So here it is; the ending of my first multi-chapter fic. I really can't believe how many reviews I've gotten. You guys are amazing, thanks for all the support!
So anyways this is just a fluffy little ending I thought this story needed :) Hope you like


"The end?" The eleven-year old girl looked at her mom.

"Well that depends." Her mother simply said. "It's definitely the end for you because now you have to sleep young lady. But in reality this was just the beginning."

The girl smiled brightly but then frowned. "Is daddy home yet? I want to say goodnight to him."

"Sorry sweetie, he's still gone. But if you want I can tell him you said goodnight." But her daughter didn't look too happy at that.

"Not the same thing. Can't I stay up and wait?"

"Definitely not! You have school tomorrow so go to sleep."

"Fine." She knew better than to fight against her mother on matters like these, she could never win.

"Goodnight Josie."

"Night mom. Thanks for the story."

Lois walked out of her daughter's room, shutting the door after herself. She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Even though she knew he wouldn't be home for a while she couldn't help but to glance at the door just waiting for it to open. She always worried when he was out; you never knew what could happen. When she had told him that he had laughed a little.

"Lois, I'm invulnerable, not much can happen to me."

"I know, but I still worry now don't I?"

He kissed the top of her head. "Just don't worry too much, okay?"

The door opened quietly and Lois turned her head.

"Hi, I'm home." He said smiling softly.

"Yeah I can see that"

He rolled his eyes to her reply and walked over to where she was standing. He put his arms around her from behind and pulled her closer so that her back was pressed up against his chest. She breathed in his scent and relaxed. She felt him sigh against her hair.

"Are you okay?" Lois asked knowing it was hard being a hero sometimes.

"I am now." She rolled her eyes at his reply, he always was the romantic. She turned in his arms so she could see his face.

"I'm serious Clark, you're not as happy as you should be. You just saved hundreds of people and yet you're not smiling."

"I didn't save everyone Lois. There was this family that got stuck in their house during the earthquake. I managed to get to them but it was too late..." He trailed off, pain reflecting in his eyes.

Lois sighed; she knew this was getting to him.

"If I just had been there a little earlier, maybe they all would have made it."

"You don't know that Clark." She reached up and kissed his cheek. "Even Superman can't save everyone, you know that."

"I know but…"

"No buts Smallville, you should know better than to argue with me." She looked at him and he returned her smile.

"What would I do without you?"

"Well that's what I'm here for, one save at a time."

"You're much more than that Lois, you know that." He leaned down to kiss her gently before asking. "How's Josie?"

"A bit disappointed that she couldn't say goodnight to her daddy. She also worried about you so I had to tell her a story."

"Really? What kind of story? I thought you didn't like her books."

"Well, I don't so I told her one of my own."

He raised his eyebrows at her.

"What was it about?"

"Well first it was about this intrepid reporter who would do anything to get an interview with a mysterious superhero of Metropolis. But it was also a love story about a boy and a girl who were just too afraid and stubborn to admit their feeling."

"Really?" He gave her a goofy smile. "And how did it end?"

"It hasn't ended yet." She said returning his grin.

"Interesting. So what do you say that we write another chapter right now?" He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her neck.

"You know that it's a kid's story right?" Lois said, laughing a little.

"Oh, well that's going to change." He responded before lifting her into his arms and walking towards their bedroom.

There might not be a happy ever after. But there definitely was a happy right now and for Lois and Clark that was all that mattered.

The end


So there it was. Wow I actually managed to finish this, never would have thought ;) I hope you've enjoyed reading the story and thanks again for all support, it's been wonderful reading all your reviews!