Disclaimer: Although this is pretty obvious... Neither Smallville or it's characters belong to me.
Rating: T
Pairing: Clois, of course
Spoilers: Small ones for the first half of season eight maybe. Nothing mayor though.
Summary: Clark finally realizes his feelings for Lois. But is she too obsessed with getting an interview with the 'mysterious red blue blur' to notice?
Author's note: So this is my first attempt at a multi-chapter story. I'm kind of nervous...anyway I hope you like it :)


The beginning

It was official. Lois Lane had now succeeded in driving him crazy.

But it wasn't like all those other times over the years. No this time she wasn't doing it on purpose; she was probably completely unaware of it too. But whenever she was in the same room as him it was almost impossible to concentrate on anything else and even if she wasn't there, thoughts of her occupied his mind.

They had almost kissed at Chloe's and Jimmy's wedding. And now when things had gone back to normal with Chloe saved and Lana gone again, Lois was acting as if it had never happened. But it had…well almost at least.

He couldn't count the number of times he had wondered about what would have happened if they hadn't been interrupted. He had dreamt about it several times since that day. How it would have felt like to kiss her.

Not that they hadn't kissed before. There was that time in the alley when she had thought that he was Oliver and that Valentine's Day that she had no memories of but he remembered all too well. But those times were different; at the wedding it would have been real. The two of them, no misunderstanding and no red kryptonite involved.

How would things have been today, different? Well, now you'll never know. Somehow that thought made him sad, he wanted things to be different.

It had been after his third very vivid dream about how it would have been to really kiss her that he stopped with the denial and admitted it to himself. He had fallen in love with her.
And there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't tell her, because for the first, he probably wouldn't get the actual words out and for the second she probably didn't feel the same way. And then there was that problem about him being an intergalactic traveler with superhuman abilities.

Things were awkward enough between them and if he told her how he felt he would just make it worse.

But what if she does feel the same way about you? A little voice in the back of his brain argued.
She doesn't, the almost kiss meant nothing to her, she is pretending it never happened.
True, but why would she be trying to avoid you if it meant nothing?
Because she is Lois Lane, when it comes to her feelings she either tries to light up the situation, often by insulting me, or she avoids the problem and acts like it never happened.

Clark shook his head; there was no point in arguing with himself, he could never win and he really had to start working. Tess wanted his story by the end of the day and he had barely started. It was about an old theatre that the city had decided to demolish in order to make room for a parking garage. It was a really sad story actually and it hadn't been too hard to find a good angle on it, he just had to clear his head enough to be able to begin.
He shook his head one more time as if to make sure that all the thoughts about Lois was really gone and started to work.


Clark turned of his computer and prepared to leave. The story had turned out really good actually and Tess had seemed satisfied with it. He had barely seen Lois at all today; she was apparently working on something big and was running around trying to get information.

He grabbed his coat and headed for the elevators. To his surprise he found Lois already standing there.

"Are you heading home already? It's just after six not twelve, are you sure your clock works?"

She jumped slightly at the sudden sound of his voice but pulled herself together and glared at him.

"Cute Smallville, and not that it is any of your business but I have a date."She turned her eyes away from him and entered the elevator that just had arrived.

"You have a date?!" Clark felt a wave of jealousy at the thought of Lois with another guy.

"It may be hard for you to believe but there are guys that find me attractive." She sounded defensive and Clark saw something flicker in her eyes that could have been pain, but it was gone a moment later. She didn't think he found her attractive?

"Um…that's not what I meant Lois. I just…who is this guy?

"He moved into my apartment complex, not that it's any of your business."

"Wait, you just met him!? Lois, you don't know anything about this guy, what if he hurts you?"

He followed her out of the elevator and they walked towards the exit.

"I'm a big girl Clark; I can take care of myself." She sounded annoyed but Clark didn't seem to notice.

"I know you can Lois, but I also know that you have a tendency to get into trouble. I just don't think this date is such a good idea."

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous Smallville." And with that she left him standing outside the entrance to the Planet and walked towards her car.

"Maybe I am." He said to himself, grateful she didn't possess super hearing.

He watched her walk down the road and waited until she had rounded a corner before he started to walk towards his apartment.

Since he had saved Chloe he had decided to get himself someplace to live in Metropolis. Not that it took him any time at all to get from the farm to here but it was easier for his friends to get to him. Besides, living in the city made it possible for him to get to people that needed help faster. The farm was taken care of by their neighbor and sometimes he stayed there at weekends. The only thing he really missed was Shelby but he didn't think the dog would like the city so much.



Okay so that was the first chapter, not so much happening perhaps but I had to start somewhere. Next chapter should be uploaded pretty soon if I figure out how to do it. Not really that technical so we will have to see :)

Please review and let me know what you think. Should I continue?