
I am going to re-upload each chapter one by one, each completely re-formatted and with a FEW changes. I'm not completely changing this fic, though. I'm just changing a few things I don't like.

This fic was began before book five came out, and I am not changing it to include any new information. I may start an Alternate series, though, which would parallel this one, only Post-OotP. I might. *shrugs*

Chapter One:

Blue eyes tinged with silver stared softly into their pale counterparts. The girl to whom the eyes belonged was smiling softly as she sat across a table and watched her boyfriend watch her. She giggled softly and he made a face at the sound.

"What's so funny?" He asked. When she didn't answer him, he said, softly, "Usa… what's so amusing?"

Usagi giggled again. "Nothing important… at least, not right now." She answered. "You'll see later."

Her boyfriend smiled knowingly. "You're planning something. I can see it in your eyes."

Usagi shrugged. "You'll just have to wait to find out, won't you?" She said teasingly.

A waiter came and placed their food in front of them, then quickly left them alone again. Her boyfriend picked up his chopsticks and poked at the bowl of noodles in front of him. "I'll never get used to Japanese food." He mumbled.

"Draco-kun." Usagi said, poking at him with her own chopsticks. "I offered to go to a restaurant that serves Western food. But you said this was fine."

The English boy shook his head. "I know, I know." He shoved a bit of food into his mouth and chewed, holding the chopsticks easily in one hand.

"What time do you have to be home?" Usagi asked after a minute of eating. She noticed Draco looking a little guilty. "Don't tell me you snuck out again! If your father finds out you Apparated all the way to Japan in the middle of the night, he'll be ticked."

"I'll be home before he knows." Draco said confidently. He glanced at his watch. "I still have an hour."

Usagi finished her rice and stood. Draco joined her, having finished his own dinner. He watched as she pulled out a few bills with Japanese characters on them and tossed the papers on the table.

"I hope that's right." She mumbled. "I hate having to deal with Muggle money. All these coins and paper bills."

Draco wrapped an arm around her shoulder and led her from the restaurant. "C'mon." He said. "I'll walk you home before I leave."

"School starts in two days." Usagi pointed out as they walked down the deserted streets. They were heading to a remote part of town where Usagi lived.

"I'm counting down the days until the Holiday vacation to see you again." Draco said.

Usagi almost laughed aloud, but quickly bit her bottom lip in order to keep any emotion from showing on her face. 'I'll be seeing you sooner than you think.' She thought. She barely noticed as they stopped in front of the two-story house that Usagi and her family lived in.

"I'll see you soon." She said, looking up at her boyfriend.

He bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. "Not soon enough." He said softly. He waited while she entered the house. Then, without a sound, he vanished.

September 1st, King's Cross Station, Platform 9 ¾

Harry and Ron gave the trunk one final shove, succeeding in pushing it onto the car. Just as the two boys had turned to get on the train, a female voice caught their attention.

"Excuse me," A girl called out. "Could one of you please help me get my trunk up on the baggage car?"

Both boys turned at the voice and froze, staring. Before them was the most gorgeous girl either of them had ever seen. She had long blond hair in a braid down her back and had already changed into her school robes. She smiled at them, either not noticing their reactions or not caring.

Harry snapped out of it when she gestured to the cart beside her. He elbowed Ron in the side and together the two helped the new girl get her trunk and owl cage into the car. She turned to them when they had finished. "Thank you very much for your help." She said. "I'm Usagi. And thank you, again. I never would have managed that trunk by myself." She held out a hand.

Ron took it and replied, smiling, "I'm Ron." He said, proud of himself for not stuttering. Elaborating, he continued, "Ron Weasley."

The girl turned to look at Harry and frowned slightly. "You look familiar." She said. "Do I know you?"

"I don't think so." Harry replied. "I would have remembered you, I think." He introduced himself, shaking her hand as well.

The girl's eyes lit up. "Oh, I've heard all about you." She said. She giggled softly. "Do you mind if I sit with you two? I'm afraid I don't know anyone else here yet."

Harry nodded and they led her onto the train and to the compartment where Hermione was already waiting. "So you're a first year?" he asked as they sat down.

Usagi shook her head. "No, no. I'm a transfer student." She said. "This is my fifth year in school. My parents decided to send me here because of the danger now that Voldemort had risen." She said the name without fear, and Ron and Hermione flinched. "Everyone knows that Hogwarts is one of the safest places to be."

Hermione quickly regained her composure and began to question the new student. "So, where are you from?" She asked.

"Japan." Came the answer. "I attended Tejina Gakko [1].

Hermione nodded, recognizing the school, and introduced herself. After talking for a few minutes, the compartment grew quiet and the four people settled down for the rest of the ride.

Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry

Professor McGonagall waited until the last of the first years sat down at a table before she cleared her throat and waited for the partially empty dining hall to fall silent. Many people hadn't shown up this year, but there still had been quite a few. The students turned their eyes up to the podium where the professor was waiting.

"This year we are fortunate to have a fifth year transfer to our school." She turned to where a young woman had been waiting unnoticed by the rest of the hall. With a wave of her hand, she signaled the girl up to join her. "This is Usagi Tsukino, from Tejina Gakko in Tokyo, Japan."

Usagi sat down on the stool besides the teacher and waited as the battered old Sorting Hat was placed over her head. The last thing she saw before the hat covered her eyes was a familiar blond-haired boy staring at her in shock. Then her vision went dark.

She heard a small voice whispering in her ear. I see courage, and a loving heart. And bravery. Your heart is pure. An easy choice. The hat said. You should be in GRYFFINDOR!" The last word was shouted out to the rest of the hall.

The fifth year rose from the bench, disappointed that she wasn't in her boyfriend's house, but smiled as she sat down at the Gryffindor table next to the red haired boy from the train.

"Welcome to Gryffindor, Usagi." The girl- Hermione she'd said her name was- said as soon as the cheering died down.

The food magically appeared in front of them and Hermione mumbled something about house-elves before she helped herself to a steak. The entire hall was soon filled with the voices of students talking and the clanging of silverware on plates.

Harry, who was talking to Ron, glanced around the room and spotted a familiar face looking his way. With an angry mutter, he brought Ron's attention to the person.

"Malfoy." Ron spat out, disgusted. "What's he looking over here for?"

Usagi looked up from her conversation with Hermione and looked over at the angry boy. "What's wrong?" She asked.

Ron gestured across the hall with his fork. "You see that boy at the Slytherin table, the one with the really pale blond hair?" At Usagi's nod, he continued. "That's Draco Malfoy. He's a great big loser, and there's little doubt he's a supporter of You-Know-Who. His dad is, that's for sure."

Usagi scowled at this remark. Draco, a supporter of Voldemort? Please. Both he and his father could be… weird, at times, but dark wizards? She didn't think so. And she intended to let Ron know that. "Please. I highly doubt he's a supporter of Vold, sorry, You-Know-Who." She said. "And I doubt his father is, either. The Malfoy family is very well known, even in the Japanese magical community, and there has never been reason to believe they were remotely evil. Stuck up, perhaps, but not evil. Besides, what proof do you have?" She said.

Harry joined the conversation just then, anxious to know why this girl would think the Malfoy's weren't dark wizards, even if the papers said only the best. Surely she knew about the trials, over a decade ago? He briefly explained the incident that had happened during the final test of the Triwizard Tournament the previous year. "And while I was there, I heard You-Know-Who call someone 'Malfoy'. Explain that." He said.

Usagi rolled her eyes. "Idiot." She muttered. "You can't honestly think that Draco Malfoy's father is the only adult Malfoy there is. He does have other family, you know."

Harry was about to retort to that statement, but her words sunk in. Hermione spoke up. "She does have a point, Harry." She said.

Harry reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, you're right." He said. He looked slightly ashamed. "I guess my hatred of Malfoy just got me carried away."

The blond girl smiled and shrugged. "I'm sorry for snapping at you." She said. She looked across the room, where Draco was still glancing at their table. 'At me…' She mentally corrected herself.

Professor Dumbledore clinked a knife on his goblet and the hall fell silent once again. He rose and smiled out to the students.

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts." He said. "I'm glad those of you who are here did come back. Because of recent events that have taken place, there are some new rules. To all first years and new students. The magical forest is totally off limits. No student is permitted to leave the school after dark. Hogsmede trips will be postponed until further notice. Quidditch teams will only be allowed to practice with a Professor to supervise." He cleared his throat. "Now, students, if you will please follow your prefects to your dormitories, it's off to bed."

The students rose and Usagi followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione towards the exit. As she left the dining hall, she felt a hand encircle her arm and was dragged off to the side. The other students passed by, oblivious to her.

She looked up, already knowing who it was. Sure enough, Draco was staring at her, thoroughly surprised and confused. "Usa?" He asked.

She nodded and laughed at his expression. "Surprised to see me?" She asked. "Bet you never thought you'd see me here."

Draco wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "So this is what you were planning." He said. "I'm so glad to see you again." He glanced around, realizing that the last of the students were leaving the hall. "Meet me tomorrow."

Usagi nodded. "When and where?" She asked.

Her boyfriend thought for a moment. "Tomorrow morning at the Quidditch at sunrise. That should give us about half an hour before breakfast."

"I'll see you then." She said softly. She started to pull away, but Draco caught her and quickly kissed her gently on the lips before he turned and left for his own dormitory.

Usagi smiled at his retreating form before she too left to find her own dormitory.

Just inside the doors of the great hall, three fifth year students stood, mouths gaping as a result of the conversation they had just heard.

Hermione had spotted Malfoy pulling Usagi out of the crowd and had alerted Ron and Harry. The three had hidden to hear what he was going to say. But they had never imagined that they would already know each other. They had expected Malfoy to make some mean comment about their group, but they'd never in their wildest dreams thought that Malfoy would ever kiss someone. Especially this girl, who had just come from Japan.

Harry blinked once. Then again. "Was I the only one who thought that was odd?" He asked.

Ron shook his head. "No, that was definitely odd." He agreed.


[1] Tejina Gakko- directly translated, it means Magic School. I took it straight from a Japanese-English dictionary, so I don't know if it's exactly right.

Quick note: I will be getting these revised chapters out quicker and quicker, starting next week. It should only be a few weeks until the new stuff starts appearing. I just read over the old fic chapters and decided that I didn't really like some of the stuff in them… However, midterms are this week, so that will keep me occupied for a few days. :)

Thanks for reading, everyone. I'm glad that people still read this fic.
