragments.

Later at the Espada meeting, everyone gathered around the meeting table, attempting to blow out the flaming platter of cookies

Prompt #3: Lightining

An eight year old Grimmjow idly made his way up the staircase, two small candles lighting his way. The city along with the orphanage he stayed in was currently experiencing a severe power outtage, roads were closed and traffic was building fast. The atmosphere on the inside was almost as fierce and chaotic as the raging weather on the outside. The other children were running senselessly through the building, there panic fueling they're need to find someone, anyone in the pitch black that had a light source as the adults tried to stay in control.

Grimmjow already had three of the younger kids following him, probably four or five at the most. They were panicked, and trembled, shutting their eyes when streaks of white light lit up the pitch darkness. On the inside, Grimmjow was just as nervous as they were. The bluenette ran into one of the adults, upon closer inspection, he could see the man was only a teenager. Grimmjow always made sure to hide his fear around the other kids-

He handed one of his candles to the grateful teen.

"Your a good boy" he ruffled the blue lockes

-because somebody had to be brave the one. He turned a corner to see a short black haired boy, sitting with his knees to his chest. In front him was an even shorter freckled faced blonde, his face buried in his knees. He knew them, Ulquiorra, and Wonderweiss, he knew them very well. They all ended up in the orphanage for tragic reasons. Apparently Wonderweiss's parents could not handle the sad fact that their one and only child was autistic, and decided to straight up dump him on the street. Ulquiorra's parents were taken into custody for child abuse, all evidence needed was right there on his face. The scars running down his once flawless face, were sadly his trademark.

As Ulquiorra covered the blond's ears once again from the noise, Grimmjow came up and hugged him from behind, content to stay in that position.

Prompt #4: Tooth

" On the count of 3, I'm going to shut the door, alright" Ulquiorra stood next to the door, a piece of string tied to the silver doorknob.

On the other end of string was a tooth, Grimmjow's tooth to be exact. It was as, he claimed It, 'hurting like a bitch', and had been pokin' at it ever since.

" sure this is gonna work?"

" Of course I am, now are you ready"

He nodded

"now on the count of 3"

He took a deep breath

"....3!" Ulquiorra quickly slammed the door, catching the other by surprise. Not really achieving the desired effect, the string tugged the blue haired male with it.

"WHAT THE-" Said blue haired male fell face first against the door.

he sunk to the ground

" Did it work?"




" Does it really matter?"

Grimmjow lolled his tongue around his mouth to find a previously occupied indent.


"...Goddammit that was my favorite canine."

Prompt #5: Cuddle Calls

Ulquiorra looked up from his book to see his phone vibrating lightly on the table. He flipped open the green, glossy interior to check the ID.

" Hello?"

" Hey babe, your not doin' anythin' important right now are you?"

"......cuddle call?"

"yes. Now"


Cuddle Calls: a phone call or text message to arrange an immediate cuddle session.

#6: Birthday


Grimmjow sprawled across the large couch of he and Ulquiorra's apartment space. Today had been shitty and absolute hell for him and he just wanted to pretend today never even existed. This morning, his day started out all right, but only went down hill from there, way down. By the way, did he mention today was his birthday? His 200th to be exact, practically 20 in human time.

Earlier, he had gone out for a short walk, enjoying his new found freedom, until that is, he coincidentally passed through the Orihime woman's apartment complex. Grimmjow could of sworn she was waiting for him to pass by as he watched her wave to him, tripping over her own feet as she nearly dropped the small package. She surprisingly retained her balance.

After her quick recovery, she placed the box down to run over and give the blue haired arrancar, a tight hug. 'jeez', it was only a couple months ago that the red head wouldn't even consider attempting such a feat.

"Happy Birthday Grimmjow!" she squeezed tighter

Oh great, she remembered.


" I made a special cake just for you! Here ya' go"

He stared at the box the girl had handed him. He picked at the blue polka dotted ribbon, tossing it aside as he opened the lid. Low and behold, inside was indeed a cake, a cake he would of fallen for it,

if not for the greasy fish tail hanging out it's frosting covered middle, accompanied by an equally greasy pair of fishlips poking out the other end. He looked up at the smiling fairy wielder, just to make sure she knew there was a dead fish ('ew it reeks!')in the cake.

'hoh boy'

" I couldn't decide last night whether or not I should make you cake or fish, cause' I assumed since your a cat and all that you'd like fish better, but cake is the traditional thing to make on I made both!" the poor girl was downright ecstatic.

After receiving various other gifts (catnip, razorblades , condomsxxxsmall 'very funny!' , porn etc.) he could only briefly wonder why people went outta' their to celebrate the day he came out of a vagina.

On second thought he didn't wanna know.

Grimmjow was now gratefully in the safety of his apartment, away from the stupids. He had both legs propped up on the mahogany coffee table.A door 'clicked' as Ulquiorra walked inside, a tiny package in hand. He briskly walked up to Grimmjow, a small, barely noticeable blush adorned his face as he grudgingly held out the package.

"I...I know how much you...despise birthdays.... I despise them too.....but be glad I bought you this, it will come in handy, and I would appreciate it if you didn't break this one."

Ulquiorra shoved the pack into Grimmjow's hands as he went off.


Since when did Ulquiorra ever get him anything.

He took the lid off the small parcel to see what he had gotten him. The blue haired man broke into a wide grin after opening his gift. Ulquiorra had bought him a gorgeous new cellphone, one to replace his old one after accidentally knocking it out the open window, unintentionally knocking out a random pedestrian.

It was sleek, it was sexy, it was so him! He could almost see his reflection in the matching blue color tones as the light glinted off it's glossy surface. He immediatly turned it on. Saving the numbers he could remember.

'heh, guess birthday's aren't so bad afterall '

Well...he still hated them mind you, but for Ulquiorra...

he'd make the exception.

Prompt #7: Slow Burn

Grimmjow slapped his forehead as Ulquiorra once again failed to realize the insult. Since last week, everyone on campus had been calling EMO and tellin' him to 'don't go screwin' razorblades now ya here".

It was gettin' real old,

the oblivious boy would just tilt his head, and go on with whatever it was he was doing. Failing to see that they were laught at him.

Noitra began to notice this too

" Aw, he couln't that stupid could he?"

" He must be if hasn't figured he's be'in insulted by now"

Szayel piped up

" Well I personally think it is rather cute trait of his."


" Forget it, you could yell all sorts of shit in his face and it will be a slow burn. You'd be lucky if he gets it after a few days."

Yep, this was definately something Grimmjow would have to look into.

Slow Burn: An insult that does not sink in for a long period of time.



a/n: That's it first the few, It came pretty bad cause' had to speed through these, normally I'd take my time because I'd do much better stuff. I still have plenty other ideas, but if you wanna' request feel free! These were originally mostly supposed to be really short like the very first one, but I just put the kinda' long ones together to make it easier. Review if you'd like, it'd make me very happy!

Chow~ K a p p a F o r e s t