Hiya Folks!

This is the first chapter of my new story, I hope you enjoy it!!

Summary: Dark and Daisuke have been sperated for a whole year, and now realize how empty they are without each other, without their Other Self. The must find a way to get together. They must, or they may not be able to make it.

Ooohh...suspenseful :P

Disclaimer: I, Disco Infultraitor, own nothing in DN Angel, this storu was simply made for entertainment ^^


Dark sighed as he got up from his old, creaky bed. Looking about the plain room, he stretched and headed over to the far wall. Looking at the grey wall, he picked up his marker and drew a hasty line on it with the rest. He counted the marks that served as his calendar. "365 days." Dark said with a blank look on his face. "I can't believe it's been a whole year."

Shoving his hands deep inside his pockets, he walked out of the room and into the fresh morning air. All around him were people of all races and nationalities, each and every one of them walking around with smiles on their faces saying 'Hi' to everyone they passed. This was what happened everyday for a year, and Dark never noticed any of it. After a few moments, he turned around, as he always did, and walked slowly back into his house, shutting the door behind him with his foot. Sitting at the table, he released control of his neck, letting his head fall on to his arms on the table.

One year ago today was the day Dark and Daisuke were separated. After Dark and Krad were sealed back inside The Black Wings, Dark's soul, along with most living things, went to heaven, while Krad's went to hell. Everyone always said heaven to be a beautiful place, and it was. But Dark took no notice of it. In heaven, you can have anything you want. Most have huge houses and everyone is friends, except for Dark. When he arrived he wanted nothing. No big house, no friends. He didn't care what he got, so he settled for a small drab house with a crappy bed and depressing grey walls. Well, when he thought about it, he did want one thing, to be whole again. He wanted to be back on earth stealing things with his other half, Daisuke. The thought of their time together brought a small, sad smile to his face.

Dark blinked away the stinging sensation in his eyes, and reached into his coat picket pulling out a picture. This was no ordinary picture though, it was a drawing. A drawing made by Daisuke. Dark smiled another sad smile and remembered that night a year ago, on which he received the picture.


"Are you ready Daisuke?"

With a nervous laugh Dai replied "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Well then, here we go."

"Wait. Dark, there's something I want to give you."

"And what would that be?" questioned Dark.

"Look in your right pocket."

Dark obliged and took out a piece of paper. Landing so he could look at it better, he gently unfolded it. On it was a beautifully drawn picture. In the picture there was a smirking Dark, resting his elbow on the head of Daisuke, who was smiling as wide as possible. Dark, too, smiled at the drawing and looked at it for a moment. Then he folded it, and placed it securely in a pocket.

"Thank-you Daisuke. I will treasure it always."

Daisuke replied back, sounding slightly sad "And I will treasure this time I have spent with you always."

"Remember Daisuke, I exist inside of you. I won't forget you either."

End Flashback

Dark lifted his head from the table and looked again at the worn picture. It's funny, in all this time that he has had the picture, he has never once noticed himself in it aside from the first time he laid eyes on it. Not his long purple hair, nor the mischievous twinkle in his eyes. All Dark saw in the drawing was the uniquely spiked hair, the shining innocence of the red eyes, and the perfectly defined young body. Sighing once more, Dark folded the paper and placed it back into the pocket. How he missed his other self...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Back on Earth^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Life wasn't so grand for Daisuke either. Gone was the always happy and cheerful child. Here to stay was a sad 15 year old boy, who saw no good in his life anymore.

After Dark left, as we all know, Daisuke and his Sacred Maiden, Riku, finally got together. Riku was the only thing keeping joy in Daisuke's life. After Dark left, and Daisuke and Riku finally noticed their feelings for each other, Daisuke somehow still felt lonely. He soon realized that the one person who truly helped him live his life was gone. Dark was the only real adventure Dai had in his life. With out him around joking with Dai and making fun of him, he felt lonely, even with Riku.

After a few months though, things got better. Riku had helped him a lot through this tough time. They did their homework together, they walked to and from school with each other, they even drew picture's together. Eventually, Daisuke's pictures grew in variety. He stopped drawing pictures of him and Dark together and of sad and depressing pictures of him alone. He once again drew pictures of beautiful scenery, of Riku, and of the castle that had once stood on the outer edge of town.

Daisuke's marks in school also went up. Now that he didn't have to go out every night and steal items, he had more time to do his work and study. He moved to the top of the class on everything; except science which he was never very strong in. But all in all, it seemed as though his life could never get any better.

And, of course, as soon as his life got to its high point, things began to unravel. Riku started spending less time with him, saying "I think I need some time for myself once in a while." Even though it was hard for Dai, he gave Riku her space; unfortunately this gave Dai a lot more free time. In this free time he had absolutely nothing to do except think. Think about life before Dark, think about life with Dark, life without Dark, life with Riku, and life without Riku. Slowly, Dai started noticing that everyone he got really close to, left him. He decided he had to talk to Riku about this.


"Miss. Riku" Dai said in math class while the teacher was turned around writing on the board.

"Yes Newa?"

"Do you still like me as much as you did that night?"

She was silent for a moment and already Dai knew this wasn't going well. "Umm, I do like you and all, but suddenly, I feel as though we aren't right for one another."

"W-what do you mean, Miss. Riku?"

"I just don't think we should see each other anymore. Well, no. I think we should see each other, only, as just friends, nothing more."

"Oh…So you think we should see each other, huh?" Riku nodded. "I see. Well I don't think we should." Dai stood up in the middle of class and walked out, earning him a full weeks worth of detention. 'Great. More time to think about how no one likes me.'

End Flashback

That was after the two were going out for six months. Now, another six months after that, he is a completely different person then he used to be. His unique spikey red hair was gone, it was long and droopy. His shining, bright, playful eyes were replaced with ones of a harderened person, who had seen many dissappointments. He was skinny and pale, and he wore dark baggy clothes to cover his frail limbs.

Around his sad eyes, there were gray bags due to insomnia. Somehow, he managed to get out of bed every morning after a night of fitful tossing and turning, and he plastered a fake smile on his face to please his parents and his grandpa. As soon as he turned the corner and was out of veiw of his house though, he slowed down, and the slumped shoulders reemerged, and he trudged to school. How he missed his other self...

Well, there you have it. The first chapter. I hope you liked it!

Please review and I'll upload the next chapter soon ^^