A/N :Pinky Bulma, Gaara-frenzy, midnight blue08, BluEbErRy-ChAn, Heaven's Evil, BloodxKanji, diff-r-ent-1, DarkndAngel9, Mistress of DarkShadow. Thanks for your reviews (grinning like an idiot)

Thanks to all those who put this story on your favorite /story alert list. Thanks a bunch to those who had fun reading this story.

I know the epilogue is short but it is an epilogue just something I intended to do for closure and I am glad you guys agreed :)))

Disclaimer : I do not own Naruto


Beautiful it was the only way to describe the scene before him. He felt strange as worry washed over him it had been like this ever since he had gotten married .Now that he had someone he was terrifed of losing everything that made his life precious. He felt scared so scared that if he moved everything wonderful in his life would just disappear .Terrified that he would one day wake up and he would be once again alone.

He looked once again at his wife. He still couldn't believe it they had been married for five years and he was still in love with her as much as he was when he was courting her if not more. Dressed in a simple blue nightgown with the strap falling on one side hair slightly tousled , no makeup on she still looked beyond divine.

She was sitting on the bed completely unaware that he was leaning against the doorway laughing at the antics of their three year old. His eyes drifted away and he looked on with pride at his first born, his son.

He took in the dark ebony hair that was in complete disarray so like his. He may have inherited Hinata's hair color but in every other sense Rei was his son. He looked like a chibi version of Gaara. He smiled as he saw his old tattered teddy bear in Rei's hand that Hinata had fixed it up for him .Apparently his son had inherited his unnatural attachment for "Bobo chan"

Twinkling pale lavender eyes suddenly looked at him and he was at the receiving end of a dazzling smile even after so long one smile from her and he was practically melting. He shrugged his worry away and made his way towards her.

"Tou chan!!!!!!" He bent forward to catch his son and lift him high in the air relishing in the shriek of laughter that followed. He pulled his son close to his chest and settled himself on the bed .Rei shifted so he was facing Hinata and continued the discussion he was having with his mother before he greeted him.

Gaara tried to pay attention as his son chattered away to his mother about his day but quickly tuned it out when he began explaining how exactly his brother had used him to get a girl followed by how Temari had throttled Kankuro for it. He rolled his eyes and wondered how exactly to kill his brother for using his son to pick up girls.

He looked at Hinata who was smiling away .His gaze drifted lower to the sleeping bundle in her arms. Rei suddenly shot up and went to his mother to whisper a secret and he rushed forward to pick up his sleeping daughter from her arms.

If Rei was an exact replica of him save the hair then Sachi was Hinata's. She had red hair although darker than his but the eyes and the face were all Hinata. She let out a tiny yawn and settled back in his arms.

Her tiny hands were grasping his finger. She was so tiny barely six months old. She was his little girl his princess. She was going to grow up to be a beautiful woman. His hold tightened a little as he thought of the all hormonal boys who would dare take her away from him. He had a full proof plan he would train Rei to fight and then set him loose on any boy that tried to touch his Sachi.

Hinata and Rei were staring at Gaara who kept grinning maniacally. He was pulled away from his thoughts when two tiny hands cupped his face. He looked to see his son standing before him.

"Tou chan stop being silly"

He looked at his son and nodded gravely not wanting to upset his son. Rei nodded back and jumped out of bed ignoring Hinata's 'be careful' and ran down the stairs.

"What has he gone down for?"

"To get some chocolate from the fridge he was begging for almost two hours"



"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For this, for everything I always think about how lucky I am you know for having you for this life but I never say it so now I am saying it. I want you to know I am happy and grateful because I have you and the kids"

Hinata smiled and kissed him. "Gaara don't say thank you because I need you too more than life" She sighed and picked up Sachi from his arms and snuggled up to him.

After everyone was full with chocolates, they had waged war against a three your old to get him to take bath which was followed by a second war to get him out. Finally Sachi was tucked in and they put their son in bed tucking him for the night.

He pulled Hinata towards him and kissed her. They hadn't kissed with so much passion since Sachi was born. Hinata relaxed in the crook of his neck her breathing rapidly increasing. He pushed her into bed and proceeded to claim her after so long .... so very long

It was close to two in the morning and Gaara lay awake. He smiled as he felt Hinata's nude body shift next to him. For a man who had always believed that he would never find love for himself who always thought that money and power would bring him happiness that he needed, he was happy that he was proven wrong. He smiled as his fingers traced the kanji on his forehead no longer did it represent the hollowness of existence. Now….. now it reflected the joy of living it truly meant …..love

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."


Rei :law or strive

Sachi: blessed or lucky

To all those who asked for a sequel well I am not sure . I will give it a shot if it comes out good then I will post it up .I might dabble in one shots. Feel free to leave a review or a pm.I may make one shots about the family maybe include what happened to the other characters. You guys can always give your ideas :)

Thanks a million to all those who supported this story I am glad that you enjoyed my first story so much .I love you guys I really do.

I want to give a special thanks to

diff-r-ent-1: for being my first ever reviewer and supporting this story the entire time

Sarah/DarkndAngel9:For making me smile with some of my longest reviews I truly enjoyed them

Mistress of DarkShadow,BluEbErRy-ChAn, BloodxKanji :For you extremely sweet reviews and in general your the hyper reviews ;)

Heaven's Evil/Alyss Hyuga,-L-Lawliet'sGirl-BabyBluewinx-,mistress akasha, midnight blue08, SHeWithNoName, xXxSilverMoonxXx: For supporting me through out this story love you guys

Thanks to all those who reviewed I am extremely grateful:

Rot Into Death , Nightfall2525 ,xXLaurenisthePrincessofRockXx, millenniumsnow, Basium1, ej, hina sama, HANA CHAN, LaClem0516, egyptianblue, Beth, winterkaguya, Suzume-Kage, xXShukakuzGuurlXx, DeviousxXxSmile, , , Sincerly- MiSS J, adiksamanga, phthalo8, AnimeRose93, fandidot, champylin, Pinky Bulma, Gaara-frenzy